The soldier is a girl

Chapter 344 148: Snow God Chapter

Chapter 344 148: Snow God Festival
Luo Lian who ran to the bed saw the bloody bandage thrown aside, and looked at Mu Jin worriedly, "Mu Jin, how are you?"

Mu Jin gave Luo Lian a friendly smile, and said, "It's not as serious as the general's injury."

He was telling the truth, but Mo Ling, who was wearing a coat over there, paused. These words were too harsh and full of irony.

Luo Lian didn't hear anything, but after hearing what Mu Jin said, she became worried about Mo Ling, "Brother Ling, I don't want Snow God Flower..."

"What Snow God Flower?" Luo Lian was about to say no, when Su Yingying's voice cut in.

Luo Lian glanced back at Su Yingying at the door. After all, she was the host and the other was the guest. Luo Lian also saw Mu Jin glance at her, thinking that Mu Jin probably didn't know, so she explained, "Snow God's blessing, once There are only a hundred flowers in a year, and whoever grabs them will be blessed by the Snow God next year, and all wishes will come true."


When Luo Lian finished speaking, these two words floated through Mu Jin's brain, but superstition and superstition are so believable.

This probably has the same meaning as eating mooncakes on the [-]th of the eighth day of the Chinese New Year, a custom and a celebration.

But I’ve never heard of the Snow God Festival or something. It’s probably a local custom here, similar to the Dai Water-Splashing Festival. It’s not popular in other places except the local area. Look at this so-called emperor teacher from Yanling My granddaughter doesn't know either, maybe this is unique to this place.

I won’t comment on whether the hibiscus is effective or not, but this Miss Su must be tempted. One thing is rare, and there are more than 100 people in Luosha City. It should be rare. Another one is a good meaning, I thought No matter what happens, no one cares.

"Can I go?" As expected, Su Yingying directly expressed her desire in the next second, with a little expectation, a little curiosity and a little caution.

"Why are you going, didn't you see brother Ling's injuries?" Luo Lian was so excited that she didn't want to go when she saw Mo Ling was covered in bandages.

This time Su Yingying was not angry, because she was responsible for Mo Ling's injuries.

Luo Lian didn't know, but Mu Jin knew, but so what, what does it have to do with her.

At this moment, Mu Jin was already dressed, she folded the quilt, turned around and walked out, but Luo Lian grabbed her when she passed by Luo Lian, "Mu Jin, let's go together, there are many interesting and delicious things on the street, let's not go To grab the Snow God Flower, we can find the Snow God Statue, you haven’t been there, I’ll take you to play together.”

Mu Jin frowned slightly, this girl was too enthusiastic, she couldn't stand it.

Delicious and fun, she was a little tempted, but she didn't want to go with them.

"I still have to make medicine for the Inspector. It will take an hour, so I can't accompany you." Mu Jin pulled out the hand that was held by Luo Lian and walked out.

"Hey..." Luo Lian was a little disappointed, she wanted to stop Mu Jin, but she didn't dare to delay Master Inspector's medicine.

"Go back and tidy up. I'm fine. I'll grab the Snow God Flower for you. After all, there are every year. There's no reason there won't be any this year." Mo Ling spoke at this time.

When Luo Hao was here, he would fight for Luo Lian every year. Since he took his place as Luo Lian's brother, he had to act like a brother.

Upon hearing this, Luo Lian knew that Mo Ling was thinking of her brother again, and immediately stopped refusing, "Okay." She responded and turned around before walking out.

In fact, brother Ling's death really wasn't brother Ling's fault, how long will it take for him to let go.

In fact, brother Ling is a very indifferent person. He didn't have much enthusiasm for her before, but since his brother died, he regarded himself as her brother and treated her in the gentle way of his brother. She knew that he just wanted to Let her feel her brother's existence, but Brother Ling, Lian Er also regards you as a brother, so there is no need for you to change.

(End of this chapter)

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