The soldier is a girl

Chapter 301 105: What kind of wounded

Chapter 301 105: What kind of wounded

It's always been Bai Ze who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, but this time it was Mo Ling.Yes, that's right, it was Mo Ling.Mu Jin sneered at him and said that everything was done in a business-like manner, and although she didn't call Bai Ze a brother or brother, she showed her brother's kindness in every gesture.Since they are brothers, they should have the same blessings and share the same hardships. He was sneered at, so how could Bai Ze have the nerve to be favored by both brothers.

To put it bluntly, General Mo was jealous of the injustice, and then pulled the back of his back. Lieutenant Bai was definitely trapped.

Mo Ling's supplement made Mu Jin's eyes flash back to Bai Ze, "What's wrong with my temper, is it hindering Lieutenant General Bai?"

Mu Jin's imposing manner immediately scared Bai Ze, and he was about to say haha ​​to get away with it, when Mo Ling's internal force sound transmission came from his ear: Bai Ze, you are the lieutenant general, you are afraid of a small soldier, be afraid.

At this moment, Bai Ze hadn't realized the matter of Mo Ling's internal energy transmission, he only felt such a voice in his ear, and then he was agitated and stopped him without any cover, "It's not hindering the deputy general, it's just your temper. You have to change it. You can’t lose your temper just because you are in control. You won’t be held accountable for what happened at noon and you will be protected. Try another person, and you will definitely be punished. You are a soldier or a general, restrain your temper A little, otherwise..."

"Is it all right?" Mu Jin cut off Bai Ze's words in a cold voice.Also, why is Mo Ling pampering her, is she begging him or caring about him?
Bai Ze was taken aback by the question, and then said, "You got the point wrong, I mean your temper..."

"Is it all right?" Mu Jin was unexpectedly persistent, and even her voice became a little heavy.

"Will..." Bai Ze ran out of words for a while, and he just said it casually, but he dug a hole for himself. He would have more rights, but he couldn't say it so carelessly.

"Heh..." Mu Jin sneered, "I'll answer for Vice General Bai, general is fine, at least it's an official of the court, not an unknown person whose fate is like nothing, let alone any cat or dog who can treat General as a slave and scold and insult him Yes, I'm right, Lieutenant General Bai."

"..." Bai Ze was silent this time, he was not Mu Jin's opponent when it comes to his words, he looked to Mo Ling for help, but saw that Mo Ling was so relaxed with his eyes half downcast, he was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, he felt himself Was hacked by this black-bellied guy.

"Mujin didn't obey the order or something, and actually bothered Lieutenant Bai to give me a lecture. Oh, yes, maybe I forgot my identity, and I asked Lieutenant Bai to serve me food and medicine for a soldier. It's really embarrassing." Lieutenant general. Since Lieutenant Bai can't afford to lose, don't promise anything to Mu Jin next time. Mu Jin is too sincere and will take it seriously."

This is also called losing his temper, and he was properly pissed off again, and even ridiculed him, when will he not be able to afford to lose.

"I..." Bai Ze was about to refute, but Mu Jin didn't give him a chance.

"Mu Jin will go back and reflect on herself, and from now on, she will always remember her identity as a soldier, and will never overstep." After saying that, he gave a military salute sonorously, then turned and left.

The speed was so fast that Bai Ze had no time to react, and by the time he reacted, he was gone.

Bai Ze was aggrieved, he didn't mean it that way, he just wanted her to restrain her temper so that she wouldn't suffer in the future, how did she get misinterpreted like this, blame Ling for calling her here, by the way, Mo Ling.

Thinking about it, Bai Ze glared at Mo Ling, "You..."

"It's getting late, I'm going to rest, Lieutenant General Bai won't embarrass a wounded man."

wounded?Bai Ze was about to spurt out a mouthful of old blood. This man looked like some kind of wounded person. He wanted to refute, but this person was indeed a wounded person, but he just had good stamina.

(End of this chapter)

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