The soldier is a girl

Chapter 3137 2393: 6 princes are married

Chapter 3137 2393: The Sixth Prince Was Given a Marriage (Fifth Watch)

The next day.

After yesterday's heavy rain, today's sky looks very clean.

But this does not affect the Baiguan to come to court with a heavy heart.

The whip is sounded, the emperor appears, and all officials pay homage.

"I see your majesty, long live long live your majesty."

Looking around, there were officials kneeling on the ground.

"Ping Shen." The emperor waved his hand to signal Ping Shen, and then sat down majestically on the dragon chair.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, long live your majesty, long live, long live."

After thanking them, all the officials began to retreat to their positions one after another. While retreating, they were thinking about how to explain their views on yesterday's Bai Ze incident if they were called by the emperor later.

I thought I was going to wait for the emperor to speak, but before they all retreated to their positions, there was a sound of starting music in the hall.

"My minister has this recitation."

Everyone looked around, and what they saw was Taichang Siqing standing in the center of the Golden Luan Hall with a solemn face and thriving.

Everyone couldn't help but be amazed, is the usually meek Taichang Temple Minister going to be the first person to eat crabs today?
Why does this look so different?

The emperor was also puzzled, so he said, "Zuzao."

"I want to sue the sixth prince for being disrespectful and contemptuous to my daughter. My old daughter has always been pampered in my hand. It's just such a treasure, but now I want to become a monk. What should I do? Your Majesty Let the minister be the master."

When Qing Taichangsi spoke, there was an uproar in the hall.

What is the situation, why is the sixth prince being rude and contemptuous to his daughter, when did this happen?
The emperor's complexion turned ugly in an instant. It's not an elegant thing for his son to be sued in front of the court.

"Lu Aiqing, you will be exiled for slandering the prince." The emperor said with a warning.

"I am not slandering you. Your Majesty can confront the Sixth Prince. I am just such a precious daughter. My daughter is going to become a monk. What else does I have to do? I... I don't have a life anymore..."

Taichangsi Qing immediately plopped down and sat down on the ground, so he didn't want this old face anymore.

"Go, pass the sixth prince to the palace." The emperor vaguely felt that the minister of Taichang Temple would not have the guts to slander the prince, so it was the sixth prince who did something stupid.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Yu Shu took the order, and immediately walked to the side to give instructions.

"We'll wait for the Sixth Prince to come over to confront this matter. Now, dear friends, tell me about Bai Ze's disappearance. How are you going to resolve it?"

It will take some time to wait for someone, so the emperor directly dealt with the matter left over from yesterday.

Seeing that the emperor had gone to announce the sixth prince, the Minister of Taichang Temple didn't make any more trouble, but he still sat there slumped, with no intention of getting up, probably because he was afraid that the emperor would not solve the problem for him.

When the emperor opened his mouth, the court was so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling could be heard. This obviously meant that no one wanted to join forces, and even more so, he didn't want to be a leader.

In the silence, the emperor looked at Qin Jiu, the head of civil servants.

"Qin Aiqing, what do you think of this matter?"

When the emperor looked over, Qin Jiu didn't move at all, completely ignoring the emperor's eyes, but now that the emperor spoke, it was difficult to stand there and pretend to be a statue.

"I thought I should send someone to look for it, but the journey is far away, and it's been so long, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get any results. I think we should be mentally prepared for the death of General Bai Ze."

Qin Jiu's words are very practical, but it is a bit cruel to say so, but fortunately Bai Guogong is still in a coma and did not come to court today, otherwise he will be stunned into a coma again.

The emperor was not very satisfied with Qin Jiu's answer. Although what he said was true, what if he really died?
Although this was the result he was expecting, but he didn't want something to happen to Bai Ze after being made such a fuss by Bai Guogong yesterday, even if he was disabled, he had to live well.

But this matter is not what he thinks, after all, he personally ordered it, and the result may be more ominous.

However, after Qin Jiu finished speaking, he stopped talking, and he couldn't ask any more questions, so he had to turn to other ministers.

"Liu Aiqing, what do you think?"

"Li Aiqing, what do you think?"

"Liu Aiqing, what do you think?"

