The soldier is a girl

Chapter 326 130: Chicken Soup Disturbance

Chapter 326 130: Chicken Soup Disturbance ([-])

Su Yingying and Luo Lian sat on the same side, Mu Jin raised her eyes and met the two of them, Luo Lian saw Mu Jin looking over and smiled at her.

This smile inexplicably dispelled the anger in Mu Jin's heart.

This remark made no face at all, Su Yingying's face was turning green, her small appearance was aggrieved, "I just cared about Mu Jin, I didn't say not to let Mu Jin eat."

Su Yingying's eyes are going to be red, but it's a pity that there is no Mo Yu here to protect her, and Mo Ling only cares about her safety, especially at this moment, he has more important things to do, that is, to explore the person in front of him, whose bearing and momentum are no less than his Who is the person, and when did such a number one person come to Luosha City.

"Then I said again that you didn't say not to let Hibiscus eat?" The words were a bit convoluted, but the intention of slandering people was obvious.

Su Yingying was about to explode, is this Luo Lian blind?First of all, it’s okay to say that she can’t recognize her as a woman, and then she’s from Yanling, so it’s okay if she doesn’t flatter her, but she’s sick because of a soldier.

"I..." Su Yingying looked very anxious, "I really only care about Mu Jin, and I don't mean to blame Mu Jin for disobeying orders and disobeying military orders."

Luo Lian had never seen this kind of unrelenting person, who would just have a meal and make so much nonsense.

But this time, Mu Jin jumped ahead of Luo Lian and said, "I don't dare to disobey the military order. After all, the general didn't say that you are not allowed to eat before buying the medicine. As long as I buy the medicine, I will complete the task. It really has nothing to do with eating." Yes." Saying that, Mu Jin suddenly turned her head to look at Mo Ling, "Really, General." A ball was directly kicked to Mo Ling.

It was the battlefield he caused, why can he stay out of it, he provoked Taohua instead of provoking her, did he lose everything she said, she doesn't mind really ruining Su Yingying's appearance, and let her Can't tell.

During the whole process, Feng Yao was always the one who watched with the coldest eyes. He didn't even miss the perfect disguise of Mu Jin. How could Su Yingying's disguise, which was not a disguise at all, be missed.

Leaving aside the identities of Su Yingying and Mu Jin as a small soldier and a young lady, the scene Fengyao saw at the moment was particularly like a scene where two women compete for a husband, and this husband is naturally Mo Ling. Being Mo Ling, he found it very interesting.Oh, by the way, there is also a lady from the City Lord's Mansion, but it seems that she is with that soldier.

At this moment, almost everyone's eyes were on Mo Ling, waiting for Mo Ling's answer.

Feng Yao even drank the rest of the wine in the glass in one gulp, then picked up the jug and added another glass for himself, and another glass for Mo Ling.

While several people were waiting for Mo Ling to speak, Mo Ling raised his eyes slightly, "Here comes the chicken soup, try it, how is it different from the previous one?" After speaking, Mo Ling accepted the wine poured by Feng Yao again with a smile, and This time, instead of consuming it all at once, he tasted it carefully one bite at a time, stroking the cup with his fingertips, his posture was somewhat similar to Feng Yao, but the taste was not the same.

Because it is the signature medicated chicken soup, this soup is boiled all the time in this restaurant, so that the soup is served very quickly.At this moment, I have to say that the chicken soup came at the right time.

Xiao Er neatly put the chicken soup on the table, then backed away.

Mu Jin withdrew her eyes from looking at Mo Ling, and the corners of her lips were slightly curved, she didn't point out that Mo Ling would protect her in public, it would be nice if she didn't scold her.But Su Yingying is different from her, she has not received much, so it is enough not to belittle her, but Su Yingying has been protected all the time, and now she is not protected but ignored, one can imagine...

(End of this chapter)

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