The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3131 2387: Mo Yu Bewitched

Chapter 3131 2387: Mo Yu Bewitched (Ten more)
This appearance made Mu Jin extremely rare, how could she have such a lovely grandpa.

"Huh, you have good vision." Mu Peng pretended to say this reluctantly, and then said, "At the Jinluan Hall, I was going to beat up old man Ye, but I didn't expect that Ye family boy would know how to protect him. It’s not very unconscionable, now my Mu family is incompatible with the Ye family, as we all know.”

After being arrogant for a while, Mu Peng talked about the business, he should have said it as soon as he came back, how could he know that Yu Shu moved so fast, and came right after him.

"Today in the Jinluan Palace, there is a rare unity of opinion between the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. At first, the civil officials and the military officials had a big quarrel. Later, they said that they needed all-round talents in both civil and military affairs. That's why they didn't fight. It also fell on you." This was what Mu Peng said to Mo Ling.

"The one who took the lead is Qin Jiu. It can be said that he single-handedly drove the entire court structure, and I think the emperor is very satisfied!"

Mu Peng didn't say anything about Qin Jiu, he just reported it realistically, but he was ironic to the emperor.

"I have to leave Yanling City today. Master, you can stay here. I can rest assured that I will leave Ajin to you." Mo Ling said suddenly.

Mu Peng glanced at Mo Ling, didn't say much, just said: "Okay." Then he said, "If you don't say that I want to live here too, I'm the only one left like Mu Xu. If it wasn't for Ajin, this How can Mu Xu still survive once, this enmity..."

Speaking of this, Mu Peng became gloomy and didn't continue talking, but the meaning of revenge was very obvious.

"It won't take long, Master." Mo Ling said this in a vague way.

"Yeah." Mu Peng just snorted, and then said, "Old man Su also went today, and even pleaded guilty for the crown princess, I have never seen such hypocrisy."

Mu Peng's words are full of irony.

"But it didn't go well. The emperor just turned his face away and left him there. Why didn't he pay so much attention to Su Yingying at the beginning? She is a granddaughter. This is biased..."

"It's not partial, it's probably just an excuse to test the emperor's attitude. After all, if the prince has an accident, the princelings will not fare well. The emperor's mansion is the first to bear the brunt." It was Mu Jin who spoke, and his tone was very flat, without irony or sarcasm. Gloating, some are just plain and have nothing to do with oneself.

"So I teased him so much, he couldn't even refute it, but Qin Jiu also teased him, saying that one was a princess concubine and the other was a family member of an official family, which made old man Su so angry,'s cool to think about it ..."

After laughing, he gave a thumbs up, "This Qin Jiu's mouth is just right for me." After speaking, he said to Mo Ling, "Okay, time is short, you can do whatever you want."

After speaking, Mu Peng waved to Mo Ling, then turned back to Mu Xuna again.

Seeing Mu Peng's figure disappear at the end of the corridor, Mu Jin looked at Mo Ling and said, "I didn't expect Grandpa to appreciate Qin Jiu. Few of the officials like him."

"If you don't like it, you won't form a party for personal gain. The emperor is most at ease."

"That's right." Mu Jin nodded clearly, "What do you think the Emperor Master wants to do?"

"It has nothing to do with us." Mo Ling reached out and wrapped his arms around Hibiscus's waist, hugged him, and headed towards the kitchen, "Let's cook, I have to go to Huainan after eating Farewell to the palace."

"it is good."


After Mu Peng returned to the mansion, it was considered harmonious. However, after returning to the mansion, Su Boxiong, the so-called pleading guilty, took off the thorns on his body and threw them on the ground. The vase was pushed to the ground.

Immediately there was a cracking sound, the water in the vase spilled all over the ground, and the flower branches inside fell directly to the ground, mixed with the fragments of the vase, it was very dilapidated.

"Qin Jiu." It was still these two words that came out through gritted teeth.

Su Wei stood aside respectfully, keeping silent.

Su Hong is also here. After all, he is a member of the Su family, and he and the crown prince have both prosperity and loss. Even if he is suspended at home, he still has to ask about court affairs.