This question came out one sentence after another, and there were about six or seven questions. The meaning of the words in the result was exactly the same as Qin Jiu's, but the words were different, but the meanings were very similar.

Everyone was so kind, the emperor was about to go mad with anger, just at this time, there was a singing voice at the entrance of the Golden Luan Hall, "His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince is here..."

This cry immediately made Baiguan feel relaxed, and he could take a breath.

At that moment, everyone looked at the gate of the Golden Luan Hall, and saw two little eunuchs carrying the sixth prince into the gate of the Golden Luan Hall.

Seeing this, everyone was puzzled, what happened to the sixth prince, but the emperor was even more furious, and even sent his anger to the sixth prince.

"Mo Yicheng..." There was an angry roar at Mo Yicheng.

However, Mo Yicheng, who was being held up there, did not move at all, and the emperor was even more angry at the moment.

Seeing that he was about to speak again, he carried the little eunuch translated by Mo and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, His Highness the Sixth Prince smells of alcohol all over his body, probably he hasn't sobered up yet."

Hearing this, the emperor became even angrier, "Splash, get me some water to wake me up."

The sentence full of alcohol made the emperor understand that Mo Yicheng must have done something stupid. He said that he was very sad when Mu Liunian rejected him. He drank all day long, but he didn't take it seriously. He drank for a few days It's nothing, how do you know that it's okay to drink all the time, and something will happen if you drink it, for a woman, it's really promising.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Yu Shuna responded immediately, fearing that the emperor would be even more angry, he immediately waved his hand at the little eunuch standing under the steps next to him.

The little eunuch left in a hurry.

At this time, the sixth prince, who smelled like alcohol, was carried to the center of the Golden Luan Hall by two young eunuchs. He wanted to put it down but felt that it was not good to put a prince down just like that.

At this time, the emperor spoke again, "Throw it away, let's see how sleepy he is."

Immediately, the two young eunuchs immediately received the order, "Yes, Your Majesty."

As he said that, he lightly put the person on the ground. After all, he was the prince, so how could they dare to really throw it away.

Just at this moment, the eunuch who fetched water had already brought over the basin, and just poured it down on Mo Yicheng.

That worked immediately.

As soon as the water was poured, the sixth prince bounced up from the ground like a corpse, and sternly yelled while wiping his face: "Who, who is so bold to splash this prince..."

"Zhen." After the roar of the sixth prince, the emperor said leisurely.

Seemingly unbelievable, Mo Yicheng was taken aback for a moment, and put down his face-wiping hand to look at the source of the sound.

At first I couldn't believe it, then I wiped my face again, and then changed from lying down to kneeling with a frightened plop, "Son... I kowtowed to my father..."

"You still have the face to call my father the emperor, look at what you have done to yourself? You are still a prince? You have lost all the face of my royal family. Drinking is fine, and you are frivolous and innocent. Girl, I will give you a marriage right now, and then let Qin Tianjian choose the nearest date to arrange the marriage directly, and move me out of the palace, so that I don't get in the way of my eyes."

Except for the prince, princes need to leave the palace when they get married. This is the rule.

Mo Yicheng's appearance directly stimulated the emperor, so the emperor didn't want to find out whether Mo Yicheng was frivolous to Taichang Siqing's daughter, when and how frivolous, these are not important, they are so important It is for Mo Yicheng to marry a wife and build a mansion, not to lose his royal face for a woman all day long.

"I won't marry, I..." Mo Yicheng subconsciously wanted to refute, but was interrupted by the emperor's stern voice.

"Shut up for me." First he snarled, and then he said, "You want to be irresponsible for the majestic prince who underestimated his girl?"

"I didn't..." Mo Yicheng shouted at the moment.

"Your Highness Sixth Prince, did you hug a woman in red at Yuhang Street last night at Xushi, and then forcibly dragged her into the Yuyue Inn on the side of the street, and your Highness didn't leave until early in the morning. Your Highness, Many residents of the Yuyue Inn are witnesses, and there are also witnesses around the Yuyue Inn, so don’t deny it, Your Highness.”

As soon as Qing Taichang Si said this, Baiguan suddenly felt that this was not as simple as being frivolous. The so-called frivolity of Taichang Si Qing really gave face.

