The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3005 2261: Xuzhou is here again

Chapter 3005 2261: Xuzhou is back again (3)

But in a short while, whether it was the square veil in the water or the square veil in the fire, black seeped out of the pure white.

Yao Jiang's piece was released, and it can be seen that there are many words, but I don't know what it is written on. Xing Fei's piece of veil was not released, but sharp-eyed people think that it may be a topographic map.

It didn't take long for the two of them to operate, they took the handkerchief out of the water, removed it from the fire, and held it over their heads with both hands.

"I discovered an unrecorded iron mine in Xuzhou. Someone was digging and mining in the mountain. This is the topographical map I drew and the distribution of people there."

It was Xing Fei who spoke, and with this opening, the emperor and all the officials directly exploded in the minds of one of them.

Iron mines not on record?And personnel digging?

Xuzhou is an important place for iron mines, and the discoverers can be rewarded for reporting. If they do not report private miners, it is a crime against the entire family. Organized and disciplined mining, this, this, this...

"I have checked the reported quantity of weapons in Xuzhou every year, and investigated the local output of weapons in Xuzhou. I found that the actual production of weapons in the past ten years is nearly [-] different from the number of weapons handed over to the court. This is the relevant personnel I found. The data and the data before and after the difference in the amount of weapons."

Xing Fei's thunderstorm has not calmed down yet, and Yao Jiang's opening is another thunderclap, blowing up the emperor's brain blood. As for the courtiers, they wish they could all be turned into air, because they can already predict the emperor's anger up.

"On the count..."

The forbearance contained in the number indicates that the storm is on the verge of blowing.

Yu Shuna didn't dare to delay even one breath, and rushed down with the fastest speed in his life, then took the two objects from Xing Fei and Yao Jiang's hands with extreme care, and then walked up the steps with both hands. In front of the emperor.

The emperor took it with such force that he seemed to crush the two handkerchiefs into powder.

In the process of reading the two handkerchiefs, the emperor's hands were trembling all the time.

"Prince...haha...what a prince..."

The emperor suddenly laughed, with endless sarcasm and anger.

"Xuan...bring me the crown see how he wants to argue..."

With a slap, the emperor slapped the handle of the dragon chair forcefully. If it wasn't made of gold, the emperor might have smashed it to pieces at this moment.

"The servant complies with the order." Without daring to be negligent, Yu Shu went down the stairs from one side to explain to the little eunuch.


When the little eunuch arrived at the East Palace, the prince was studying in the study, looking very quiet.

The one who came was still the little eunuch who came to pass the decree when Mo Yu was imprisoned last time.

When Xiao Wanzi saw the little eunuch, he immediately had a bad feeling.

"What are you here for, little eunuch?" Xiao Wanzi's attitude is very gentle, you must know that Xiao Wanzi is the number one eunuch in front of the prince, and there are not many people fawning on him on weekdays.

But this is only in front of other people, not in front of the eunuch who passed on the emperor's will.

The little father-in-law glanced at Xiaowanzi, then narrowed his eyes and looked at his nose and heart, and said: "Your Majesty has delivered an order that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Xuan will go to the Golden Palace."

When Xiao Wanzi saw the appearance of this little father-in-law, his heart trembled again.

Immediately, he directed the person towards Mo Yu's study leader and said, "Why is Your Majesty looking for His Highness the Crown Prince? Did something happen in the court?"

(End of this chapter)

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