Speaking of Qin Jiu, he really doesn't have any weaknesses, only the younger sister, but it is said that he is very close and it is difficult to strike.

By the way, there is one more now.

"Go, call Su Chen to my master."

Su Chen has not been in the Emperor's Mansion for many years, so even if he is back now, he doesn't have much sense of presence, especially since he always hides in his yard and writes and writes without seeing anyone, so he has no sense of presence. .

"Yes." Su Wei immediately took the order, then turned around and walked out.

The Emperor's Mansion is such a big place, it didn't take long to tell Su Chen, about a stick of incense, Su Chen came here with Su Wei.

When Su Chen came, Su Boxiong's anger had subsided a little, at least he could sit there calmly.

While waiting, Su Boxiong kept his face sullen and silent, and Su Hong could only stand there silently by his side.

Su Boxiong, who was obviously calm, saw Su Chen at this moment, and threw the cup of tea he had just drank at Su Chen, cursing at Su Chen, "Look at the good son-in-law you're looking for Don’t assume that the emperor’s teacher is his in-laws, does this mean that Su Qingyan will be removed from the Su family’s genealogy by this emperor’s teacher?”

Su Boxiong had properly vented his anger towards Qin Jiu on Su Chen, which can be described as venting his anger.

However, Su Chen is not Su Hong, otherwise he could not have rebelliously left the Emperor's Mansion when he was young, and now he is back, even if he is a stable person, he will not be controlled by Su Boxiong.

So when Su Boxiong's cup was thrown at him, he stepped aside, and then perfectly dodged the cup that was thrown by Su Boxiong. With a bang, he splashed the mess all over the place again. .

Su Boxiong and Su Hong saw all this.

Su Boxiong was so angry that he went straight up.

However, envy flashed in Su Hong's eyes. He was obviously an elder brother, but he didn't have the rebellious courage of his younger brother.

"Su Chen, you really don't want to stay in the Su family anymore, do you?" Su Boxiong said with such a threat.

"Is Dad going to drive me away?" Su Chen looked puzzled, "So, I won't bother Dad, I just pack up and leave by myself."

After speaking, he turned and left directly. He thought about it. He used to come to Yanling City for the sake of his two children. Now that the eldest daughter is married, her husband treats her very well, and Mujin Moling is there to help him, so he can rest assured up.

And the youngest daughter, the youngest daughter is not as intelligent as the eldest daughter, she is very simple, not suitable for this Yanling City, or not suitable for any rich family, he will find a family that only needs to be good to the youngest daughter, and besides, there is Mo Ling Hibiscus , afraid that anyone would dare to treat his little daughter badly.

There is no use for him in this life, so he can only enjoy the glory of this nephew.

"You naughty son, you will piss me off when you come back, no wonder you teach such a daughter who can't help the family at all, you naughty son, naughty son..."

Seeing Su Chen turn around and leave, Su Boxiong was so angry that he looked around for something to hit Su Chen.

However, before the things were found, Su Chen had already arrived at the door of the house, Su Boxiong was so angry that he could only say: "If you dare to step out of the door today, don't blame me for not recognizing your son."

Su Boxiong's words made Su Chen stop walking towards the door, Su Boxiong thought his words had an effect, but Su Chen turned to him and said: "Dad said this more than ten years ago .”

After leaving a sentence, he turned around and continued walking, stepped out of the door without stopping at all.

"You naughty son, naughty son..." Su Boxiong was so angry that he could only jump his feet. He had nothing to do with Su Chen, and finally he could only say to Su Wei, "Send someone to my master to look after Su Chen, half a step away!" He is not allowed to leave the Emperor's Palace."

The two little girls are gone, this old one must be caught, maybe he can use it to hold Mo Ling hostage if necessary.

No, this Mo Ling is going to Xuzhou City, this time, his Xuzhou City...

"What are you doing, to persuade that unfilial brother of yours..." Thinking of this, Su Boxiong made an excuse to drive Su Hong away.

The matter of Xuzhou City was his trump card, and it was also planned for Mo Yicheng, so Su Hong didn't know about it, and he couldn't let him know about it.

