The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3081 2337: The old man can't

Chapter 3081 2337: The old man can't

So when Elder Ye Ge brought Ye Yijing to the door of the imperial study, instead of saying that Elder Ye Ge brought Ye Yijing to see the emperor, it would be better to say that the emperor was waiting for them to come to see him.

"Veteran Ye Wenyu has something to ask to see His Majesty, please be gracious to allow this veteran to see you."

Ye Ge asked for an audience without turning a corner, and indicated that he had something to ask for an audience.

If he didn't know it in advance, the emperor would still be curious, but now he already knew everything, so there was only peace and calculations in his heart.

"Veteran Ye Wenyu has something to ask to see His Majesty, please be gracious to allow this veteran to see you."

Ye Ge only knew that it was not easy to ask to see the emperor at this time, and it was necessary to be embarrassed, so after shouting without any response, he shouted again immediately.

The emperor in the hall didn't make a sound, but looked at Yu Shu who was on the side.

As the emperor's personal eunuch, Yu Shu has a thorough understanding of the emperor's eyes. Even if he is looking at the ground when the emperor looks over, he needs to sense it quickly, and then lifts his foot towards the ground. Elder Ye Ge shouted loudly and went to the door of the imperial study.

"Veteran Ye Wenyu has something to ask to see His Majesty, please be gracious to allow this veteran to see you."

When Yu Shu reached the gate of the palace, Elder Ye Ge's third request had already resounded.

Seeing that Ye Ge was about to raise his fourth voice, the side door of the imperial study room creaked open, revealing Yu Shu's figure.

Yu Shu was the fourth sound that stopped Ye Gelao immediately.

I saw Yu Shu with the posture of seeing his ancestors and said: "Hey, my old Yege, don't you know that His Majesty is not in a good mood at the moment, do you have something important to ask to see at the moment?"

As he spoke, Yu Shu came to Elder Ye Ge, and continued, "You see how well you can go to the court hall to discuss matters in two days. His Majesty will not see anyone at this moment."

"Please make it convenient for Eunuch Yu, I will definitely see His Majesty today." Ye Ge looked like no one could persuade him.

"Old Yege, it's not a slave who doesn't give you convenience. It's not like you don't know that His Majesty is in a bad mood. You will be punished if you insist on seeing His Majesty's bad feelings at this moment. Look at you..."

"Please report to Eunuch Yu on your behalf to let His Majesty know that I must see you. If Your Majesty does not see me today, I will not leave today."

After hearing Elder Ye Ge's words, Eunuch Yu looked as if he really couldn't help you, and immediately said: "Boss Ye Ge wants to tell this old slave what is worth your risk, so that this old slave can persuade His Majesty."

"Thank you, Eunuch Yu." Elder Ye Ge clasped his fists at Eunuch Yu and wanted to bow down to salute.

Yu Shuna quickly stepped forward and grabbed Ye Ge's hands, saying: "Ye Ge, you are a disgraceful slave, just tell the slave what is going on, no matter how polite you are, the old slave will I won't help."

"Yes, yes." Elder Ye Ge quickly said yes, and then said: "Today is the third day that my wife is in a coma, it can be said that there is no sign of waking up at all, the old man is thinking whether to fulfill my wife's wish as the imperial doctor said , so the wife woke up, so she asked the grandson to propose marriage to the girl she loves, and this girl is none other than Mo Chuxiao, the princess of the Huainan Palace. Your Majesty also knows about this. This has been to the Jinluan Palace. If the wife is not unconscious, the old man can't do such a foolish thing at this time. The grandson could have married another girl, but the wife had already identified the Princess Huainan when she was fine, so You can only marry the princess of Huainan king. Before, the king of Huainan promised that as long as his grandson would only marry the princess of Huainan king and not take concubines, and he didn't mind her not having children, and at the same time, if the princess of Huainan was assured, he could ask his majesty to marry him. His majesty also promised Old man. But when I went to propose marriage today, Huainan Wang Fei said that he disagreed, and insisted on accepting the dowry gift after the grandson received the marriage decree, this old man can't do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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