Chapter 1205 For Revenge
What Bai Mengchen couldn't believe was that Wei Young would come up with such a way!
To let her take the blame for her?
Bai Mengchen felt very uncomfortable and even very angry.

This is the child she has been protecting? !

This is clearly a white-eyed wolf!
However, Zhang Weiyang like this made Bai Mengchen uncomfortable, but more, she was angry.

But what really made Bai Mengchen very nervous and uneasy... was Bai Hao's answer.

No, she shouldn't be upset!

Ah Hao will definitely not agree to Zhang Weiyang!

Bai Mengchen already knew that Ah Hao didn't have any feelings for Zhang Weiyang's daughter at all. Back then, he slept with that nanny because he was drunk!

So, Ah Hao will definitely refuse!
Bai Mengchen comforted herself over and over again, or she was hypnotizing herself.

Because that was the most persistent persistence in my heart, and it was also the most indelible throbbing at the beginning.

However, even though Bai Mengchen kept comforting herself, her hands and feet couldn't help but start to feel cold.

The uneasiness in my heart is expanding bit by bit...

Actually, only a few minutes.

But Bai Mengchen, who was standing outside the door, seemed to be waiting for some trial, feeling that every second was very difficult.

And in this uneasy situation, the people in the room spoke again.

Bai Hao said, "The recording is your voice, no one can take the blame for you."

What does this mean?
Bai Mengchen standing outside the door was a little confused.

But Zhang Weiyang said with confidence, "That's easy. When the time comes, I will say that Bai Mengchen is the mastermind, and I just listen to her. The words in the recording are also taught me to say. As long as she admits everything, then If I admit that she forced me, that's fine."

Seeing that Bai Hao did not express his opinion, Zhang Weiyang sneered and said, "Let me tell you, Bai Mengchen is already in a stalemate with the Bai family, and it is of no use to you at all. If you help me this time, I will immediately Give that child to you! I don't know what you will do in the future, in short, I can only be your help, after all, I am much more useful than that stupid woman Bai Mengchen!"

Bai Mengchen outside the door, since she is already disappointed with Zhang Weiyang, so she seems to be able to accept it when she hears that Zhang Weiyang has a stupid woman on the left and one on the right is useless.

But at this moment, Bai Hao opened his mouth slowly.

"What if she doesn't agree?"

"Haha, you can ask her, after all, she loves you so much." Zhang Weiyang said with a sarcastic smile, "But I know that you don't love her, if you really love her, there will be no me exists, doesn't it?"

Bai Hao looked at Zhang Weiyang in front of him and didn't speak, but his eyes acquiesced to what Zhang Weiyang said.

There was even a hint of admiration in his eyes.

The admiration in his eyes encouraged Zhang Weiyang, Zhang Weiyang raised his chin, and said with good intentions in his eyes, "So, all you did was to take revenge on Bai Qifeng, right? Including swapping me with Gu Yan later? Tsk, speaking of it, I am really grateful to you as a father. As for the revenge against Bai Qifeng, you should have succeeded, after all, that idiot Bai Mengchen is still devoted to you, haha, right?"

"Wei Young, you look a lot like me." Bai Hao's voice was full of pride.

And his words just acquiesced to Zhang Weiyang's guess just now!


Suddenly there was the sound of something falling to the ground at the door!
(End of this chapter)

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