"Yes." To Su Boxiong, Su Hong had always been submissive, so he immediately agreed and left, completely disregarding that he had been standing here for a long time but didn't know anything from Su Boxiong.

Seeing Su Hong like this, Su Boxiong felt very relieved, but at the same time felt a little resigned, and suddenly felt uncomfortable. He didn't understand why the personalities of Su Hong and Su Chen couldn't be neutralized.

Su Boxiong was a little depressed, but he didn't pay more attention to this matter, because everything was not as important as his.

"Mo Ling was sent to Xuzhou City, and the emperor sent him two thousand soldiers. You arrange people on the way..." Su Boxiong paused and said, "Although the incident happened in Xuzhou, we also found out There are a lot of things, but we have also transferred a lot, and we have been operating there for many years, it is not like he, Mo Ling, can do whatever he wants."

Speaking of this, Su Boxiong sneered, and then continued: "Mo Ling will not be able to go to Xuzhou City quickly with a large army, you should send someone over there earlier to make arrangements there, as soon as Mo Ling enters the Xuzhou area , I must not give him good fruit to eat. But if he is ordered, I will give him a dark hand, and this emperor will not believe that he can come back alive."


"Everywhere in Yanling City should pay close attention to it. The emperor's attitude today seems to have not blamed the emperor for anything, but he did not reveal anything to the emperor. The emperor must be holding back his big move, and this Yanling city is against everyone and everyone. People who are in contact with the prince are still investigating. Maybe something will come out suddenly. After all, you have to be careful, keep some small tails away, don't let the emperor's people get caught, and let them be quiet recently. Don't forget the guillotine bump."


"Go." After explaining, Su Boxiong waved to Su Wei to let him leave.

After Su Wei left, Su Boxiong sat in the mess and fell into deep thought.

There are two flowers on each table.

After Su Hong left, he caught up with Su Chen without much effort.

Before Su Hong could speak, Su Chen said, "If elder brother persuades me, you don't need to say anything. It would be a mistake for me to come back to Yanling City. Even if I marry both of my daughters to a wild man in the mountains, I won't do it." I should come to Yanling City to wade through this endless muddy water."

Su Chen has already talked about this, what else can Su Hong say.

"You don't listen to what Dad says, and you may not be able to listen to me. We brothers seldom talk together. I'm here now. It's always okay to go to your room and have a glass of water."

Su Hong wanted to persuade, but even he himself didn't know what to persuade, he also wanted to live like his younger brother, so what else to persuade, ruining him would be enough.

"There is nothing in the Imperial Master's Mansion that belongs to me. Big Brother, you don't need to be polite to me." Su Chen didn't hear anything outside the window and just stayed in his own one-acre field, but it didn't mean he didn't know, let alone couldn't see through. , this Emperor's Mansion is even more corrupt than when he left more than ten years ago.

"Achen, your surname is Su after all, and my father recognized you, so don't say that."

"Heh..." To Su Hong's words, Su Chen had nothing but an endless ironic laugh.

And then, the two brothers, who were obviously from the same mother, had nothing to say to each other.

Just walking side by side, walking...


This early morning, the city of Yanling was full of turmoil, and so was the imperial mausoleum on the southern outskirts of the city.

Today is the fourth day that Mo Yu brought a group of female relatives to stay in the imperial mausoleum, and it is also the fourth day that he conducts repeated introspection against the ancestral plaque in the imperial mausoleum.

It can be said that every day before dawn, I have to get up to confess to the ancestral brand, and I have not been given breakfast.

On the way of confession, I can't eat, so I usually wait until the end of confession before eating, and I endured unbearable hunger for two full hours.

He, Mo Yu, has never been treated like this since he was a child?
The point is, the Xuzhou City incident was not done by him at all, he was completely wronged, wronged.

Three days had already worn out Mo Yu's patience, so at the hour when he was supposed to get up on the fourth day today, Mo Yu broke out.

On the first day, the guard Ren Zhiguo came over to call for someone at Maoshi.

On the second day and the third day, Mo Yu got up and left at his own hour, in order not to be looked down upon by others.

