The soldier is a girl

Chapter 340 144: She just wanted to vent her anger

Chapter 340 144: She just wanted to vent her anger

She really did it on purpose, just to vent her anger, who told him to drag her back, but since she wanted an answer so much, "Plant, there is something wrong with the two potted plants in that room."

As soon as Mu Jin finished speaking, Mo Ling stood up suddenly, and Mu Jin almost knocked over the medicine bowl in fright.

"It's so hard, I'm going to deal with those two pots of plants." As he said that, Mo Ling walked out with a breeze, as if something was chasing him.

Mu Jin only felt that the air was fresh after Mo Ling left, and didn't pay much attention to it. Only Mo Ling knew that if he didn't leave soon, something might happen.

I didn't think about many things deeply before, but now that I think about it, everything is really wrong. He must find a place to be quiet. Although it was just a fleeting thought, it still gave him an urge to strangle her to death. , if all the conjectures are true, he has been kept in the dark all this time, he must let her know the consequences of teasing him, he can't be anxious that he has to wait patiently for a few more days, he wants her to have no chance to argue , just wait a few more days, wait a few more days, but what the hell is it that I can't wait for a few more days...

When Mu Jin went to deliver the medicine again, Mo Yu cooperated quite well, without sarcasm or harsh words, from the moment Mu Jin entered to leaving, the two barely exchanged a single word except for Mu Jin's salute and Mo Yu's excuse.

For this, Mu Jin expressed her satisfaction. There is no need for two people who don't have any hatred to do so many things. It is enough for him to give medicine and the other to drink medicine. I don't know why it was so complicated before.

After finishing what was supposed to be done, Mu Jin realized that no one seemed to have arranged her place. Is this the rhythm of asking her to sleep in the hallway?
It's cold, why don't you be so ruthless.

Because of Mo Yu's matter, the entire city lord's mansion is under martial law, and Mu Jin didn't have the pleasure of making fun of her own life. She was too embarrassed to talk to General Luo at this late hour. Is there any other room under the quilt? Sleeping like this is necessary. She froze to death, so Mu Jin had no choice but to go directly to Mo Ling's room after tidying up.

The door opened as soon as it was pushed, and it was pitch black inside, and I couldn't feel the slightest breath.

Where did the NPC go without sleeping at night?

Hibiscus complained a bit and went into the house.

Originally, he wanted Mo Ling to arrange a room for her, but after waiting for a long time, there was still no movement.Mu Jin said that she didn't want to wait any longer, anyway, it's not like she didn't sleep together, she was so cold and so tired, why did she hold on.Still looking at him is very uncomfortable, but there is no reason to treat yourself badly.

Thinking about it, Mu Jin took off her clothes and climbed onto the big bed that had been beckoning to her for a long time. Sleeping once was no different from sleeping 99 times. Tonight, she barely slept again.

Covering her mouth and letting out a breath, Mu Jin rolled up the quilt and closed her eyes to sleep.

When Mo Ling came back and saw the group of people sleeping soundly on his couch, he didn't know whether to be angry or happy.

He was entangled in pain and troubled for a long time, but she just lay down on his couch and fell asleep. Is it because she has a big heart or trusts him too much.

After standing by the couch and watching for a while, Mo Ling also got on the couch except his clothes.

As soon as he lay down, the little person over there rolled over as if he had sensed something. I don’t know if it was because of the cold air on his body, but the person who just rolled over rolled back and hummed Twice, as if disgusted.

Mo Ling turned sideways to look at Hibiscus without moving. He used to think that he was just a boy who hadn't grown up, so it was okay to be weak, but after a year of growth, he still seemed to be so weak except that he was a little taller. Too slender, I didn't think about it before, but now I feel like a woman no matter how I look at it.

(End of this chapter)

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