The soldier is a girl

Chapter 311 115: The General Who Doesn't Work

Chapter 311 115: The General Who Doesn't Work

"Love?" Luo Lian covered her mouth with a ghostly expression, "You don't think I like Brother Ling, do you?" She laughed out loud as she spoke, "Haha...haha..."

Mu Jin was a little embarrassed by the laugh, she just said that she was deeply affectionate, there are many kinds. Well, isn't this girl's understanding ability a little too tricky?

Probably realizing that she had lost her composure, Luo Lian stopped laughing a few times, "Well, what, I like Brother Ling, but it's the kind of liking I have for Brother Ling. As for other things, hehe, Brother Ling... I can't control the kind. The person who can control him should be the kind of woman who goes up to the hall and down to the kitchen, goes up to the battlefield and down to the housekeeping, but this kind of woman should be rare. I think he will end up alone in his life ..."

When turning around the corridor and seeing the black dress not far away, Luo Lian immediately choked on her words as if her tongue had been swallowed, and then felt a guilty conscience of being caught speaking ill of others behind her back, but think about it Feeling that there was nothing wrong with what he said, he stuck his neck and shouted, "Brother Ling..."

"En." Mo Ling looked at Luo Lian, as if she didn't hear the words she cursed him to die alone, "Why should I go, the man took the medicine, what can you do?"

"Why can't I do anything else? Shouldn't I just be shirtless? There's nothing I can't see." Luo Lian retorted back.

"Your father is looking for you."

"My father won't look for me when he's having dinner with that adult."

"Luo Lian." Mo Ling called out his first and last name.

Luo Lian trembled for a moment, as if she was a little scared, but then said with a stiff neck: "Brother Ling, I didn't blame you, Mu Jin was injured, and you dragged her to Luosha City, you are too much, I thought you It was to see her as a soldier to take care of her when she was young, but it turned out that there was nothing at all, you..."

"Miss Luo, Mu Jin is fine, just a small injury, Mu Jin can handle it by herself." Luo Lian's protector said that it is impossible not to let Mu Jin feel warm, but no matter what kind of relationship between Luo Lian and Mo Ling , she didn't want them to quarrel because of herself.

"But..." Luo Lian looked at Mu Jin somewhat unwillingly.

"The general is also injured." Seeing that Luo Lian was not ready to give up, Mu Jin had no choice but to throw out her trump card.

"What?" Luo Lian screamed, and ran to Mo Ling's side in the next second, "Brother Ling, you are also injured, where are you injured, why don't you take good care of yourself, you..."

"Small injury." Mo Ling pressed Luo Lian's hand, "Be good, go eat, I'll take care of the wound." Although it was coaxing, the firmness in the words was unquestionable.

Luo Lian pursed her lips, and finally responded, "Okay." In the end, she reluctantly left. Was it because she was guilty of speaking ill of others, otherwise she would not forget to ask, why the people behind them obviously should How could the people who went to eat appear in front of them, just standing where they were going.

As for Mu Jin, where Mo Ling appears now has nothing to do with her.

Luo Lian's departure plunged the entire corridor into a kind of bewildering indifference.

Mo Ling took a look at Mu Jin, and stretched out his hand to push open the door of the pharmacy. Just when Mu Jin thought he was going to walk in, she felt that she was being pulled by a strong force. It was pressed against the closed door inside the pharmacy.

Mo Ling didn't speak, just looked at her with a pair of eyes, with forbearance and indescribability, and finally turned into a sentence, "Take off."

Mu Jin was stunned for a moment, and then smiled lightly, "What are you taking off? Is the general planning to do something with me?" That smile was a little cold, a little flamboyant, a little seductive.

Enduring it, Mo Ling said, "Apply the medicine."

"Don't bother general." Mu Jin's smile gradually faded away, and her words were full of repulsiveness.

(End of this chapter)

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