However, the treatment for these three days exhausted all his patience, so when Yueya sat up on time to serve Mo Yu on the fourth day, Mo Yu directly pulled him down again.


These two hostile words sounded in the ears of the fallen Moon Ya.

To this, Yue Ya could only respond obediently: "Yes, Your Highness."

Then he lay there motionless, but couldn't fall back asleep.

And Mo Yu didn't get up, but he couldn't fall asleep anymore, but even if he was lying like this, Mo Yu didn't want to move.

The house is made of wood and is not soundproof.She also woke up on time today, but when she heard that there was no movement next door, she didn't move, but rolled over on the bed with the corners of her mouth slightly hooked.

This Mo Yu is really pampered and ruthless, and she can't stand it in just three days. It's good, so she can implement the plan earlier. After all, in the frontier, her good brother may have already started a war, but he won't. It's only been a few days since Zhan Ye left and right, she can't slack off.

Although the guard Ren Zhiguo hadn't come to urge people these two days, he had been standing at a fork in the road not far away and waiting.

He was very satisfied with Mo Yu's punctuality in the past two days.

However, he waited and waited here today, and he waited for almost a stick of incense, but there was no movement at all, and then the color turned dark, just like the slightly bright sky that day, where the white was suppressed by blackness, full of darkness. Full of heavy color.

Thinking that the other party was the prince after all, Ren Zhiguo endured it again, and this forbearance was another fragrant time.

At this point, Ren Zhiguo couldn't bear it anymore, and walked towards the wooden house where Mo Yu was staying with heavy steps, splashing a pile of dust step by step.

When I got to the door of the wooden house, I saw that the doors of the row of wooden houses were all tightly closed, not to mention open, there was not even a gap, and it was so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard.

Seeing this, Ren Zhiguo took a deep breath and said loudly: "Your Highness, the time for two incense sticks has passed since Mao's time. Your Highness will reflect on himself until noon today."

This is properly two sticks of incense late, punished by an hour.

However, when he returned to Ren Zhiguo, there was a complete silence.

Seeing this, Ren Zhiguo took another deep breath, and then said louder: "Your Highness, if you don't get up again, you need to introspect yourself..."

Before Ren Zhiguo finished speaking, Mo Yu's room door creaked and opened from the inside out.

This opening immediately interrupted Ren Zhiguo's words.

Ren Zhiguo thought that Mo Yu had compromised, and just wanted to sarcastically, but only saw Yue Ya's figure, and heard Yue Ya say: "I'm sorry, General Ren, His Royal Highness is not feeling well today, so I won't reflect on myself."

This reason was a more tactful rejection, at least a reason was given.

But it also depends on whether Ren Zhiguo buys it or not.

"No matter the weather or the pain, as long as His Highness is breathing, he must go to the imperial mausoleum for two hours a day for self-examination."

These words are really ruthless, especially that sentence, as long as there is a breath, it really hits Mo Yu's heart and lungs.

One must know that he was in the palace, and even went to the morning court based on his mood, how could he have been so neglected before.

At that moment, Mo Yu, who didn't want to face him head-on, couldn't bear it any longer. He got up from the couch, pulled the coat on one side and draped it messily on his body, and walked to the door with a few steps and grabbed the half-covered one. The door was pushed open, and Ren Zhiguo shouted at Ren Zhiguo outside the door, "Ren Zhiguo, you are bold..."

The real master was finally blasted out by himself, and Ren Zhiguo didn't care whether he was sick or not was an excuse, facing Mo Yu's scolding, he said extremely calmly: "It's not that I'm bold, it's that I've been following Yanling City carefully. The decree passed down from here."

An imperial decree told Mo Yu that this was not his own idea, but the idea of ​​the high-ranking person in Yanling City.

This sentence directly wiped away Mo Yu's arrogance, and made him stagger back a few steps in disbelief. He never expected that the emperor would be so heartless towards him.

Obviously he didn't do anything at all.

Immediately, endless unwillingness, endless anger and endless gloom swept over Mo Yu's heart.

