The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3056 2312: Up at night

Chapter 3056 2312: Up at night (2)
While talking about Beitangyan, she squatted down and grabbed Su Yingying's neck. The strength was neither too strong nor too small, which made people suffocate but would not go into shock due to lack of breath.

Su Yingying came to her senses right away, trying to struggle, but it was a pity that no matter how hard she tried with her hands, she couldn't break Bei Tangyan's hand that was pinching her neck.

"Do you remember who you are?" Beitang Yan asked in a cold voice.

Su Yingying nodded quickly.

"Since you choose to come here with me, you must be obedient. No matter what kind of status I become, remember that you will always be my maid."

At the end of the sentence, Bei Tangyan threw Su Yingying away, and then Su Yingying lay on the ground and coughed fiercely, "cough cough...cough cough..."

"Light a lamp and accompany me to Ruside. Do you know where Gong Fang is? If you don't know, go out and look for it now. If you find it, come back and tell me."

"I know." Su Yingying replied hoarsely, even though she was very unwilling, she still had to bow her head.

After the words fell, he got up from the ground enduring the discomfort, then picked up the coat on the side and quickly put it on, then picked up the oil lamp on the table and lit it, and then led the way ahead.

Seeing Su Yingying being so knowledgeable, Bei Tangyan immediately felt relieved.

There was a lot of movement here, which made Mo Yu, who was already in a light sleep next door, wake up all of a sudden.

And the night was so quiet that the voices here could be heard very clearly.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Mo Yu didn't show any expression, because it was normal.

Women are creatures with duplicity. Although Beitangyan is gentle in front of him, it doesn't mean that she will be gentle with court ladies. He has seen this clearly from the queen since he was a child.

On the contrary, at this moment, as his concubine, she ended up going out to Gong's room to use the toilet in the middle of the night, which really made him extremely embarrassed.

And it's all because of his identity change.

Who is it, who caused him to this point...


This is the imperial mausoleum, except for the road to the front of the imperial mausoleum, which has been well repaired, the rest of the place is either overgrown with weeds or full of stones, which is really a cloud with the palace road full of bluestone slabs A swamp.

This is nothing to Bei Tangyan, but to Su Yingying, although she is very uncomfortable, after experiencing the incident of being choked by Bei Tangyan just now, she really dare not say anything, at least at this moment. .

After walking for a while, Beitang Yan said: "How far is it?"

"Just the little house in front."

Beitangyan raised her eyes and glanced, then said, "Just wait here."

After speaking, he walked directly past Su Yingying, and when he walked past Su Yingying's side, the wind moved slightly, and the lamp in Su Yingying's hand went out immediately.

"Ah..." The disappearance was so sudden that Su Yingying screamed immediately.

"What are you shouting for? It's just that the wind blows out the lights." Bei Tangyan reprimanded Su Yingying immediately, and then said, "Wait here."

As he spoke, he headed towards the hut ahead.

Hearing this, Su Yingying closed her mouth and stood there obediently, but this wilderness is full of darkness, the point is that this is still the imperial mausoleum, it really made Su Yingying panic.

Su Yingying shook her body, and then called out, "Hurry up."

Beitangyan ignored Su Yingying and walked towards the hut.

Beitangyan, who entered the hut, almost vomited when she smelled the stench, but she held it back.

(End of this chapter)

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