The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3015 2271: Caring about the queen

Chapter 3015 2271: Caring about the queen

This time the queen didn't ask the little eunuch to repeat, but stood up abruptly and reached out and grabbed the skirt of the little eunuch's chest, "Did you hear it wrong? Did you hear it wrong?"

The queen with this appearance can be said to have lost all manners.

The little eunuch didn't dare to move, nor did he open his mouth to respond. He had already guessed that the queen would not accept it, so he was ready to be attacked, especially at this time when the queen couldn't be stimulated at all, he wouldn't be so stupid Silence is the best way to speak out.

Sure enough, the queen shook the little eunuch for a long time, and seeing that the little eunuch was silent, she knew the news was true, so she immediately let go and threw the little eunuch out.

The little eunuch who was thrown out didn't utter a sound, but knelt down in that position, and it can be said that he was a little far away from the queen without a trace.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. Even if this matter is true, His Majesty only angered His Highness the Crown Prince, and never happened to Your Majesty. It means that there is still room for redemption."

The queen's personal nanny Yang Nanny supported the queen, pulled her to sit on the seat, and spoke to comfort her.

"Really? Nanny..." The Empress seemed to have found her backbone all of a sudden, and asked, holding Nanny Yang's hand, her words were full of expectation and caution.

"Really, ma'am." Yang Momo comforted the queen, then looked at the little eunuch kneeling on the ground and said, "How is your highness the crown prince now? Has your majesty ever had an attack on the emperor's mansion?"

"Going back to Mother, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is in a coma. He doesn't seem to know that he was sent to guard the imperial mausoleum after his title was revoked. No news has been heard from the Emperor's Mansion." The little eunuch reported truthfully.

"Your Majesty, did you hear? There is nothing wrong with the Emperor's Mansion, which means that there is more room for maneuver in this matter. What Your Majesty should do at this moment is to stabilize and not be implicated, so that you can take care of His Highness the Crown Prince. Your Majesty also has His Majesty the Emperor. My Majesty can ask someone to send a letter to the Emperor to see how to do it? It is impossible for the Emperor to just watch something happen to His Highness the Crown Prince. Now His Highness the Crown Prince will be assigned to guard the Emperor. The mausoleum can't be changed anymore, the empress should go to see His Highness the Crown Prince now, and she hasn't done anything about it. Although the Crown Prince has been abolished, you are still the Empress, the Empress, and you can protect His Highness from suffering."

After Yang Nanny's remarks, the empress who was a little flustered just now calmed down inexplicably.

That's right, the crown prince has been abolished, but she doesn't have a queen yet, and the Emperor's Mansion is still standing there, so what is she afraid of.

Thinking of this, the queen straightened her back all of a sudden.

"Okay, you go down, you must pay close attention to the relevant matters, and report to me immediately if there is any disturbance." The queen opened her mouth and told the little eunuch, her whole body was extremely calm, just like the person whose hands shook and dropped the cup just now Not her average.

"Yes, empress." The little eunuch took orders and retreated.

"Go, change your clothes and go to see the emperor." The queen said as she got up and walked towards the inner hall.

"Yes, ma'am." Nanny Yang immediately stepped forward to give the queen a hand, and then just supported the queen and walked towards the inner hall.

The empress has a special person to deliver the news of the previous court, and Concubine Ye Gui also has it.

But this turmoil could not reach Concubine Ye Gui, so Concubine Ye Gui calmly listened to all the reports from the little eunuch.

After listening to this, Concubine Ye Gui just smiled coldly, then immediately got up and said to Mother Qiao who was close to her, "Go, such a big event has happened, go with me to take good care of the empress."

(End of this chapter)

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