Ren Zhiguo didn't care about this, and he was even more afraid that Mo Yu's stimulation would not be thorough enough, so he continued: "Please hurry up and go to the Imperial Mausoleum for self-examination. Being late for one stick of incense is an hour's punishment. Your Highness is already late." After two sticks of incense, I have taken care of His Highness by asking His Highness to reflect on himself for another hour, and please do not make things difficult for His Highness, otherwise His Highness may have to reflect on himself until nightfall today."

"Heh..." Ren Zhiguo's words were met with Mo Yu's sneer and a somewhat crazy smile, "Today, my highness is not feeling well, so I just won't go. What is General Ren going to do?"

After saying that, Mo Yu took a few steps back and sat down on the stool next to the only table in the room, looking as if he was going to exhaust himself.

"I'm very busy, and I still have two sticks of incense before I need to go around the imperial mausoleum. That is to say, I can only wait for His Royal Highness for two sticks of incense at most, plus His Highness's punishment of just one hour, that's three For the punishment of time, His Highness originally wanted to introspect until Si time, now add three more hours to Shen time."

Ren Zhiguo described it unhurriedly, but all he got was Mo Yu's indifference.

Ren Zhiguo was not in a hurry, and continued: "There is a statement in the imperial decree. If His Highness does not cooperate, the minister can forcefully suppress it after two incense sticks. Now that the two incense sticks have passed, the minister is still waiting. It is already very late." I'm sorry for your highness, I hope your highness will wash up and reflect on himself, don't make too much trouble later."

Ren Zhiguo said his Highness one by one, as if he was very respectful, but there was no respect at all, including the strong tone between the lines.

This made Mo Yu feel extremely humiliated, he had never been treated like this before.

He comes to this imperial mausoleum every year to worship his ancestors, and when Ren Zhiguo served him like a dog, he didn't serve him like a dog, but now...

"Ren Zhiguo, have you forgotten how you have served His Highness like a dog all these years?"

In a fit of anger, Mo Yu immediately spoke without restraint.

In this regard, it is impossible for Ren Zhiguo to say that he is not angry, but doing it is not the best solution.

Right now, Ren Zhiguo clenched his fists tightly in his sleeves, but with an extremely kind smile on his face, "You said it all, those years, who are you these years? You are His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who are you now?" ?You are His Royal Highness who committed a crime, so Your Highness, it is better for you to recognize your identity earlier. If Your Highness still wants to make people look like dogs, then your Highness, you should be that Highness of the Crown Prince again. Your wish."

Ren Zhiguo called you respectfully, but every sentence was extremely ironic, and this respectful name was the most ironic. It can be said that every word touched Mo Yu's heart.

"You..." Mo Yu only said "you" and nothing else, because you really can't refute that sentence if you repeat it as His Highness the Crown Prince.

"The minister will go to the fork in front of the road and wait for His Royal Highness to burn incense. If His Highness does not show up again, don't blame the minister for implementing coercive measures."

Ren Zhiguo didn't have any fear, he directly said this sentence boldly, turned around and walked in the direction he came from.

This Ren Zhiguo turned around, and before he could take a few steps, Mo Yu lost his temper and pushed the only cup on the table to the ground. With a loud bang, the porcelain fragments shattered on the ground, splashing mess all over the place.

At this time, Su Ruoruo and Beitangyan, who had just appeared because of the inconvenience of the duel between Mo Yu and Ren Zhiguo, came out of their room at the same time, and just happened to collide with each other impartially.

However, the two of them just glanced at each other before turning around and walking into Mo Yu's room.

"Your Highness, don't get angry and hurt yourself." Su Ruoruo spoke with a gentle persuasion.

Beitangyan didn't say anything, just stood in the room like that, it's not that she can't say anything, but now is not the right time, she came here to accompany Mo Yu to introspect later, she can't let Mo Yu find her fault Take it out on her.

"Too much deception is simply too much deception." Mo Yu panted heavily, feeling dizzy all over.

Su Ruoruo immediately stepped forward to pat Mo Yu's back, and said softly, "Your Highness, it's not the same as before. We heroes don't suffer from the immediate disadvantages. We should bear with it first and then find a way. After all, the empress is still sitting in the palace and won't just watch Your Highness, you are such a bully."

