The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3073 2329: Can't marry like this

Chapter 3073 2329: Can't marry like this
The ones who are celebrating are either those who have already made a marriage contract, or some unfavored women. The majestic Huainan Prince's Mansion went to celebrate.

It is rumored that this young master likes Princess Huainan and treasures her very much. Is this the appearance of being very precious and liking her?

"King of Huainan, when Grandpa begged to go to the Golden Palace for Yijing, the King of Huainan promised that as long as Yijing was willing to marry Xiaoxiao alone in his life, and he didn't mind that Xiaoxiao couldn't bear children, and if he could know Xiaoxiao's heart, the King of Huainan would marry Xiaoxiao to her. Yijing."

Even though she was scolded again, Ye Yijing was still not annoyed at all, and said words that were beneficial to herself in an unhurried manner, fighting for herself.

"Don't marry, my family Xiaoxiao won't marry." When Huainan Wang was stunned for a moment because of Ye Yijing's words, Huainan Wangfei, who came slowly, said such a decisive sentence. After taking a breath, Then he said decisively: "This concubine does not agree."

After saying this sentence, Princess Huainan took a few more breaths, which eased the shortness of breath caused by the sprint.

"You come to hire my concubine's Xiaoxiao at this time. Where are you going to put my concubine's Xiaoxiao? This concubine will never agree."

"Yes, I don't agree. I also said before that I need my consent. Now I don't agree."

After Huainan Wangfei repeated her disapproval twice, Huainan Wang seemed to have remembered something, and regained his confidence and shouted.

"Yijing is sincerely seeking to marry Xiaoxiao, and she is also sincerely in love with Xiaoxiao, and the reason why she chose this timing is because she has no other choice. Yijing has waited for Xiaoxiao for seven years, and she doesn't want to marry Xiaoxiao because of this sudden twists and turns. Xiaoxiao parted ways, and Yijing would be in trouble for the rest of his life, so Yijing begs Huainan King and Huainan Princess to be fulfilled."

Being attacked by Huainan Wang and Huainan Wangfei, Ye Yijing still maintained his initial gentle attitude.

"This king said that this king is not..." King Huainan wanted to speak again to push people away, but was interrupted by a voice.

"I'm married." This person was none other than Mo Chuxiao who received the news belatedly.

"I disagree." Princess Huainan was still the one who objected. Even though Mo Chuxiao said she was married, Princess Huainan still said that she disagreed with a cold face.

"Mother, are you planning to make me never marry for the rest of my life?" Mo Chuxiao stopped and stood in front of Princess Huainan, and said this in a leisurely manner.

This sentence directly made Su Yuan's complexion darken, and it made her inexplicably think of her son who had a disagreement with her in marriage. The matter of this son has just passed, is this daughter also disagreeing with her?
"There is nothing that prevents you from marrying for the rest of your life, but you can't marry like this." If you can't marry like this, you can't marry in any way. Princess Huainan didn't say it clearly, but the meaning is very obvious.

"Yijing doesn't dislike that I can't give birth, and she also promises not to take concubines for the rest of her life. How many men like this can you find in Yanling City? If you can find them, maybe you can be sure that he will treat me sincerely?"

"Ye Yijing chose to propose marriage at this time, how could she treat you sincerely?" Su Yuan couldn't hold back and directly refuted Mo Chuxiao loudly.

"Mother, it's just that the timing is wrong. When Yijing expressed her heart, nothing happened. It's just that Mrs. Ye happened to happen now. I wanted to marry him, so why should I care when?" .”

(End of this chapter)

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