The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3098 2354: You are disgusted

Chapter 3098 2354: You are disgusted
In an instant, the tears could no longer hold back from her eyes, her brother...her brother...


Mu Jin didn't want to be crowded with the crowd, so she walked a little slowly. When she reached the gate of Huainan Palace, the welcoming team had already left, and the armored guards followed suit, but this did not affect her long-distance view.

At this moment, the guests in front of the door also dispersed a little.

Princess Huainan was probably sent away from the door to go back to rest, she was not here, but King Huainan was still standing at the door.

"Father." Mu Jin walked to King Huainan's side and called obediently.

Hearing the sound, King Huainan looked at Mu Jin, and immediately said: "Your mother is not feeling well, I told her to go back to rest first, you came just in time to help father see off the female relatives."

"Okay." Mu Jin replied, and then walked to the side to see the guests off.

And this once again made Mu Jin envied by all the female relatives. If the daughter-in-law doesn't come out to help, it's fine if Mu Jin doesn't help, but she hasn't been blamed yet, and let the father-in-law speak so kindly to each other. There is no one left.

However, no matter how unhappy it is, it belongs to someone else, so we can only watch.

Of course, not everyone is jealous.

Regardless of whether they were jealous or envious or didn't care, they all left under Mu Jin's farewell sound.

Seeing that most of the people had left, King Huainan said, "Mujin, go to Ye's house first."

"Okay, Dad." Mu Jin responded very obediently.

Huainan Wang turned around and entered the Huainan Palace.

Mu Jin didn't move yet, the carriage that had been parked on one side for a while came over.

"Ah Jin, let's go together." The car curtain was lifted, revealing Su Qingyan's smile inside.

Mu Jin didn't expect that Su Qingyan had been waiting for her all this time, and she was about to answer with a smile, but was robbed of her words by a voice.

"People from my Huainan Palace should take the carriage of my Huainan Palace, why should they take the carriage of your Prime Minister's Mansion?"

Accompanied by this sound came the sound of hoofbeats.

Mu Jin and Su Qingyan glanced sideways at the same time, and saw another carriage coming from the other side of the gate, and Mo Rui on that carriage was lifting the curtain and looking at this side, carrying his own slack. .

Looking at Mo Rui, Su Qingyan didn't speak, but turned to look at Mu Jin.

Mu Jin also turned to look at Su Qingyan, gave her a dazed look, and then looked at Mo Rui again.

At this moment, Mo Rui spoke again, "Sister-in-law, do you think I'm right?"

While speaking, Mo Rui looked at Mu Jin with flattering eyes, although his posture was still very proud.

Mu Jin pondered for a while, Mo Rui is not a person who doesn't know the importance, let alone meddle in her business, so it must be inconvenient for her to appear and speak at this moment.

"Since Little General Mu has someone on board, we left first, just in case someone doesn't need to interfere with our relationship as a husband and wife."

Mu Jin hadn't spoken yet, but Qin Jiu who was behind Su Qingyan spoke, and said it so disgustingly, after she finished speaking, she directly pulled Su Qingyan into the carriage, and put down the curtain.

And the driver knew his prime minister's heart very well, that was the moment the curtain of the carriage fell, he drove the horse and left.

And Mu Jin, who was disliked, twitched the corners of her mouth immediately, why should she be so bitter about her, she was just alone for a while.

"Sister-in-law, you have been rejected by others. They are a loving couple. They are newly married. It is really inappropriate for you to disturb them like this. Come on, come on, my brother is alone, so he is not afraid of being disturbed."

(End of this chapter)

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