Not knowing whether it was Su Ruoruo's actions or Su Ruoruo's words that had an effect, Mo Yu's aura suddenly became much calmer.

After taking a few deep breaths, he opened his mouth and said, "Yue Ya, go fetch water for His Highness to wash up."

"Yes, Your Highness." Saying that, Yue Ya turned around and walked out the door.

"Ruoruo, go and rest." After telling Yueya, Mo Yu asked Su Ruoruo to rest. You must know that Su Ruoruo has a bargaining chip in his belly.

"Your Highness..." Su Ruoruo immediately opened her mouth to refuse.

However, he only opened his mouth to shout, and then met Mo Yu's eyes that could not be rejected, Su Ruoruo held back the words of rejection, and said: "The concubine is going to rest now, Your Highness, please don't ask me any more." Annoyed, hurt my body, remember there is still the empress.”

After finishing speaking, Su Ruoruo turned around and walked slowly outside the house.

Su Ruoruo's peacemaker-like limpness, Bei Tangyan disliked her very much, but it was precisely in this way that she was different from others. She was not in a hurry, just wait...


The royal ancestors are buried in the imperial mausoleum, and a special ancestral hall has been repaired to display the signs of the ancestors.

The place where the memorial tablet is placed is a large palace, which is very empty and deep, so that it can accommodate a large number of people when worshiping the ancestors every year.

In the past, when there were many people, I didn't feel how empty this hall was, but now I am alone in this hall and reflect on myself, I really feel that it is extremely empty, and it is extremely lonely.

"The minister will not accompany His Highness inside, His Highness will walk slowly, and the minister will leave."

Not to mention the contemptuous look he gave Ren Zhiguo when he left the wooden house and saw Ren Zhiguo, just this gesture of throwing garbage at this moment only made Mo Yu's blood surge, but he had to endure it.

Ren Zhiguo didn't care about Mo Yu, turned around and left without saying a word. His pace was so arrogant that Mo Yu wished he could stab him from behind.

But in the end Mo Yu could only look at him coldly, then turned and walked towards the empty hall.

In response to this, Beitang Yan, who was standing on one side as the background board, raised her eyebrows slightly, then raised her feet and followed slowly.

Suddenly, only the footsteps of Mo Yu and Beitang Yan remained in the empty hall.

When we got to the depths of the main hall, we could see that there were many memorial tablets. The highest one was the Emperor Kaizu, and then the foreheads of each term were lowered. For hundreds of years, it has also been placed into a tower-shaped memorial tablet.

In the past, every time I came to look at these tablets, there was only an endless sense of awe and superiority, but now there is only a sense of anger and destruction.

That's right, the sense of destruction made him want to destroy everything here.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Yu resisted the urge to destroy everything and knelt down on the futon in front of the memorial tablet, or rather he knelt down and sat down. At this time, he didn't care if he knelt properly.

When Mo Yu knelt, Beitangyan also knelt down, but the posture was very standard.

And just leaning against him at a distance of one foot, Beitangyan can feel Mo Yu's destructive gloomy aura. Now Beitangyan only feels that the time is ripe. Mo Yu can be pushed into the endless black abyss in one stroke.

"Is Your Highness particularly angry and wanting to destroy all of this?" Suddenly, Beitangyan spoke so abruptly, the voice was not loud, but it seemed ethereal and clear in the empty palace here.

It can be said that it plunged into the depths of Mo Yu's soul in an instant.

Mo Yu only felt that someone had peeped into his soul, but he seemed to have found an outlet, so he turned his eyes to Bei Tangyan coldly and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

Regarding this, Beitangyan only smiled softly, with a bit of enchantment, "Could it be that Your Highness wants to live this life of being bullied by dogs?"

The word "dog" won Mo Yu's heart, but the three words "being oppressed" touched Mo Yu's corners, and Mo Yu immediately scolded, "Shut up."

After the scolding, he didn't know whether he was comforting Beitang Yan or himself, and said: "All this is only temporary. My Highness's mother and grandfather are living well in Yanling City. They will never ignore this Your Highness, how long can their honor be maintained without my Highness?"