"The minister looked for his beloved daughter all night, all night..." Speaking of this, the old lady of Taichang Temple burst into tears.

At this moment, Mo Yicheng froze as if he remembered something, and then murmured, "I clearly hugged..."

The words were not finished, but two pieces of information were revealed.

One is that Mo Yicheng really pulled a woman, and the second is that he not only pulled her, but also treated her as another person, and the red dress, coupled with the commotion a few days ago, is obviously a Mo Yicheng took Taichang Siqing's daughter as Mu Liunian.

In this way, the daughter of the Minister of Taichang Temple is really too sad. Not to mention her innocence has been tarnished, she is still a substitute.

"Qin Tianjian, let's see the date immediately, I will give you a marriage right away." The emperor couldn't bear to lose face, so he directly issued a decree to give a marriage.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Qin Tianjian responded immediately, and then said to the emperor after a while, "Reply to Your Majesty, the earliest auspicious time is ten days later, September [-]th."

"On September [-]th, the [-]th day is just to make some preparations." Speaking of this, the emperor paused, and then said, "Today, I will marry the sixth prince, Mo Yicheng, to the daughter of Taichang Temple Minister. We got married on September [-]th, ten days later."

"Lu Aiqing, the Sixth Prince's behavior is biased in this matter. I will let him come to the door in person with the dowry. I hope Lu Aiqing can take it a little longer."

It is not uncommon for the prince to come and hire him personally. To put it bluntly, the emperor is using this to make Mo Yicheng make an apology, which can be regarded as saving face for both parties.

The emperor has given such a treatment, what else can I ask for as a courtier, I can only swallow bitterness.

At that moment, the minister of Taichang Temple said, "Thank you, Lord Long En."

After the sixth prince was stunned for a moment, he still wanted to say, "Father, son..."

"Shut up, if you talk nonsense, just drag it out and kill it." Since Mo Yi became Mu Liunian's remarks before not being a prince, the emperor knew that demoting him to a commoner would have no effect, so directly using beheading to gain power can be regarded as showing the emperor's strength anger.

Sure enough, Mo Yicheng shut up immediately.

"Time is running out, so let's go to the Yuanxian Prince's Mansion on the street behind the Princess Chang's Mansion in the east of the city. Take someone to tidy it up yourself. You must take this marriage seriously, otherwise I will never forgive you lightly."

This can be regarded as the emperor once again fighting for the face of Taichang Temple Minister.

"Yes, father." Although he was very reluctant, Mo Yicheng still compromised. After all, the prince cannot beat the emperor.

"For the Bai Ze incident, the Ministry of War immediately dispatched a team of [-] troops, and the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple each dispatched one person to lead the pair of soldiers to Fengcheng to find out the cause of the incident and try their best to find Bai Ze. Even if they can't find anyone, they will also find out the cause of Bai Ze's accident, and this matter cannot be explained away because of the distance."

The emperor didn't ask about Bai Ze's matter, and took advantage of the angry situation to deal with it in this way first, which can be regarded as the most pertinent way to deal with it.

If you continue to ask, you won't get any results, after all, this matter is a hot potato.

"The minister obeys the order."

The Minister of the Ministry of War, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and the Minister of Dali Temple stepped forward and responded at the same time.

"Retire." The emperor stood up and waved his sleeves to leave, which showed how angry he was by the sixth prince.

The sixth prince is really too careless to do this kind of thing and get brought up in the Golden Luan Hall.

"I respectfully send you off to Your Majesty, Long live Your Majesty, Long live, Long live, Long live."

All the officials knelt down to see them off.

So far, today's morning is over.

Similarly, the sixth prince also spread the word about the defilement of Taichang Siqing's daughter, Mu Liunian.

After all, it has never been a secret about Zao Shangshang.


The news that the sixth prince was drunk and defiled the daughter of Taichang Temple as Mu Liunian spread throughout Yanling City, and naturally spread to the general's mansion where Mu Jin was staying.

