The soldier is a girl

Chapter 303 107: Who is more angry

Chapter 303 107: Who is more angry

"Brother Yu..." Su Yingying didn't bother, but asked Mo Yu for help.

"Ling, you..." Mo Yu really wanted to persuade him, but Mo Ling didn't give him a chance.

"Small injury, nothing to worry about." The refusal meant a lot.

Mo Yu paused for a moment, and didn't force it, because he knew that Mo Ling was the leader of a general, and he fought with swords and swords all day long, unlike him who lived in temples all day long. Apart from his weak body, he was still very weak in some places. Those who envy Mo Ling, at least the frontier battlefield does not have so many intrigues, and some are just straight-forward truths on the sword.

Seeing that Mo Yu had compromised, Su Yingying knew that this matter was hopeless, so she retreated and said, "Brother Ling, the journey is long and boring, can you chat with Yingying?"

As she said that, Su Yingying looked at Mo Ling eagerly with her big eyes, without any flair, as if she was really a child who was so bored that she wanted someone to chat with.

It looked like it was just such a casual remark, but the expectation in Su Yingying's eyes could not be concealed no matter what, it was just that the strange color of the expectation was covered up.

"For your safety, I must always be vigilant."

These words directly blocked all the retreats for rebuttals, and it was obviously a refusal, but it made it impossible for you to treat it as a refusal.

"Hehe..." Su Yingying laughed twice, she seemed to be indifferent but she was covering up her resignation, "Yingying is messing around." After saying that, she let go of the curtains, but at the moment when the curtains fell, Su Yingying was extremely angry. He cast a gloomy glance at Mu Jin, who was riding behind Mo Ling on horseback. She was the one who made brother Ling get close to her, and whoever was wrong with her had to bring this eye-catching thing, but it just so happened that she was worried that she would not have the chance to deal with her. , Now that I follow, it also gives her a chance.

As for Su Yingying's gloomy look, didn't Mu Jin feel it?She felt it, but she ignored it from the beginning to the end. Mu Jin said that even looking at this kind of poisonous lotus flower would dirty her eyes.

But Mo Ling's attitude, heh, is really merciless. A few days ago, Baba sacrificed his life to save and protect each other, but now he just ignores it. This play of playing hard to get is really good.

Forget it, what does it have to do with her.

Because of Mo Yu's verbal instructions first, not to mobilize the people, so Luo Feng did not go to the barracks to pick him up, but he still guarded at the gate of the city. After all, the identity of that person was there, so he couldn't pretend that he didn't know.

So when Mo Ling and his party arrived safely at the gate of Daluosha City at noon, they saw Luo Feng and Luo Lian guarding the gate.

Before Luo Feng had time to go forward to greet him, Luo Lian couldn't hold back his excitement when he saw Mo Ling coming on a tall horse, "Brother Ling..."

This calls for intimacy.

"Stop messing around." Luo Feng tugged Luo Lian, and Luo Lian had no choice but to hold back her temper.

After Luo Feng reprimanded Luo Lian, he quickly saluted the opened car curtain and said, "Your Majesty welcomes you, my daughter has nothing to do with it, please forgive me."

As for the person who opened the car curtain, it was Su Yingying who couldn't hold back after hearing the intimate voice of brother Ling. When she saw Luo Lian's eyes still looking sideways at Mo Ling, the fingers holding the car curtain were almost Get into the palm of your hand.

Mo Yu didn't pay attention to Su Yingying, Luo Feng was already talking, he quickly leaned out and made a disrespectful gesture to Luo Feng, "General Luo is offended, Ling Qianjin is honest and straightforward, my lord looks at it." It has the aura of General Luo."

Who doesn't like to hear people praise his own baby, Luo Feng burst out laughing immediately, "My lord's praise." Then he made a gesture of invitation to Mo Yu, "The meal is ready, sir, please move. "

(End of this chapter)

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