"Hehe..." As soon as Mo Yu finished speaking, Beitangyan laughed out a sarcasm.

The laughter immediately made Mo Yu very annoyed, and immediately scolded: "What are you laughing at?"

"My concubine is too naive to laugh at Your Highness." Beitang Yan said with a smile, and stopped laughing at this point, and then said, "Your Highness also knows that the queen and the emperor are living well in Yanling City, but your Highness Suffering in this kind of place, it’s fine if no one waits on you, and you’re also bullied in various ways, and your living standard is even more like that of a commoner. Only His Highness has been hurt from the beginning to the end. In the past three days, has His Highness received the slightest bit of Yanling City? The news from here? If they really want to help His Highness, how come there is no news at all? You must know that His Highness committed a serious crime of treason..."

"I did not rebel, I did not do what happened in Xuzhou City." Xu Shi was too eager to defend himself, and Mo Yu even forgot to call himself His Highness.

"Yes, His Highness did not rebel, but do others believe it? Or does anyone believe it?"


"As long as there is one person who believes in it, His Highness probably won't end up in such a bad situation."


"In the past, the honor and favor of the emperor and the empress were indeed tied to His Highness, but now His Highness has made such a big mistake, it is almost impossible to recover, and they are afraid that it will be too late for them to get rid of themselves, especially the Emperor. Man, has Your Highness forgotten what happened to Su Yingying back then?"


"The most indispensable thing for an emperor is a prince. There are still underage princes in the palace. It is not difficult for the empress to adopt one, and it is not difficult for the emperor's mansion to support another one. Then what will His Highness do..."

"Impossible, impossible..." Mo Yu retorted immediately.

"Your Highness, wake up, don't you remember what happened to Su Yingying? Su..."

Before Beitang Yan could finish her sentence, Mo Yu threw her down on the futon, and was even more strangled by Mo Yu's neck.

"You don't want to provoke... Beitangyan... why are you so serious..." Mo Yu looked at Beitangyan with a very ferocious expression at this moment, and his eyes felt like they were popping out of his sockets.

Beitangyan immediately raised her hand to grab Mo Yu's hand that was pinching her neck, and instead of shaking it off, she used a little force to relax Mo Yu's hand so that she could breathe and speak.

"I didn't follow my heart. I just felt that His Highness was wronged by this, and felt sorry for His Highness. Your Highness, you are such an arrogant person, how could you be treated like this? You obviously didn't do it, why did you carry the blame for this?" Such a dark day? Since this guilt has been assigned to you and cannot be washed away, why don’t we do it? Maybe we still have a glimmer of hope to become a master?”

Bei Tangyan spoke with some difficulty, but spoke quickly, every sentence touched Mo Yu's heart.

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense." The demon in Mo Yu's heart was about to come out, and he was making the final struggle at this moment.

"Your Highness, only those who become masters will not be slaughtered by others, and they will be wronged for doing nothing. Why can't we be honest? Anyway, there is no sky in this place. Why don't we fight? Your Highness, we can only rely on ourselves..."

"Beitangyan, what are your intentions?" At this moment, Mo Yu's eyes had been completely stained by the darkness, leaving only a little light, and the hands that were pinching Beitangyan unconsciously increased their strength, as if to bring Beitangyan with him. Tang Yan fell into the darkness together.

"The concubine...the concubine is also a princess...the concubine just doesn't want to live a life of being oppressed..."

In one sentence, Beitangyan explained her motives in one sentence, and this sentence seemed to give Mo Yuzu a reason to persuade him, swallowing up the last light in his eyes.

The strength on the neck was loose, and Bei Tangyan was covering her neck with both hands, panting heavily.

What fell in the eyes was Mo Yu's endlessly dark eyes. At that moment, Beitangyan smiled in her heart. She succeeded. After being convinced for so long, and laying the groundwork for so long, she finally succeeded.

After letting go of Beitangyan, Mo Yu looked at Beitangyan with dark eyes for a moment, then turned around and sat down on his knees.

"It's easy to say, in this situation, how can you fight for it?" It seemed that the questioning just now exhausted Mo Yu's last strength, and the words were very decadent.

