The soldier is a girl

Chapter 309 113: Did I say something wrong?

Chapter 309 113: Did I say something wrong?

But she knew that Gui knew that as a soldier, she could understand and even forgive a general's behavior, but as a woman, she couldn't forgive the man she liked for giving up herself to save other women in front of her.

There are some contradictions, but isn't man a contradictory creature?

And how to resolve this contradiction?

Since it originated from power, it will end with power.

So power, she is bound to gain.

Only when she stood at the same height as Mo Ling, would she not be so passive anymore.

Luo Feng and Mo Yu were in front, Luo Lian and Su Yingying followed respectively, and Mo Ling walked behind two steps behind, but when Mo Ling stepped through the gate of the City Lord's Mansion and walked in When he didn't hear the footsteps behind him for several steps, he stopped and turned around to look back. He saw Mu Jin standing there leading a horse, his eyes were a little loose and deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking. something.

But no matter what she thinks, isn't she his personal soldier, why don't she stand there.

"Hibiscus." Perhaps annoyed, Mo Ling's voice was particularly deep. This shout stopped the steps of the people in front of him, and reminded them that there was such a number one person.

Although Hibiscus is just a small soldier, a small soldier who is easily overlooked most of the time, as long as he hears this name, it is an existence that cannot be ignored by anyone present.

Mu Jin seemed to be brought back to her senses by Mo Ling's shout, her eyes focused on Mo Ling's body, but her footsteps didn't seem to move at all.

Mo Ling seemed a little impatient, "Follow me." This sound was deeper than the one just now.

keep up?

What to keep up with?
Want to see them show their affection?
Or go to see them show off their power?


"Mujin's wound is cracked, and needs to be dealt with, so I won't follow the general." After saying that, Mujin didn't wait for the response from the door, and pulled the horse to walk towards the side door of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Injured?" Luo Lian screamed, and quickly retreated to Mu Jin's side, grabbing Mu Jin's arm without the slightest concept of male and female, "Mu Jin, where are you injured, does it matter? ?”

The person who said just a second ago that a man and a woman are not in love, now pulls a man's arm without hesitation. To Su Yingying, this scene is like a slap in the face, and the face is as ugly as it needs to be.

Even Mo Yu's face changed slightly.

"It's not serious, just take care of it a little bit." Mu Jin was afraid that Luo Lian would touch her with enthusiasm, so she quickly withdrew her hand.

Even so, Hibiscus felt a little warm in her heart. The expression on a person's face can be faked, but the emotion in his eyes cannot be concealed anyway. The failure of the mission caused her to be severely reprimanded by Mo Ling, but at this moment, Luo Lian's concern still made her feel slightly warm, even though she didn't really need it.

"Is it really all right?" Luo Lian's face flashed self-blame, "No wonder brother Ling didn't let you cook, so you were injured, I'm really sorry, I didn't know you were injured."

Hearing the word cooking, the corner of Mu Jin's mouth twitched. Sure enough, foodie's focus is different from that of normal people.

"Did you get injured on the battlefield? I remember that you are very skilled. Has the enemy army come to master? How did you get injured?"

Luo Lian's words that followed were simply divine assists, and the atmosphere at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion was strange because of her words.

Only Luo Lian and Luo Feng didn't know how they got hurt, but even if they didn't know, they still felt the strange atmosphere, so...

"Did I say something wrong?" Luo Lian looked puzzled, looked at Mo Ling inquiringly, then stared at Mu Jin, expecting someone to give her an answer.

(End of this chapter)

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