The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3029 2285: Go to the south of the city to watch a play

Chapter 3029 2285: Go to the south of the city to watch a play
Only this sentence, Su Ruoruo has nothing else to say.

And Mo Yu didn't speak again, just sat in silence.


The south of the city is very lively today, especially near the city gate in the south of the city.

Both restaurants and teahouses are full of seats, not only that, even some small stalls on both sides of the road are full of people.

When Mu Jin was brought here by Mo Ling, he was completely surprised.

"There are quite a lot of people. Is the business so good today?"

"To get to the imperial mausoleum, you have to pass through the south city gate." Mo Ling explained everything with just one sentence.

Mu Jin understood immediately, it turned out that they were all here to watch the play.

"Then do we have a place to sit?" They came here on a whim, never thought that there would be so many people who moved faster than them, and sure enough there were quite a few people in Yanling City who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Ah Jin..." Unexpectedly, as soon as Mu Jin finished speaking, there was a voice shouting to her from the upper left.

"Sister Jin..." After that, there was another cry, full of excitement.

"Sister..." The sound was so loud that the whole street could be heard.

When Mu Jin heard the first sound, she followed the sound and looked upwards, and saw the goose-yellow figure sitting by the window at first glance, full of softness.

Then there are two heads protruding from the window next to it, full of youthful vigor.

"There is a place here." After the three voices, Mo Ling said this in Mu Jin's ear, and then took Mu Jin's hand and walked towards the restaurant in front of him.

Regarding this, Mu Jin slightly raised her eyebrows, and obediently followed Mo Ling into the restaurant.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, he attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant, and the shopkeeper even greeted him personally.

"General Ling, General Mu, do you want the private room or the lobby? There is one table left in the lobby, but the private room is gone."

After listening to the shopkeeper's words, Mu Jin said that the house was indeed full of guests.

"No, send some signature dishes over there." Mo Ling raised his hand and pointed to the upper left position as he spoke, and then led Mu Jin towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

The shopkeeper looked in the direction of Mo Ling's finger just now, and immediately understood, and immediately responded, "Okay." Then he turned and went to tell the waiter.

In a short while, Mo Ling led Mu Jin up to the second floor towards the room where Mu Liunian was.

At this moment, Mu Liunian and Su Qibai were already standing at the door, and they warmly waved their hands.

When Mu Jin and Mo Ling approached, Su Qibai called out happily, "Sister Jin, big brother."

Mu Liunian did the same, "Sister, Uncle Ling..." He was about to call Uncle Ling, but halfway through calling, he felt that something was wrong, so he immediately changed his words and shouted boldly, "Brother-in-law."

I thought that I would be stared at if I suddenly shrunk my seniority, but I didn't want to receive Mo Ling's soft hum, "Yeah."

Then I saw Mo Ling walking past her with Mu Jin, and now his son Mu Liu realized that her seniority had risen all of a sudden, and he was very excited.

Seeing Mu Liunian's excited look, Mu Jin smiled speechlessly. The child was squeezed so badly, and a change of title was just like the excitement.

In addition to the three beauties who were standing by the window calling for Mu Jin, there was also a sick young man in the room.

This person is none other than Qin Jiu.

"With such a pale face, did you become a thief at night?" Mo Ling said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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