The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3037 2293: Your sister can't drink

Chapter 3037 2293: Your sister can't drink
Bei Tangyao didn't respond at all, as if he didn't feel that there was such a person as Mu Liunian.

After listening to Mu Liunian's words, old man Jiu turned around and entered the room, but came out after a while carrying a wine jug and a wine cup.

"This is fruit wine. It's very suitable for a little girl like you. It's a tael of silver. You can drink it after paying the bill."

As the old man said, he put the jug and wine cup on the table in front of Mu Liunian.

Mu Liunian glanced at the jug in front of her. It was very small, and a tael of silver was a bit expensive. If she was on a normal day, she would turn around and leave. After all, she doesn't like wine very much, but today...

While thinking, Mu Liunian stretched out his hand to touch his body, and suddenly remembered that he was in a hurry to come out today without any money. If it was a normal day, just ask someone to go to the old general Mu's mansion or the Minister of Rites' mansion to pick it up, or just endure it without buying anything. That's all, but today...

"Can you lend me a tael of silver? This place looks good, and the wine should be good too." Mu Liunian spoke to Bei Tangyao in front of him.

Mu Liunian's opening made Bei Tangyao look up at her, a very indifferent look, which made Mu Liunian's heart skip a beat, but then the voice that she could never forget after hearing it once rang in her ears.

"I am very poor."

Those three words made Mu Liunian's eyes stained with loneliness.

Then a silver coin was placed on the table, "You need to pay me back ten times."

At that moment, Mu Liunian's face was stained with a smile, and he said cheerfully: "Okay."

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed the ingot of silver and handed it to the old man Jiu. The old man took the silver with a smile and turned to leave.

When Bei Tangyao saw Mu Liunian smiling so happily, he was in a daze for a moment, but only for a moment, and then he lowered his head and continued to pour wine.

As for Mu Liunian, in order to prove that he really came to drink, he immediately took out the jug and poured the wine into the glass, and drank it all in one gulp, leaving a fruity aroma in his mouth.

Originally, I just wanted to prove that I was here to drink, but after tasting it, I immediately felt that it was delicious.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help but poured another glass, but this time there was no cow drink, but I sipped it slowly, squinted my eyes like a satisfied cat after drinking, and then subconsciously said: "It's so delicious, I like it. I have to bring some back for my sister to drink."

After finishing speaking, I thought that I seemed to have no money, and subconsciously wanted to continue borrowing, but I heard the opposite said: "Your sister can't drink."

At the end of the conversation, the two just looked at each other, but these words made the two of them froze.

Then Bei Tangyao took the lead to look away, poured a glass of wine and drank.

Mu Liunian didn't look away, still looking at Beitangyao, but also poured a glass of wine, but didn't drink, but said: "Didn't you say that you won't waste time on your sister in the future?"

Beitang Yao paused for a moment, then drank the wine in the cup in one gulp, and then said: "It's not a waste, it can only be regarded as not giving up."

Although Mu Liunian knew that he fell in love with Beitangyao, he was still very ignorant about feelings, so when he heard Beitangyao's words, he was a little stunned. Can feelings be counted in this way?

Probably because there was no sound on the other side, Bei Tangyao subconsciously raised his eyes to look at the other side, and met Mu Liunian's pure and ignorant eyes. These eyes were so clean that he wanted to dye them black.

In the past, he would have had a lot of fun, but now, he doesn't want to, not to mention that this person is still the little guy's sister, he feels that even his desire to play freely has been worn away by the hibiscus.

(End of this chapter)

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