The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3058 2314: Why doesn't it hurt you to death

Chapter 3058 2314: Why doesn't it hurt you to death
"Why are you standing here?" After thinking about it, Bei Tangyan opened her mouth. As long as she opens her mouth today, she will make the decision for her. If she doesn't open her mouth, it's none of her business. s Choice.

Beitangyan's question immediately made the two daring soldiers in the forest tremble with fright, fearing that Su Yingying would confess to them, what would they do then.

"Standing there was afraid, so I walked back and forth, and then fell." Su Yingying chose to hide it, not because she was afraid of the two soldiers, but because she hadn't tasted a man for a long time, and she was a little empty.

"Heh..." Beitangyan sneered again, and then stopped talking, but raised her feet and walked towards the road she came from.

Su Yingying rubbed her waist and legs and followed softly. Of course, she didn't forget the oil lamp that the two of them took away together when they were kidnapped and pushed her out.

"Gong's room smells too bad, get me some water to wash when I get back later."

After walking a few steps, Bei Tangyan said this.

"Yes." Su Yingying replied, just in time for her to wash it.

Then the two left in silence.

When the two of them couldn't see their figures clearly, the two soldiers in the woods relaxed and sat down on the ground with a sigh of relief.

"Are we in the past?"


"Haha, this bitch tastes really good."

"It's a pity that the time is too short to taste enough."

"It's okay. Didn't you see that this girl is silent? Let's catch her again if we have a chance later."

"Then won't you make trouble next time?"

"Forgot to tell you, this bitch is not a chick."

"I just said why..."

"Ha ha……"


On the same day, Luosha City in the frontier.

Under the escort of Dong Chen and others, Bai Ze took Luo Lian to Luosha City from Feng City, which is two cities away, in two days and two nights.

And Yang Wei's team that escorted Bei Tangxiao had already left with the army yesterday morning, at this moment they should have passed Linxi City and were on their way to the next city.

The reason for rushing all night, several people looked very embarrassed, especially Bai Ze whose wounds had not healed.

After rushing to Luosha City, they did not go to the City Lord's Mansion, but stayed in an unremarkable medicine shop.

There is no doubt that this pharmacy is owned by Mo Ling.

Seeing Bai Ze taking off his clothes again, with red blood stains all over his body, Luo Lian immediately said angrily: "I don't know what you are doing in such a hurry, what's wrong with being a few days late, look at what you are like, I am really afraid that I will live too long."

Seeing Luo Lian's distraught look, Bai Ze chuckled lightly, and then said, "Can I understand that Lian'er is caring about me?"

"You're still in the mood to laugh, why don't you hurt yourself to death." Luo Lian was determined to beat up Bai Ze.

Seeing that Luo Lian was jumping in a hurry, Bai Ze immediately put away his joking look, and said in a serious tone: "We have been delayed in Fengcheng for a long time, because Beitang Xiao was stationed in Luosha City, we couldn't come, Now that he's gone, we have to get here as soon as possible."

Speaking of this, Bai Ze paused for a moment, then raised his eyes and said to Luo Lian: "The injury can be healed slowly, but if Bei Tangxiao suddenly gets into trouble and we can't make it back in time, that would be the worst. Tang Xiao is very scheming and moody, and he might not wait until the three cities are handed over before launching an attack. Since the end result is a battle, why should we care about why we fight."

(End of this chapter)

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