The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3087 2343: It's time for the Imperial Physician of the Imperial Mausoleum to be replace

Chapter 3087 2343: It's time for the Imperial Physician of the Imperial Mausoleum to be replaced

"Are you going to marry like this? I'm not mentally prepared at all..."

"When a daughter grows up, she will always get married. If you think about it, other people's daughters will marry when they are old. We Xiaoxiao..."

Mo Yan starts the mode of persuading his wife.

As for Ye Yijing who was standing at the door, he only got three words after the guard came back, I got it.

Just these three words directly made Ye Yijing stand under the scorching sun and look at the Huainan Palace without moving.


There are no secrets in Yanling City, especially the things that are on the surface are not secrets, and the speed of spreading is like the mushrooming bamboo shoots after the rain, extremely fast.

Ye Yijing obtained the imperial decree of marriage, Ye Yijing was hanged at the gate of the Huainan Prince's mansion by the Huainan King, and the Queen asked people to ask about Ye Yijing's marriage to Mo Chuxiao and Mo Yu. These three news were almost at the same time. Sent to the Emperor's Mansion.

As in the past, the news was sent to Su Wei first, and then Su Wei sent the news to the emperor.

The first thing Su Wei reported to Su Boxiong was that Ye Yijing obtained the imperial decree of marriage.

After hearing this, Su Boxiong's complexion was very bad, but he was not furious.

"What's going on now? Did Ye Yijing bring the imperial decree to the Huainan Palace? Did the Huainan King accept the marriage?"

After a slight silence, Su Boxiong asked Su Wei three times.

And these three consecutive questions just made Su Wei present the second message to Su Boxiong.

"Back to the emperor, Ye Yijing was stopped outside the gate of the Huainan Palace. It has been less than half an hour, but no one came out of the Huainan Palace, nor did he give any news, only replied at the beginning. King Huainan understood what he said, and said that Princess Huainan was taking a nap and asked Ye Yijing to wait."

And the so-called Princess Huainan was taking a nap and asked Ye Yijing to wait. Whoever heard this was an excuse for delaying time and being dissatisfied with Ye Yijing, otherwise they couldn't just make people stand at the gate of the Huainan Palace.

Even if Princess Huainan really wants to take a nap and needs to wait, it shouldn't be for people to stand in the Huainan Palace, but to lead them into the Huainan Palace.

It can be seen from this that the King of Huainan didn't seem to like Ye Yijing very much.

But King Huainan has always been a man who keeps his word, and since the imperial decree has come down, there should be no mistakes at this time.

"I don't care about it in advance, let people pay attention to it, and see when and when their marriage will come true."

Ye Yijing is not a great person, and Su Boxiong doesn't take it seriously. As for Mo Chuxiao, he is just a girl, so what if he is the princess of Huainan Wang?

"What happened to Mo Ling? Is there any movement?"

"Nothing happened."

"Also pay attention."


"What's the matter with the queen?" The queen and Concubine Ye Gui have been at loggerheads for so many years, and now that something like this has happened, they don't know what they will do.

"The empress was furious, but she was persuaded by Nanny Yang, and asked people to ask how the emperor planned to deal with the Ye family's affairs, and His Royal Highness, also asked the emperor if he would help and when. His Highness the Crown Prince rehabilitated?"

"It's time for the imperial physician at the Imperial Tomb to be replaced in the past few days. It just so happened that Yueshun was an intern this year. It was reasonable for him to go to the Imperial Tomb. He just happened to go there to be an eyeliner. You should communicate with Yuekun about this. Take a breath."


"As for the queen, you tell her that the imperial tomb is the imperial tomb after all, even if she made a mistake, life must be more difficult, but this is just the present, tell her that the emperor's teacher will definitely help the prince to vindicate, but the matter It's too involved, it will take time, let Madam Yang comfort me."

(End of this chapter)

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