The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2963 2219: Who poisoned

Chapter 2963 2219: Who poisoned

"It's best to put the blame on the Ye family or someone who is very close to the Ye family. My master wants to watch them bite dogs."

It just happened to avenge Concubine Ye Gui's provocation at the same time.


"Go." After ordering what should be ordered, Su Boxiong waved his hand directly to let Su Wei leave.

"Yes." Su Wei bowed and left immediately.


As soon as he returned to Yue Mansion from the Emperor's Mansion, Yue Shun immediately went to the Small Buddha Hall to ask Yue Kun to return to his life.

When Yue Shun found Yue Kun, Yue Kun was banging on the little wooden fish.

Because it is not a matter of human life, Yue Shun did not interrupt Yue Kun's chanting of Buddhist scriptures.

I don't know how long it took, the sound of the wooden fish finally stopped.

Seeing this, Yue Shun immediately stepped forward to report, "Father, Su Wenhan has been poisoned, and the poison we gave to the Su family was not the poison we gave to the Su family. The poison in Su Wenhan's poison is not a serious poison, it just looks scary. One point, in fact, the harm is not great, it just makes Su Wenhan weak for more than ten days."

Listening to Yue Shun's report, Yue Kun slowly stood up from the futon, then walked to a chair on the side and sat down.

"Can we find out who did it to Su Wenhan, and what is his purpose?"

"There is no evidence, but according to my son's conjecture from various sources, it should be Hibiscus."

Yue Kun frowned slightly at Yue Shun's answer.

After Yueshun finished answering, he began to explain in detail.

"According to my son's understanding, at Mo Ling's wedding banquet last night, Su Wenhan must have been poisoned by the poison my Yue family provided to the Su family. Otherwise, the Su family wouldn't be able to make such a fuss, but it ended like this later. In short, the point is that all the imperial physicians said that Su Wenhan was not poisoned. My son thinks that Mo Ling would not be able to bribe so many imperial physicians even if he wanted to, and the expressions of the first three imperial physicians were different when they felt the pulse twice. It was the last time, and there was obviously a shocked expression on his face, which shows that the pulse condition must be different from before. And the only difference is that Mu Jin touched Su Wenhan."

Yue Shun said this in one breath, and slightly slowed down, before continuing to narrate.

"The matter of Su Wenhan ruined Mujin's wedding banquet. Mujin was so angry that he was only going to teach Su Wenhan a lesson to warn the Emperor's Mansion. This is very likely. Of course, this is just speculation without evidence. In addition, if it is said that it is another imperial physician who is investigating the pulse It is not impossible to move your hands, but my son can be sure that the poison Su Wenhan was poisoned in advance should be cured by Mu Jin."

The difference in the expressions of the three imperial physicians before and after was the powerful performance of Mu Jin's detoxification of the poison on Su Wenhan's body. He didn't need anyone to tell him that, he could draw a conclusion.

And it wasn't a day or two before they knew that Mu Jin had medical skills, but it was a bit unexpected for them to be able to cure the poison they carefully prepared with bare hands.

"You mean, after Mu Jin touched Su Wenhan just like that, Su Wenhan's poison was cured?"

"Yes, Father." Yue Shun replied with certainty, "My son thinks that either Mu Jin knew in advance that Su Wenhan's poison had been dealt with, or that Mu Jin had the medicine to cure all poisons. After all, the poison we gave to the Su family was all It’s not fatal, and the last possibility is that Hibiscus’s medical skills are beyond our imagination.”

"..." Yue Kun's words caused Yue Kun to appear in a brief silence.

At this time, it is meaningless to find out which kind of poison Su Wenhan was poisoned last night, and no matter what kind of poison it is, it is so quick to be cured in front of everyone, what a wonderful rejuvenation.

(End of this chapter)

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