The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2959 2215: So unintimidated

Chapter 2959 2215: So unintimidated
Therefore, this cry was accompanied by a little imperceptible fear, as well as unknowing tears from the corners of his eyes.

"You girl, you are so careless..."

Luo Lian was ready to fight to the death, but the frivolous voice in her ear suddenly changed, so that she was stunned immediately.

Then there was a hand on her cheek, and that hand was wiping the corners of her eyes.

Luo Lian couldn't believe her ears, she was stunned for a while, and then she called out tentatively, "Bai Ze?"

At this time, the other party had finished wiping the corners of her eyes, and began to treat the wound on her arm for her.

"Hmm." There was a soft reply from the opposite side.

Luo Lian still couldn't believe it, and then called out again, "Bai Ze?"

"It's me." It's enough to tease, Bai Ze didn't dare to play too much, so he directly agreed.

At this time, Bai Ze quickly tied Luo Lian's arm with the clothes he had just torn from her arm, helped her tie up the wound, and stretched out his hand to untie her acupuncture points.

This point immediately brought Luo Lian, who was a little stunned, to his senses, and then grabbed the lapel of his chest, without saying a word, directly dragged him to the window.

Bai Ze reluctantly cooperated, and under the moonlight of the window, Luo Lian violently and quickly tore off the black scarf on his face.

When that familiar face appeared in Luo Lian's eyes, tears burst out of Luo Lian's eyes instantly, like a broken pearl, one drop after another.

And this immediately frightened Bai Ze, and immediately began to wipe Luo Lian with his hand in a hurry, "Don't...don't cry... just now, I just teased you to liven up the atmosphere..."

Luo Lian didn't speak, just looked at Bai Ze with tears in his eyes, Bai Ze was flustered, and kept wiping the corners of Luo Lian's eyes with his hands.

"Don't cry, I'm fine, you're crying, don't you want to see me?"

This sentence probably hit Luo Lian's heart, so that Luo Lian immediately threw herself into Bai Ze's arms, and then burst into tears, "Wow..."

The cry sounded like a child's grievance, and Bai Ze's heart trembled when he heard it.

In the end, he cried so much that Bai Ze was helpless and could only hug him tightly.

After an unknown amount of time, Luo Lian finally stopped crying, which made Bai Ze heave a sigh of relief.

And before he had time to speak, his foot was stepped on, and there was a burst of cursing in his ear, "Bai Ze, you bastard, you bastard..."

He hadn't reacted after his foot was stepped on, and then he was punched twice in the chest.

This change came so suddenly that Bai Ze couldn't react immediately.

Seeing that he would continue to be tortured, Bai Ze quickly grabbed Luo Lian's hand, and said miserably: "Lian'er, the injury on my body is real..."

A pitiful cry from Lian'er made Luo Lian's hands tremble immediately, but the sudden smell of blood from her nostrils told her that he was not lying, and she knew the injuries on his body, she had seen them with her own eyes.

So, at this time, she should be glad that he is still alive. As for why he only showed up to find her now, she knows that it is enough for her to survive his serious injury.


"Just now you went too far, you actually teased me, just wait, when you recover from your injury, I will definitely take a layer of your skin..."

Just now when she suddenly found out that he was still alive, she was so overjoyed and sad that she didn't care about being teased for a while, but it didn't mean she would just expose it.

(End of this chapter)

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