Chapter 1328 Not Dispersed

The little boy just looked at Gu Yan quietly.

He didn't answer her for a long time.

Guo Rou was a little anxious by the side, she was worried, whether the child was scared stupid by a series of things today.

Gu Yan was very patient, just looking at the little boy like this.

"Not scattered."

After hearing the child's three words, Gu Yan and Guo Rou looked at each other, and the eye circles of both of them were a little red.

This child whose mother doesn't love his father doesn't love him, and the only nanny who treats him well is already dead.

But at this time, he stared at Gu Yan closely, pulled the vine, and said the three words "not to scatter".

It made Gu Yan feel very worried.

She reached out, stroked the child's hair, and said softly, "Well, don't disperse."

Hearing Gu Yan's assurance, the little boy opened his mouth and laughed innocently and romantically.

In the child's world, after all, it is simple.

And Gu Yan hopes that this child's world will never be polluted by his parents.

In this way, Gu Yan carried Liang Xiaoyun who was still unconscious due to loss of strength, and the other end of the vine tied to her wrist was wrapped around the little boy's waist.

Guo Rou supported the crutch specially made for her by Gu Yan with one hand, and held the little boy with the other hand.

Gu Yan turned back, looked at Guo Rou, and said, "Guo Rou, remember what I said before, give our three-person team a name?"

"...I was nervous just now and forgot about it." Guo Rou looked at Liang Xiaoyun, who was unconscious on Gu Yan's back, and smiled, "I think maybe she didn't have the time to think of a name."

"Well, now we think, when we reach the finish line before dawn, we should be able to figure it out."

"it is good!"

In this way, the three of Gu Yan, plus a child, embarked on their final journey of seven days and seven nights to survive in the wild.


Gongsun Yu and Cao Ran had actually been waiting at the exit of that mountain road for a long time. Seeing the sky getting dark, they still didn't see the figures of the three female space warriors.

Cao Ran frowned, "If you go at the normal speed, even if you take out the time to hide from the heavy rain on the way, this time should have arrived. Could it be that something happened?"

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Gongsun Yu, "Did Gu Yan call you?"


Speaking of it, although Gongsun Yu didn't show it, in fact, he was more worried than Cao Ran.

Gu Yan, Liang Xiaoyun, and Gongsunyu are naturally worried, but these two girls are relatively calm, especially Gu Yan, who is very reliable in doing things, calm and composed, and sometimes even Gongsunyu feels ashamed of himself.

But Guo Rou...

That girl is very impulsive, and she is straightforward in doing things. If there is one, it is one, and if there is two, it is two.

Gongsun Yu is particularly worried that when encountering danger, that girl will not make a sharp turn, and then advocates that everything should be solved by violence...

The more I think about it, the more worried I become!

Seeing the time passing by, Cao Ran gritted his teeth and said, "How about I go in and meet them?"

"No." Gongsun Yu refused decisively.

He said, "It's only six o'clock in the evening. The time set for them is before the sunrise tomorrow morning. The sunrise time here is around six o'clock, so it's better to count it as six o'clock. That is to say, they are still there." There are twelve hours to complete this wilderness survival."

"But what if they are in danger?"

(End of this chapter)

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