The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3022 2278: My husband is amazing

Chapter 3022 2278: My husband is amazing
This can be regarded as explaining all the news about Mo Yu so far.

"Xing Fei, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, also brought back the youngest son of the lord of Xuzhou City, and the other two Xu Lan girls who were imprisoned in Dali Temple were on the way to the palace, one ran away, and the other was slightly injured. At this moment, he has met Xu Zixuan, the youngest son of the city lord of Xuzhou City, and after the emperor asked the Dali Temple Qing to settle the two of them first, the Dali Temple Qing directly threw him to the Dali Temple who brought Xu Zixuan back. Shaoqing Xing Fei."

This paragraph explains Xu Lan's situation.

"In addition, the emperor will stop the court for three days after self-examination."

After a series of words, it can be regarded as a clear report of what happened in the morning court today and some related things.

Shock does not exist for Mo Ling and Mu Jin, what exists is just a slight surprise, and that is only for Mu Jin who doesn't know much about it, and Mo Ling didn't even frown, let alone surprise Different.

"Is there any movement at the Emperor's Mansion?"

"Not yet."

"Pay attention, and let me know immediately if there is any news."


"Send a message to Su Ruoruo, tell her that since I promised to save her life, I will definitely do it, so that she can feel at ease."



"Yes, this subordinate will leave." Said Nan Xing bowed and retreated.

When Nan Xing's figure disappeared, Mu Jin had already finished eating one date, so she picked up another one and looked at Mo Ling while eating.

"Explain explain..."

"You know that I know." Mo Ling was a little dumbfounded.

"Of course, my husband is very good."

This made Mo Ling smile immediately, raised his hand and rubbed the top of Mu Jin's hair, and then said: "The person is not mine, I just provided some clues, and it is not my arrangement to make trouble at this time, I can only say it is As expected and driven by me."

"Mo Cangming." Mu Jin spit out these three words directly.

"En." Mo Ling responded lightly to express his affirmation, "After all, he is a prince, and he is still a very competitive prince. It is normal to cultivate a few people of his own."

"Those two people are from poor families." It's not a doubt but it's affirmation. Since Mu Jin has entered the circle of powerful and powerful people, she has been familiar with all the officials' information from the very beginning, but she can't know ten points, at least eight points.

"En." Mo Ling responded affirmatively, "This is Mo Cangming's way of doing the opposite. It is a different method from Mo Yu. Mo Yu wins over all powerful officials with family backgrounds, and Mo Cangming also wins, but more The most important thing is to cultivate talents by yourself, start from the poor, and build your own indestructible backing."

"Mo Cangming's move is considered a dangerous move, but it is very effective. After all, these dignitaries in Yanling City have already been twisted into a ball, and it is not so easy to win over. Besides, there is an emperor sitting there. It may not be so sincere to win them over, it is better to cultivate a few by yourself, so that you can have a serious blow at a critical moment."

"Mo Cangming relied on himself all the way, while Mo Yu habitually relied on others, so that when things came to an end, there were not many people left to help him."

"When Mo Yu was impeached by the entire court, he must have been very desperate. Otherwise, he would not have vomited blood and fell into a coma. Of course, it is not ruled out that he deliberately escaped his duties like this, but obviously it has no effect. You say wait for him to wake up. What would happen if he knew he was deposed? He probably thought that he would just be imprisoned like last time, and that he could take it easy, but the reality gave him a heavy blow and cut off all his paths."

(End of this chapter)

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