The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3051 2307: Leave without waiting

Chapter 3051 2307: Leave without waiting
"Yes, this servant will leave." Xiao Taohong responded, then turned around and retreated, and then went to the next door.

Seeing Xiao Taohong leave, Mo Yu said to Yue Ya: "Go find some water, I need to freshen up."

"Yes." Yue Ya replied, and immediately took the pot placed in the house and went outside.

Although she is not familiar with this place, she still saw the water room when she first came here. It is very close to here, and it is very convenient to get water.

The door opened with a creak, and closed again with a creak.

Seeing that the person had left, Mo Yu immediately spread the veil on the table, close to the oil lamp emitting a faint light, then took off the jade pendant that had been hanging around his waist, and rubbed it fiercely on the veil After a few strokes, not long after, a lot of words were reflected on the veil, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an article.

Mo Yu read quickly.

At the beginning, he expressed Su Boxiong's belief in Mo Yu, then he said that he would defend Mo Yu so that he should not worry, and finally he said that if it really didn't work, he would use extreme methods, and asked Mo Yu to be prepared.

Mo Yu's eyes fixed on the word "extreme method", and he couldn't leave for a long time, until he heard footsteps outside the door, then he hurriedly put away the handkerchief on the table and stuffed it into his arms.

However, the heart could not be calm for a long time.

"Your Highness, the concubine has brought the water, may the concubine come in?" Yue Ya wasn't sure if Mo Yu let her go to fetch the water, but as a concubine, it was necessary to report when she came in to see her husband. It can't be ignored just because the other party is deposed from the position of prince. After all, the other party is still her husband, and in such a place, she still needs his protection, so she needs to do her duty.

"Come in." Mo Yu said without any strangeness.

The next moment, Yue Ya walked in with clean water, and then Mo Yu got up and said hello to you to clean up the dust.

Just after washing up, there were soldiers outside who brought meals.

The portion is quite a lot, but the dishes and presentation are really not that good.

But here, it doesn't make any sense to worry about these.

Mo Yu kept some, and then asked the soldiers to send them to other houses.

When the food was delivered to Beitangyan, it was Su Yingying who received the food. Seeing the pitch black food with no appetite at all, her already dark face became even more ugly.

I really wish I was about to drop that meal right away.

Seeing that the soldiers were getting impatient, Bei Tangyan, who saw Su Yingying not moving, said, "Qiaoying, bring it here."

In this regard, Su Yingying had no choice but to take the plate and turn around and enter the house.

The plate was taken away, and the soldier turned and left in disdain. In this kind of place, it is really one thing to treat oneself as the master.

Walking to the table, Su Yingying put the plate on the table heavily, and the soup was shaken to the point that it spilled a little.

Beitangyan looked a little unhappy about this, "If you don't want to eat, I will still eat. If you don't want to stay, I will go tell His Highness and have someone send you away. After all, the edict doesn't include you court ladies. .”

The style of the food is not very good, but it is only compared with the food in the palace. If it is compared with the folk food, it is still acceptable and edible.

In such a place, if you don't eat like this, how can you do it.

And it's not that she, Beitangyan, has never been in the mud before, so these are nothing.

As she said that, Beitangyan picked up the bowls and chopsticks and started to eat. She was hungry after sitting in the car for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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