The soldier is a girl

Chapter 316 120: The General Sulks

Chapter 316 120 The General Sulks

Of course, if she hadn't treated her today, she wouldn't be able to guarantee that the same result would be the same with another person.

Just like that, Mu Jin went to open the door with a sullen face but a cheerful heart.

As soon as the door opened, Su Yingying, who was guarding the door, rushed in directly. If it wasn't for Mu Jin's flash, she would have bumped into her.

"Brother Yu, brother Yu, how are you, are you feeling better..." One sentence was full of crying.

Luo Lian didn't rush in, she was still standing at the door, and when she saw Mu Jin coming out, she asked her, "How is Mr. Inspector?" She said while looking into the room with her head hooked.

"En." Mu Jin simply responded, then missed Luo Lian and walked out.

"Where are you going?" Seeing Mu Jin walking out, Luo Lian followed with a crutch.

"Go to the street to buy medicine."

"I'll go with you, I'm familiar with Luosha City." Luo Lian followed enthusiastically.

Mu Jin paused in her steps, she was going out to sneak out, it seems that it is not good to take someone with her.

Luo Lian seemed to see Mu Jin's refusal, and quickly said: "I will go if you don't let me go, the house is so noisy, that whoever is crying all day, it's so annoying gone."

Hibiscus swallowed the refusal, after all, the main road of Luosha City was not her family's. She said that Luo Lian would not be allowed to go, would it be useful?

"I'm going to change clothes, this one won't work."

"Okay, okay." Seeing Mu Jin agreed, Luo Lian was very happy, and immediately frowned, "I'll wait for you here, don't leave me behind, Luosha City is so big, I want to find you as soon as I look for it." found."

The corner of Mu Jin's mouth twitched, she really wanted to say that she knew, so she agreed, so she didn't have to say it again.

Luo Liancai didn't care about Mu Jin's expression, as long as she agreed.

After waiting for a while, Luo Lian hadn't waited for Mu Jin, who had changed her clothes, but Mo Ling, who had taken care of things inside, came out.

Seeing Luo Lian standing here, she asked, "What are you doing standing here?"

"Wait for Mu Jin, go to the street with Mu Jin." Luo Lian said truthfully.

Hearing this, Mo Ling frowned slightly. A moment ago, he asked someone to go to the street with Mu Jin to buy medicine, but she refused, but now he is going with Luo Lian, what does that mean.

"Mujin is so powerful, I was scared to death by the Inspector just now." When Mo Ling frowned, Luo Lian started chatting, "Once Mujin comes, the Inspector will be fine, really amazing." Can't help it. Then he said with admiration and snapped his fingers, "The cooking is delicious, the person is handsome, skilled, and good at medicine. He can go to the hall, go to the kitchen, go to the battlefield and go to the service room, really... ..."

Every time Luo Lian praised Mu Jin, Mo Ling's face darkened, every time he praised Mo Ling, his face darkened, and finally interrupted directly, "I still have something to do, let's go first." Step out.

Luo Lian seemed to have more meaning than what she said, and said to Mo Ling's back, "I haven't finished yet, why did you let Brother Ling go with such a good soldier? It's a good thing for me, but it's a pity that Mu Jin doesn't want to stay City Lord's Mansion..." At the end Luo Lian was almost talking to herself, because Mo Ling's figure disappeared from the corner of the corridor as early as the second sentence she said.

And Mo Ling, who disappeared on the other side, happened to meet Mu Jin who came back after changing clothes in the corridor on that side. Mu Jin originally wanted to look through Mo Ling's previous small clothes, after all, you can't wear a soldier's uniform on the street, who? Knowing that she found a set that almost fit, or a new one, she didn't care if it was Mo Ling's before or where it came from, anyway, she was in his room, and she was going to work for him again, so she cut it first and then played it.

"General." Seeing Mo Ling, Mu Jin saluted politely.

(End of this chapter)

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