However, there was darkness in the depths of his eyes, and the demon in his heart, which had been waiting for a long time, also rushed out of the cage, but a hypocrite has been doing it for a long time, and even at this point, Mo Yu still wants to put a layer of hypocrisy on himself .

Bei Tangyan was not surprised by Mo Yu's hypocrisy, not to mention that things have come to this point, there is nothing else to say.

At that moment, Beitangyan slowly got up from the ground and sat down in a kneeling position, and then said: "I don't believe that His Highness has not had any power for so many years? And isn't there still a Master Emperor?"

"You've said it all, it's really troublesome for him to save me, it's better to find another heir."

"That's the reason, but that's the result of His Highness being content with this place all the time. It's only a few days away from His Highness's incident, and His Highness has been working with the Emperor's Mansion all year round. Who can believe that the Emperor's Mansion is innocent? Who Didn't you think of the Emperor's Mansion when you mention His Highness? This Emperor's Mansion is definitely the first in the line of supporting His Highness. This is His Highness's relatives and is His Highness's greatest support. Now that His Highness has an accident, the Emperor's Mansion has been safe and sound. It's just that no further conclusive evidence has been found, does His Highness think that His Majesty will just let the Emperor's Mansion go?"

Speaking of this, Beitangyan took a few breaths, and then continued: "Besides, your Highness said that you did not do the Xuzhou City incident, but every piece of evidence points to His Highness. If it is not for someone who knows His Highness very well, it can't be done." The framing is so flawless, isn't His Highness also suspicious of the Emperor's Mansion? So this is not a test of the Emperor's Mansion?"

"Besides, your Highness, you have fallen to this point, what do you care about so much? You can mess around as you want, after all, you are already very bad now."

Beitangyan spoke one sentence after another, each sentence was spoken in Mo Yu's heart.

He never doubted Su Boxiong and Mo Yu, but now that he has landed in this field, he still counts on the Emperor's Mansion to help him.

But Beitangyan is right, he lives a life that is not as good as pigs and dogs here, but they are enjoying life in Yanling City, and they can even leave him to find another heir, so what is it for him to stay here honestly ?
And now that he has reached this point, he is not afraid of losing any right-hand man. If the Emperor's Mansion really belongs to him, he will definitely help him.

He has fallen into such a miserable state, what is he afraid of?
Besides, he didn't rebel but ended up in this situation, and he just implemented it, so the worst thing he could do was to be beaten back here.

If he has been waiting here without fighting, maybe he will live like this forever.

"Beitangyan." Mo Yu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly turned to look at Beitangyan.

Beitangyan subconsciously turned her head to look at Mo Yu when she was yelled at, and met Mo Yu's eyes that were so dark that no light could be seen.

"My Highness has always underestimated you." Su Ruoruo came from the Emperor's Mansion, and his mother's queen also came from the Emperor's Mansion. He always thought that the woman from the Emperor's Mansion in Yanling City was the most powerful, but he didn't want there to be more powerful ones.

Bei Tangyan smiled at Mo Yu immediately, "Your Highness, I just want to live. After all, I am married to Your Highness, and we are both prosperous and hurt."

Mo Yu didn't respond to this, he still remembered the two figures embracing in the Stone Forest on August [-]th.

Until now, he was still not sure whether this Beitangyan had colluded with his second brother.

But all this is not important at this time.

Because he was so downcast that he could no longer be downcast, but he was responsible for what he hadn't done, no matter how bad he was, it was better to be honest.

As for whether he will succeed or not, it doesn't matter, he can't be the only one living in the abyss, he wants to drag everyone into the abyss together.

If we can't stand on the clouds together, let's go down to the abyss together.


It was Chen time when the early morning was over, and the time limit issued by the imperial decree was two hours, which meant that Mo Ling had to leave Yanling City within noon.

These two hours are probably a little short for the trip from the General's Mansion to the Huainan Prince's Mansion. If you hurry up, you can still talk for a while.

But the good thing is to leave from the North City Gate, and to go to the North City Gate, you need to pass through the Huainan Palace. It is feasible to walk through the Huainan Palace when you leave in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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