The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3009 2265: 3 days

Chapter 3009 2265: three days

"Qin Jiu..." As soon as Qin Jiu opened his mouth, Mo Yu roared angrily. He couldn't explain why, but subconsciously shouted. At this moment, Mo Yu looked like a wolf fighting alone.

After yelling at Qin Jiu, he looked at all the officials. Those officials who usually look up to him are avoiding his eyes at this time. Is he the end of the game?
"I implore Your Majesty to deal with it fairly."

"I implore Your Majesty to deal with it fairly."

"I implore Your Majesty to deal with it fairly."

How could the second prince's party let go of such a good opportunity to pull the prince down, and they all stood up to echo Qin Jiu's words.

One by one, hula la suddenly stood up half of the court officials.

Then the remaining ones also surrendered and began to second.

For a moment, the court was full of voices condemning Mo Yu.

The sound of being smashed from all directions made Mo Yu's head humming and hurting. At this moment, he only felt that he was abandoned by the whole world. In the end, he didn't know whether it was despair or anger, so he was full of crusades. He vomited blood and fainted.

At this time, the wave of condemnation had just ended, and with Mo Yu fainting, the entire court fell into silence, waiting for the emperor's final judgment.

I don't know how long the silence lasted, but the emperor opened his mouth, "The crown prince has been in poor health since he was born. He has been living in pain all these years. It is understandable that his temper has been raised to be extreme, but he must not be forgiven for committing such a major event. , otherwise everyone will follow suit, and I won’t have to rule the world.”

The emperor's words can be regarded as establishing the crime of punishing the prince.

"The death penalty is a kind of relief for the prince, which violates the original intention of my punishment. If you make a mistake, you should reflect on it. From today on, the title of the prince will be abolished, and he will lead a group of concubines in his backyard to guard the imperial mausoleum." Mausoleum, let me reflect on my ancestors until I die."

It is indeed more uncomfortable to live than to die if a pampered prince guards the imperial mausoleum. Therefore, no one is dissatisfied with the emperor's treatment.

"Your Majesty is holy, long live your majesty, long live, long live."

It was Qin Jiu who raised his head again.

Then there was the sound of kneeling and saluting below, "Your Majesty is holy, long live your majesty, long live, long live, long live."

"Shangshu of the Ministry of War." After the salute fell, the emperor spoke again.

"The minister is here." The Minister of the Ministry of War stood up.

"It's up to you to send troops to handle this matter. You must send the prince and his concubines to the imperial mausoleum intact, and inform the guarding army of the imperial mausoleum, so that the prince will go to the imperial mausoleum to report to the ancestors every day. Reflect. The prince must leave Yanling City within two hours."

"The minister obeys the order." The Minister of the Ministry of War took the order immediately.

"The prince is my son, and I cannot escape the blame for failing to teach the prince well. After three days, I need to reflect on my ancestors."

Leaving the last words behind, the emperor threw up his sleeves and left the Golden Luan Hall, full of sorrow.

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the hall.

The prince's whereabouts have been dealt with by the emperor, but this little guy brought back by Xing Fei...

Seeing the emperor leaving, Xing Fei quickly stopped Yu Shu.

At this moment Xing Fei is like a beggar, Manchu civil and military would like to avoid it a little bit.

But this one just made meritorious service. Although the emperor did not set an example, it was only because the emperor was in the sorrow of the prince's rebellion. When the emperor came out of this sorrow, the remaining individuals should be punished and rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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