The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 1219 The Final Punishment

Chapter 1219 The Final Punishment
Gu Yan knew that Wang Lintao would definitely not do the kind of brain-dead behavior that would make female interstellar warriors shirtless. However, female interstellar warriors are different from male interstellar warriors in that they are on their menstrual period.

Guo Rou's expression was a bit weird, and the roots of her ears were still a little red.

Gu Yan didn't realize what was going on at first, but after a while, she suddenly realized.

That is... Guo Rou is actually shy!

Tsk, this situation is really too rare.

However, Gu Yan and Guo Rou were in the logistics team before, and they also caught up with their menstruation during training, this is not something that can't be said.

I have never seen Guo Rou blushing before.

this time……

Here, Gu Yan just wanted to ask something, and then she heard the bell for assembly, so she packed up with Guo Rou, and went to the previously determined meeting place to gather together.

Wang Lintao personally trains new space fighters every time, and he is notoriously ruthless and extremely strict, so the title of devil team leader came out just like that.

His sharp eyes swept away, and then at the end of a line, he saw the two female space fighters.

Wang Lintao frowned, walked directly to Li Lei, the monitor of the first class, and said, "Have you finished the tasks at noon?"

"Yes, team leader!"

"Really?" Wang Lintao actually asked the cooking team, and Li Lei and the others had indeed moved all the things.

Could it be that this group of space warrior kids saw lesbians, so they wanted to behave well in front of lesbians?
So the efficiency is so high?

after all……

Wang Lintao turned his head to look at Gu Yan, and he had to admit that this Gu Yan was really beautiful, much prettier than the dancing and singing female interstellar warriors in the art group.

I heard that this girl is studying medicine.

Why not learn knowledge honestly and become a doctor?

I want to come here to mess around!
Wang Lintao asked Li Lei to return to the team, then looked at all the new space fighters, and said directly, "Today, we will conduct a test for everyone, and the test standard will be very strict. I will judge your location according to the percentage of your data that meets the standard." , those who pass the test are all in the upper zone. Those who have achieved more than 60.00% of the test passing score are in the middle zone. The final punishment of the second test competition is based on the average score of each class."

All the new Space Marines looked at each other in blank dismay.

How strict is this testing standard?

From this point of view, 60.00% of the pass line is considered a pass.

However, everyone finally turned their attention to the two female space warriors standing in a team.

Gu Yan's eyes were quiet, but he guessed in his heart that Wang Lintao's very strict standard might be aimed at special space fighters.

He is not qualified to train special space fighters, but he knows the training methods and rules.

In order to let Gu Yan and the two get out of trouble as soon as possible, he also took great pains.

No, the final punishment will be based on the average score of each class. From this point of view, Wang Lintao has already expected that Gu Yan and Guo Rou will definitely hold back Class [-]. A estrangement developed between the two female Space Marines.

Some monitors of other classes gloated and said to Li Lei, "Hey, Li Lei, your class has to clean the toilet."

In fact, every class has some students who are slightly inferior in various qualities. In the past, no matter how strict the standards are, there is really no telling which class will fail in the end.

But now... Isn't this obvious?

(End of this chapter)

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