The soldier is a girl

Chapter 324 128: Put together a table?

Chapter 324 128: Put together a table?

"Thank you for the hospitality." Mu Jin is not hypocritical, so what, she is also a foodie, besides, the food is also served, and it is really hypocritical if you don't eat it. As for the other party's purpose, to be honest, she There is really nothing worthy of the other party's picture.

After finishing the words, he picked up the chopsticks.

It happened that Luo Lian ate a delicious dish, so she directly recommended to Mu Jin: "Mu Jin, this is delicious." Luo Lian just wanted to use chopsticks to pick up Mu Jin, but the next second she felt that it was not right, so she directly put the plate on the plate. Mu Jin pushed in front of her, and Feng Yao, a living man, was immediately forgotten by her.

Hearing this, Mu Jin took a piece and tasted it, and it was really good, then she tasted another dish and thought it was also good, so she pushed the plate to Luo Lian, "This one is also good." She also didn't give Fengyao a look.

So there was a scene at the dinner table where the two recommended each other to eat, and Huan completely dumped Feng Yao to non-existence.

This scene made Feng Yao doubt his own charm again, this is the first time that two opposite sexes ignored him in front of him.

Just when Feng Yao doubted his charm, a quarrel broke out not far away.

"It was agreed that you were six and I was four, but now it has become you and seven and three. You are playing tricks on me."

"Who's playing tricks on you? It's clear that I'm seven and you three, but where did I get four and you six?"

After a few words of quarreling, there was a bang sound, which was the sound of the table being overturned, the wine glasses and plates falling to the ground, and then the two of them started shaking hands in the restaurant.

But fortunately, the direction of development is not in this direction, so that Hibiscus can continue to pick up vegetables calmly.



Although it was just a monosyllabic scream, Hibiscus recognized the owner of the voice immediately.

The familiar scream made Mu Jin stop the chopsticks stuffed into her mouth, and her body followed suit.

"Brother Ling..."

The petite figure in his eyes hopped close to the tall figure's side.A delicate call was matched with that soft and beautiful face, even a man's attire could not hide the style of the daughter's family, on the contrary, it added a bit of a strange flavor.

Mu Jin felt that the food in his mouth suddenly lost its taste.Even though Mo Ling took two steps back to one side in the next second to prevent Su Yingying from leaning on her, she still felt it was an eyesore.

Mo Ling's two steps back just happened to meet Mu Jin's gaze, and instantly met Mu Jin's gaze.

Feng Yao saw that Mu Jin had stopped eating, so he followed his line of sight to look over, and this look happened to meet Mo Ling's line of sight.

As for Luo Lian, she was still fighting with the food on the chopsticks and did not raise her head.

Feng Yao's beautiful face just fell into Mo Ling's eyes, thinking of Mu Jin's words about liking men, a storm swept Mo Ling's eyes in an instant.

After provoking Luo Lian, and now she has provoked a beautiful man, how many people is she going to provoke?

Seeing that the hibiscus stopped eating, Luo Lian looked up and saw Mo Ling at a glance, stood up and waved, "Brother Ling, here, here..."

As for Su Yingying, she was completely ignored by Luo Lian.

At this time, Mu Jin just turned around and saw Luo Lian's Mu Jin, the corners of her mouth twitched, but is there such a big movement at a distance of a few meters?This girl... is cute...

Mu Jin felt instantly healed by this girl.If it's not inappropriate, I really want to recognize my younger sister Dangdang, she's cute, it feels good.

Feng Yao's eyes lit up instantly when he heard Luo Lian's call, it really was Mo Ling, it was so interesting, looking at Mo Ling's appearance, he seemed to care a little about this little soldier, he was curious whether he knew that this little soldier was a woman.

Luo Lian sat down and continued eating after shouting.

And Mo Ling, who was only a few meters away, had already walked over, "Share a table?" Mo Ling looked at Feng Yao and asked.

 Today is over, please be early tomorrow~~ ok~~
(End of this chapter)

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