The soldier is a girl

Chapter 338 142: Hooliganism

Chapter 338 142: Hooliganism

Probably because Mo Ling spoke suddenly, the branch in Mu Jin's hand fell into the fire with a snap.

Hibiscus didn't care much, and took another one, "I did it on purpose." Following the words, there was the sound of snapping branches.

The air fell silent for a moment.

"you will not."

Trust her so much?But this time she did it on purpose.

"I'm afraid Mu Jin is going to betray the general's trust, and Mu Jin did it on purpose." While talking, he threw the branch in his hand into the fire, and there was a crackling sound.She was telling the truth, whether she believed it or not had nothing to do with her.

"If you don't say that your medicine will be in vain again."

Boil your sister for nothing.

Mu Jin turned her head and was about to attack, but when she turned her head, she met a ghost face and the pair of deep eyes behind the ghost face and stopped talking.

At this moment, the fire is reflected in those pupils... and her figure...

It seemed that Mu Jin was startled by the sudden approaching person, and Mu Jin staggered backwards, and the small stool became unstable, causing Mu Jin to fall backwards.

At this time, Mo Ling suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled her. I don't know if it was because of too much force. Mu Jin turned from leaning back to leaning forward, and then Mu Jin threw Mo Ling, who was half squatting, to the ground. The person just bumped into his arms.

Mu Jin was stunned by this change for three seconds, then immediately got up from Mo Ling's body with hands and feet as quickly as possible after realizing it, but was pulled by Mo Ling forcefully and turned over and pressed down on the cold ground.

And she met the ghost face and the eyes that reflected her figure in the fire light again.

I don't know if it was because of the firelight, but Mu Jin felt that those eyes were deeper and more intoxicating than before.

The atmosphere that was still tense just now suddenly became a little rippling.

"Say it?" Mo Ling didn't seem to feel the change in the atmosphere at all, but continued the topic just now, and the words were stained with his own coldness.

When Mo Ling opened his mouth, the weak ripples were instantly dispersed, and the anger in Mu Jin's eyes that had dissipated due to the accident just now gathered again.

"Is the general going to torture you to extract a confession?"

"If you don't cooperate, I don't mind torture to extract a confession." As he spoke, Mo Ling's deep eyes moved from Hibiscus's eyes to her neck, and even made a move to bow his head.

Mu Jin understood Mo Ling's meaning almost immediately, and still remembered the night when he just came back when there was light snow, he pressed her in the same way in the woods, and she just said something, and then...

Thinking of that scene, Mu Jin covered her neck with her hands almost as fast as she could, and then felt something wrong and covered her ears, even if she used both hands together, she couldn't cover one side but couldn't cover the other side. In a hurry, Mu Jin directly covered Mo Ling's mouth with her backhand, and pushed the lips that were close to her neck away with a little force, and continued to cover Mo Ling's mouth without stopping.

"You...don't go too far..." Mu Jin complained directly.Is this man really not a hooligan?

"Why did I go too far?" Mu Jin could cover Mo Ling's mouth but could not cover Mo Ling's voice.

As Mo Ling spit out the words, the lips that opened and closed brushed her palm one after another, Mu Jin only felt the palm of her hand itch, and subconsciously retracted a bit.

Mo Ling looked at Mu Jin with such deep eyes, as if he wanted to see through her.

Seen by such eyes, Mu Jin felt a little helpless, her whole body was hairy, as if something had been seen through, she directly covered his eyes with her hands.

After covering it, Mu Jin suddenly felt that her behavior had a feeling of 300 taels of silver, and she didn't know whether to continue covering it or take it away.

(End of this chapter)

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