The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3083 2339: Concubine Ye Goes Crazy

Chapter 3083 2339: Concubine Ye Goes Crazy (2)

Concubine Ye was the one who asked people to leave, but seeing her father and nephew being driven away by the emperor, Concubine Ye was upset at the moment, without saying a word, she just flicked her sleeves and rushed towards the half-open side door of the imperial study .

By the time Yu Shu realized it, it was too late to stop him. At that moment, he was so frightened that he was drenched in cold sweat and rushed in, and then directly knelt down in the imperial study room with a plop, "Damn it, damn it, damn it, you..."

"Okay." The emperor said to Yu Shu impatiently, he knew Ye Han's temperament better than anyone else, and he didn't have to involve a eunuch, "Go out."

"Yes, yes, the servant will leave." Yu Sheng immediately scrambled out of the imperial study room after several calamities, and then closed the door of the imperial study room.

And the moment she was locked up with him, Concubine Ye Gui said directly to the emperor, "A crown prince made you like this, as if it was really your fault. You are responsible, but the queen is not responsible? Then The queen eats delicious food and drinks every day, so what are you doing behind closed doors, is it interesting?"

Concubine Ye Gui said tough words as soon as she opened her mouth, and the emperor showed a look of helplessness about this.

"It's true that I didn't teach it well."

"Then you're going to waste the Su family, what are the people from my Ye family doing?"

"..." He thought about it, but he didn't know that the people who came to the door first were not from the Su family but from her Ye family.

"My concubine, let me ask your majesty, how will your majesty deal with Ye Yijing's marriage proposal to Mo Chuxiao when he goes to court in two days?"

Concubine Ye Gui, who was fierce just now, suddenly became serious, as if her identity as a noble concubine was heard in an instant, and it also sounded that the person opposite was not only her husband but also the current emperor.

It's a bit funny to say, when the emperor Na Yehan was the noble concubine, he completely fell in love with her distinctive and fierce appearance, he was very rare.

It can be said that the queen became the queen because of the status of the Su family, but Concubine Ye Gui was the one who helped the Ye family in turn. Otherwise, with so many elders, how could the Ye family be the only one.

It's just that after accepting Concubine Ye Gui into the palace, as time went by, she slowly hid her true nature, only occasionally revealing half of her shortness of breath, but this half was very missed by the emperor.

This is also the reason why Concubine Ye Gui just rushed in and spoke disrespectfully, but the emperor did not blame him at all.

But it was still only a flash in the pan, and Concubine Ye Gui resumed the etiquette that a concubine should have.

"Mo Chuxiao is the daughter of the King of Huainan, and I will never go against the wishes of the King of Huainan." The emperor's words were somewhat official, but they were still an answer.

However, Concubine Ye sneered, "Your Majesty is still thinking about the fact that Mo Chuxiao failed to marry His Majesty, right?"

Back then, this matter was quite dramatic. The emperor wanted to accept Mo Chuxiao as his concubine, but the Huainan Palace directly refused because Mo Chuxiao was infertile.

"Ye Han." The emperor turned cold and called Concubine Ye Gui's name.

Concubine Ye Gui was arrogant and refused to give in at all, and said: "Otherwise, why did His Majesty not allow this marriage?"

The emperor looked at Concubine Ye Gui with calm eyes and said in a calm voice; "You know that I didn't accept Mo Chuxiao as my concubine because I liked her back then, but just to restrain the Huainan Palace."

Concubine Ye Gui seemed to have been touched by something, and she was a little sad, but only for a moment, she continued to speak: "Then His Majesty agreed to this marriage, and the King of Huainan also said that as long as His Majesty bestows a marriage, he will give a dowry. Don't you like that Huainan King? This is a very good opportunity to anger that Huainan King, isn't Your Majesty going to hurry up?"

(End of this chapter)

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