The soldier is a girl

Chapter 328 132: Strong horses have their own strong training

Chapter 328 132: Strong horses have their own strong training
She had been patient before to accommodate Mo Ling, but now she doesn't even want to accommodate Mo Ling, she alone is Su Yingying, who has the right to dictate in front of her, she wants to see if this Mo Yu is her own life is important or thinks that Su Yingying The grievance is important.

As soon as the words fell, Mu Jin pushed the stool and left without even saying hello to Mo Ling.

She was probably used to kneading Mujin as dough before, but Su Yingying couldn't accept Mujin's arrogant appearance at all. Seeing her leave, she grabbed the wine glass on the table and threw it at Mujin, "Mujin, stop, I Are you allowed to go?" Not to mention, there was still some strength in that.

Luo Lian didn't expect Su Yingying to make a move, and let her throw the cup like this without checking for a while, and only had time to shout, "Mujin, be careful."

The spectators around thought that Su Yingying was a delicate beauty at first, but they never thought that she was a little pepper, but what about the little pepper, a beauty will always make people feel compassion, so even if the scene becomes like this, in the eyes of everyone In consciousness, Hibiscus still doesn't know what to do.

The wine glass was thrown at Mu Jin's head. I don't know whether it was Mu Jin's foresight or Luo Lian's shout had an effect, but when the wine glass was about to hit her, she suddenly turned around and waved, instead of catching it, she pushed it back , directly facing Su Yingying's face, the strength is much stronger than Su Yingying's, and the speed is too fast for Su Yingying to react.

However, just when the wine glass was about to hit Su Yingying's face, Mo Ling, who had been tasting the wine in silence all this time, suddenly stood up and directly wrapped the glass into his hands with a wave.

Seeing Mo Ling taking the cup, the temperature in Mu Jin's eyes dropped little by little.

At this time, Su Yingying seemed to have just reacted from the shock, and immediately burst into tears, "Brother Ling, she...she's going to ruin my appearance again..." This word is very good.

Mu Jin sneered, she was not interested in continuing to watch Su Yingying's performance, nor was she interested in being a clown with her, so she turned around and left without even groaning.

"Did it hit you? Let's talk about disfigurement. What are you doing so coquettish? You're a man in vain." Hearing Su Yingying's tone, Luo Lian quit in an instant. Chase outside the restaurant.

Su Yingying's face was turned pale by the blows, and she was crying whether she wasn't crying or not.

Su Yingying wanted to ask Mo Ling for help again, but saw Mo Ling put the cup in front of Fengyao, and heard him say to Fengyao: "The cup is very expensive, it's a pity if it breaks."

Su Yingying's face became a little paler, so, just now, the cup was caught not because of her face but because of the fear that the cup might break?
Is this still Brother Ling who is willing to risk his life to save her?

Feng Yao glanced at the cup, and then said: "It's not a pity to do your job well." As for which job you're doing, it's hard to say.

The ignorance of the two made Su Yingying look like a clown, she had never been so embarrassed, all because of that hibiscus, all because of that hibiscus, she must kill her.

"I've always heard of General Mo's mighty name, but I never imagined that the soldiers taught by General Mo are also so unique. Well, how should I put it, this temperament is extremely like a wild horse that has run wild, so fierce..."

Speaking of Mu Jin's strong temper, Mo Yu once said, but it was only lingering in irony and admiration, but at this moment, Feng Yao seemed to hold people on the tip of his tongue, with a sense of playfulness and joking.

Mo Ling didn't like this smell very much, and Feng Yao's aggressive eyes that kept looking at Mu Jin didn't like it even more.

"A strong horse has its own training, so don't bother Mr. Feng to worry about it. The wine is good, and I will continue to taste it next time I have a chance." Mo Ling left without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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