The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3107 2363: Marriage

Chapter 3107 2363: Marriage (2)

With this cry, the newlyweds turned around and bowed to the heaven and earth outside.

And the person standing next to Mrs. Ye discovered something at this moment. Mother Qiao, who was standing beside Mrs. Ye, was whispering about the clothes of the newcomer, as well as the expression and movements at the moment. , It can be said that it is so detailed that even a hair is described.

Seeing that the worship of heaven and earth was over here, the bridesmaid was ready to shout.

Xueshi Ye, who was standing in the crowd, finally couldn't bear the eyes of his surroundings, and left Ye Liushi alone in the crowd. He took a few steps and sat on a chair on the side of the memorial tablet.

"Second worship high hall..."

As soon as Xueshi Ye sat down, there was a second shout from the bridesmaid, and after the shout, the couples turned to face the top of the hall, and bowed down.

Xueshi Ye's betrayal caused Ye Liushi in the crowd to almost fall down, but Ye Yihan, who was standing beside Ye Liushi, moved quickly to support Ye Liushi, which didn't embarrass her.

And Ye Liushi, who was standing still, grabbed Ye Yihan's arm fiercely, with such force that her slender nails stuck into Ye Yihan's arm, she didn't know it.

And Ye Yihan's complexion didn't change a bit from the beginning to the end, even though Ye Liu's long nails were pierced on his arms.

In just a blink of an eye, the newcomer has already paid homage to the high hall.

"Husband and wife bow to each other..." After Gao Tang passed, the bridesmaid sang loudly again.

The couple stood up straight and faced each other.

Ye Yijing's face was slightly cold, and she couldn't quite see her mood at the moment, but her eyes were filled with the red figure opposite, wrapping them with endless affection, melting deep in her heart.

Although Mo Chuxiao on the opposite side was covered by the hijab, he looked at the other side through the hijab with the same affectionate and satisfied eyes.

Then, the two worshiped each other with deep affection for each other.

After the obeisance was over, the bridesmaid's voice sounded again, "Send it to the bridal chamber..."

At this point, the ceremony is over for the two of them.

Ye Yijing reached out to hold Mo Chuxiao's hand again, and led her all the way to the door, to the backyard, to their bridal chamber...

After the new couple left, Mrs. Ye was carried away again by Mother Qiao, but this time Mrs. Ye Ge was not accompanied, but Yue Wuyan, who had been taking care of Mrs. Ye, came out from the crowd to help him leave up.

Mo Rui, who was gathered in the crowd, finally saw Yue Wuyan, and took the opportunity to slip away from the crowd and follow him out.

Elder Ye Ge, who stayed behind, began to invite everyone to the banquet place, and it was completely impossible to count on Xueshi Ye.

As for Ye Liushi, after the ceremony here, Ye Yihan handed her over to the servant girl directly.

When handing it over to the maid, Ye Liu still held onto Ye Yihan's arm tightly, looked at Ye Yihan with weeping eyes and said, "Where is Han'er going? Can't you stay with mother?"

"Mother knows, grandpa entrusted the task of guarding the mansion to his son." Ye Yihan replied sternly, then forcefully broke Ye Liu's hand, handed it to the maid on the side, and then turned away by himself. go.

Ye Liushi just stared at Ye Yihan's back, but didn't see that the other party had any intention of turning back. This made Ye Liushi just feel that she had raised a white-eyed wolf, knowing that she had become a joke because of Ye Yijing. The son went to help someone take care of the wedding banquet, which really pissed her off, pissed her off.

(End of this chapter)

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