The soldier is a girl

Chapter 297 101: Eat gunpowder or eat bear bile

Chapter 297 101: Eat gunpowder or eat bear bile
Mo Yu couldn't refute Mo Ling's words, because Mo Ling didn't say that on purpose, and the situation in the army had always been like this, and it wasn't the first day he knew about it, but he was just a little confused by Su Yingying's tears.

And Su Yingying tightly clenched her hands curled up in her sleeves, and Brother Ling was protecting the little soldier again.She must kill that soldier.

"The road is almost dry, I will take care of the military affairs today, and send you to Luosha City tomorrow." This is the posture of directly driving people away.

Hearing this, Su Yingying didn't even cry for a moment, did she drive her away?If she leaves, how can she find a chance to deal with that little soldier and avenge those slaps? No one has dared to beat her like this since she was a child, and let her swallow the loss forcefully. And Bai Ze, the accomplice, She must take revenge.

Mo Yu's complexion also turned bad, and the warmth on his face was gone. Mo Yu's attitude gave Mo Yu a sense that he was driving him away because of a soldier, but when Mo Yu heard Mo Ling's next sentence, This kind of thought was immediately removed when I spoke.

"His Royal Highness has been in the army for more than half a month, it is not appropriate to stay longer, and there are many dangers in the army, not every time Ling can be controlled just right."

Mo Ling's words reminded Mo Yu that Mo Yu suddenly felt that he was narrow-minded. It is true that the army is not a place to stay for a long time, and this time Su Yingying was fine, but Mo Ling paid a heavy price. First of all, the injury on her body was not a joke. , besides, who did this incident has not been found out yet, and if we wait any longer, there may be a next time, just like what Mo Ling said, not every time is as lucky as this time.

He can't bet on such things.

"Ling is good to have a rest. I'll go back and get ready. I'll leave tomorrow." Thoughts turned in his mind, Mo Yu put aside his words and turned to walk outside. He didn't hear Su Yingying's footsteps, so he turned his head and called her , "Yingying, go and get ready too."

Su Yingying was very unwilling and unhappy, but she had to agree that she could stand in front of Mu Jin, but she was nothing in front of Mo Ling and Mo Yu, "Yes." Then she turned and left, of course it was not in vain before she left Instruct Mo Ling, "Brother Ling must drink soup, this soup is very nourishing."

Su Yingying didn't have Mo Yu's big-picture thinking, she only knew that because of the hibiscus she had to leave, and with the slap in the face, they had a big problem.This little soldier had better pray never to appear in Yanling, otherwise she will let her die without even knowing how.It is her gift to let her live longer now.

After a while, the figures of Mo Yu and Su Yingying disappeared in the camp, and even the sound of their footsteps gradually faded away.

After a while, Bai Ze looked as if he had just realized, and asked Mo Ling, "Little Hibiscus has eaten gunpowder or bear bile, so she hates Su Yingying? Didn't she know how to disguise herself before, but now she is so straightforward?"

Bai Ze has experienced Mu Jin's temper, and it's not that he didn't hate Su Yingying before, so let's talk about the fish. The fish that was originally cooked for him was because Su Yingying asked, and she turned it over in order not to eat it for Su Yingying. , Later, he was unwilling to do it and directly injured his hand. These are all protests in disguise, protests in disguise that cannot be wronged.As for the slap incident yesterday, he didn't know what she did. Anyway, what he saw was that Su Yingying wanted to hit her. Su Yingying said it was Hibiscus who hit her, but in the end she gave up and filed a complaint. It's also amazing.But today, the slander is too direct and powerful, so I don't have any scruples at all.

(End of this chapter)

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