Chapter 1279

The smile on Bai Changle's face retracted little by little, and the previous joy and complacency disappeared without a trace.

In the end, Bai Changle sighed heavily after all the dejection appeared on his face.

"At first I wanted to confess my love to her, but in the end, I first heard her say that I planned to never get married again." After Bai Changle finished speaking, he sighed heavily.

Gu Yan stopped joking, she frowned, "Did she say why she doesn't want to get married?"

"She thinks that there is no need to get married, start a family, let alone have children..." Bai Changle's eyes were full of distress, "I think her thinking like this should have something to do with her previous experience."

Because I watched too much Yanliang, I lost interest in marriage and love.

But at the next moment, Bai Changle clenched his fist again, and said, "But I have a feeling that she must like me! So, this time, I will bring her home, firstly, to let my grandparents and their parents see Look, secondly, I also want Wen Lan to feel the warm atmosphere of our home."

When Bai Changle said this, his eyebrows rose again.

Gu Yan was quite shocked, she didn't expect that the big brother Bai Changle, who was so carefree, would be so careful.

Indeed, their family is indeed very warm and harmonious.

Although grandma is gone now, Gu Yan knows that the relationship between grandpa and grandma has always been very good.

As for parents Bai Jianjun and Xie Luan, let alone, the current state of the two of them is like falling in love again.

The children don't have to worry about it now, and Xie Luan's health is also healthy. The husband and wife are in very good condition.

Not to mention the rest of Gu Yan and Lu Ye.

As long as the husband and wife get together, they will definitely be bored of being single.

So, Bai Changle is envious.

Then, she planned to let the warmth of her family first melt Wen Lan's frozen heart.

Seeing her elder brother like this, Gu Yan felt like my elder brother had just grown up.

Gu Yan nodded solemnly, and said, "Brother, come on! Try to get my sister-in-law down as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

When Xie Luan walked over, she saw the two brothers and sisters muttering in the corner. She smiled and said, "What are you two brothers and sisters talking about? Are you speaking ill of someone?"

"No!" The siblings said in unison.

Xie Luan didn't go into the details, just asked casually, she looked at the time and said, "Changle, where's Wen Lan?"

"She's reading in my room."

"Oh, the food is ready, you go and call her down."

For this task, Bai Changle liked it very much, he grinned, and went upstairs to call for someone in three steps at a time.

Gu Yan over here looked at Bai Changle's happy back, she smiled and shook her head.

Seeing her daughter like this, Xie Luan said, "I suddenly guessed what you two were whispering just now."


"You two were talking about Wen Lan just now, right?" Xie Luan smiled softly.

This time, it was Gu Yan's turn to be shocked.

She asked curiously, "Mom, how do you know that we are talking about sister Wen Lan? Don't say it, you are cheating me."

"Your brother mentioned Wen Lan to us just now. Hey, he is a good boy. Looking at your brother running upstairs non-stop, he must have told you about Wen Lan just now."

(End of this chapter)

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