Chapter 1272 Single-handedly
Everyone in Feng Feng's small team suddenly looked to the northwest in surprise.

Over there, thick smoke billowed.

One of the male interstellar soldiers blinked, and then said in a joking tone, "Could it be that the command post of the red team is over there, and then their command post exploded by itself?"

After saying this, he received countless contemptuous looks from his partners.

And after the male interstellar warrior finished speaking, he felt that this idea was a fantasy. He touched the tip of his nose and said, "Ahem, the possibility of this is estimated to be one in a billion."

Feng Feng stared at the cloud and mist caused by the explosion dust in the distance, thoughtful.

He muttered to himself, "Although the command post exploded by itself, it's unlikely. But over might indeed be the Red Team's command post!"

Is the explosion over there the Red Team's headquarters?

It was really because the explosion was too sudden and huge, and they were about to charge into battle, but they were almost trembling when they were about to win.

As a result, the sudden explosion made the red team, which was fighting fiercely, stop immediately.

A male interstellar soldier from the red team choked up for a moment, and with a mask on his face, he said to Guo Rou, "Captain, is that direction our headquarters?"

The astonishment on Guo Rou's face didn't come back. She blinked, nodded directly, and then said a little blankly, "Why did our command post suddenly explode?"

Everyone in the red team was stunned.

The members of the blue team... who were prepared to lose, are actually even more confused, okay?

Soon, Song Qiliang, who learned the news, was completely in a trance.

Why did you win all of a sudden?
The blue team headquarters, which was almost taken away by someone, could hear a pin drop on the ground at this moment.

Only Gongsun Yu, who had expected it a long time ago, was drinking tea quietly.

At this moment, everyone really wanted to know, what happened to the Red Team's headquarters?
Wang Lintao, who was a little confused by the bombing, had come to his senses at this time, he rushed out directly, and then saw the place where they represented the weapon depot, which had already been bombed.

It was said to be an arsenal, but because it was an exercise, there were basically no weapons in it, so some hand bombs were released, but at this time, the arsenal was blown up. Anyway, it proved that the opponent's sneak attack was very successful.

At the next moment, a gunshot sounded suddenly, and Wang Lintao, who hadn't figured out the whole story, saw a blue flower blooming on his chest.

He looked at the big tree in front of him in surprise.

Crouching on it, Gu Yan, who was covered with dead branches, jumped off the tree trunk very neatly.

She shook the ashes off her body, smiling brightly.

"Team Leader Wang, I'm sorry."

The corner of Wang Lintao's mouth twitched, "How did you do it?"

"Are you asking about blowing up the arsenal or hitting you?" Gu Yan replied very seriously.

Wang Lintao looked at the girl's serious appearance, and suddenly didn't want to know the answer.

No one would have thought that Gu Yan would come over alone, blow up the weapon arsenal, and then attract him, the commander, to come out.

The commander was killed, and of course the actual combat exercise was over.

At this time, Wang Lintao also understood that the reasons for his failure were firstly that he did not expect Gu Yan to be so fierce, and another point was that he was too self-willed.

He shouldn't be too confident, but thought that Song Qiliang was a very cautious character, so he called out all the space fighters.

Lead to the emptiness of the command.

So it led to this result...

However, Wang Lintao still has a question.

"Comrade Gu Yan, how did you find out the exact location of our headquarters?"

(End of this chapter)

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