The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3017 Chapter 2273: Queen's Shot

Chapter 3017 Chapter 2273: Queen's Shot

And when the two women saw the queen, it was as if they saw a savior. Not only did they not stop crying, they even crawled over crying.

"Empress Empress...Empress me...I don't want to go to the imperial tomb...don't..."

"Don't go as a concubine...don't go...the empress help me..."

These two women are the two Liangdi Li Liangdi and Jiang Liangdi who have been with the crown prince for many years. They begged the crown princess for a long time, but there was no movement at all. Now when they saw the queen, they subconsciously begged like that...

"Servants (servants) kowtow to the empress, and greet the empress." The eunuchs and maids around knelt down to salute the empress while the two concubines were panting.

You must know that it is only the crown prince who was deposed, and this does not include the queen, who is still the queen.

"Baby maid, why can't I suffer with Yu'er if I can enjoy happiness with Yu'er..."

Pleading with the prince's mother not to suffer with the prince is completely a fool's thing, but it is too late to react at this time.

After the queen scolded angrily, she kicked each of the two men kneeling in front of her and tugging at her robe, and then said: "Drag out, twenty big boards per person, don't beat me to death, I'm still here!" We want to keep them to accompany the emperor's son to guard the imperial tomb."

"Yes." The little eunuch who executed it immediately responded, and then came up to drag people.

This battle frightened the two concubine Liang immediately cried loudly, "I was wrong, my lord, I was wrong, empress, please spare this concubine... please spare this concubine... let me go... go..."

But it was all too late.

The two wailing people were dragged out, and the hall became much quieter.

The hall was quiet, but there was a louder howl outside the hall than before, but that had nothing to do with the people in the hall.

As Liang Di, although Yue Ya was desperate, she also knew that there was no turning point in the matter, so she came here to see Mo Yu and ask the Crown Princess for help.

She also wanted to beg the princess, but she held back, she also wanted to beg the queen, but she held back, and now she is glad that she held back, because after begging, nothing will change except the injury.

"What about you, would you like to accompany my son to guard the imperial tomb?" Yue Ya just thought about it, the queen walked up to her and asked.

"I am willing." Yue Ya didn't say much, and everything she said seemed pale at this moment.

And the queen didn't care whether Yue Ya was sincere or not, after hearing her words, she snorted coldly, and then continued to walk towards the inner hall.

As soon as he entered the inner hall, he met Su Ruoruo who heard the voice from the inner hall.

"See the empress, the empress is well." Seeing the empress, Su Ruoruo immediately bowed her knees and saluted.

Seeing Su Ruoruo being so graceful and graceful, without the slightest panic, the queen immediately felt very relieved, as expected of a daughter of her Su family.

"How's Yu'er, are you awake?"

The queen raised her hand to support Su Ruoruo, and Su Ruoruo followed the trend to support the queen with her backhand and walked towards the inner hall.

"His Highness hasn't woken up yet, but the imperial physician has seen it and prescribed some medicine, saying that His Highness is out of breath, and when he wakes up depends on when His Highness wants to wake up."

Hearing Su Ruoruo's words, the queen felt distressed for a moment. How much stimulation did her son suffer? This is still a situation where she doesn't know that she has been abolished and dispatched. What if she knew?
"I'm afraid Yu'er won't be able to bear the blow when she wakes up, so you should take care of her more."

"The concubine saves it, and the queen mother can rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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