It has nothing to do with Mu Jin and the Mu family that the sixth prince got drunk and defiled, but the Mu family doesn't like to hear whoever is regarded as Mu Liunian. What does this have to do with their family's Liunian?
"It's so annoying, I'm going to beat them up." Mu Peng was so angry that he wanted to do it.

"Who are you hitting? The Sixth Prince or the Minister of Taichang Temple?" Mu Jin said coldly, "And these are all rumors. No one mentioned a single word in the Jinluan Hall. We are completely seated on our own."

"What should I do? I can't swallow this tone. It's obvious that I deliberately framed Liu Nian. I don't care if I scold my old man for being ugly. To actually slander my family's Liu Nian like this is simply...just..."

Mu Peng was so angry that he was speechless, he just wanted to beat someone up.

"It's okay, grandpa, it's just a few words of slander, I can bear it."

Mu Liunian was shocked when she first heard the news that Mo Yicheng had defiled the daughter of the Taichang Temple. She just felt that she had never really understood Mo Yicheng all these years. Nausea, trembling with anger.

It was Mu Peng's protection of her sentence after sentence that calmed and warmed her heart, allowing her to calm down, and she could not let her grandfather do something for her.

"It can't be done clearly, we didn't say you can't come in the dark, did you?" Mu Jin raised her right hand and touched the tip of her left finger resting on her leg, and said this lightly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, very bright That one makes people feel chills down their spines.

Hibiscus has never had such a thing as suffering from boredom.

Probably no one thought that Mu Jin would have such a proposal, so they were taken aback for a moment.

Accepting the stupefaction from all sides, Mu Jin raised her eyebrows and said, "Do I have to do it myself?" He paused for a while before continuing, "It's a little difficult, but it's not impossible. I've figured out how to beat you." No? How many times do you want to get seriously injured? No matter how many times you have to get him married, after all, he has worked so hard to perform such a show, and his reputation has been ruined. He must get married so as not to pester my family Liunian again. Face can't be beaten , it can be seen that the legs can't be broken enough to walk and get married, so I can look at the internal injuries, um, add some poison, the kind that recurs after a while, absolutely can't be suspected on us. What kind of poison is good? What do you say is poisonous?"

The people in the room were dumbfounded by Mu Jin's words, Mu Peng, Mu Liunian, Mu Xu on the couch, and Mu Lishi on the side.

"Shouldn't you say anything? Then I'll make up my own mind. How about you not being humane?" Seeing that everyone was silent, Mu Jin continued to speak.

Mu Peng and Mu Xu swallowed at the same time.

Seeing that everyone was still silent, Mu Jin continued, "Can't you?" Looking at everyone with innocent eyes, "Then change it to another..."

"It's enough to beat it up, it's enough to beat it up." Probably because Pa Mujin said something shocking again, Mu Peng said quickly, feeling inexplicably that his annoyance just disappeared instantly.

"Yes, a beating is enough, a beating is enough." Mu Liunian also said hastily, inexplicably, she felt that her sister just now looked so dangerous, and she was obviously smiling.

Seeing that the two had spoken, Mu Jin looked at Mu Xu and Mu Li who were on the bed and beside the bed, and they both swallowed at the same time and said, "I agree."

Hearing this, Mu Jin lightly smiled and said, "You guys are too kind."

No one in the room responded, because it was not easy to respond to this, or they didn't know how to respond.

"Grandpa, you don't have to come to explain things like cleaning up people to relieve your anger. He can translate half of what he said, and let the whole Yanling City slander our family's fleeting years with ambiguity, then we can also beat him up. Then spread the words that he was retaliated by the Qing family of Taichang Temple. This is called an eye for an eye, so that it is not in vain to design such a thing. And this matter will never be so simple..."

What Mu Jin couldn't bear the most was that Mo Yicheng still didn't forget to design Mu Liunian at this point, he just did his own thing, but why did Mu Liunian get involved.

"I'll arrange this matter. After the arrangements are made, I will call Grandpa and Fleeting Nian to do it. Now you all should have a good rest."

After speaking, Mu Jin stood up.

"I won't go, it's easy to be exposed." Mu Peng immediately said that he would not do it himself, not because he didn't want to do it himself but because he didn't want to cause trouble for Mu Jin, as long as he was taught a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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