Chapter 1373 Between lovers
Song Yaqin took the pill. Although there was still a layer of transparent plastic packaging on the pill, she felt that the pill was hot for no reason.

"Here, what kind of medicine is this?"

"I asked Lu Ye to take your medicine." Bai Leyao smiled slightly, and then said, "Clean up, and I will let you take you across the border of the star field later, and if all goes well, you will arrive at Lu Ye tomorrow. by my side."

Song Yaqin's heart was beating wildly, she was a little excited, but also a little nervous.

Also, I was a little skeptical.

She looked up at Bai Leyao.

This woman is said to be a suspected fugitive, but she actually had plastic surgery and changed her name.

Subconsciously, Song Yaqin felt that Bai Leyao was very dangerous now, and rationally told her that she should reject Bai Leyao's proposal and stay away from her.


To get Lu Ye's love, this temptation is too great for Song Yaqin.

Seeing Song Yaqin's struggle, Bai Leyao smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, I didn't ask you to kill Lu Ye this time. I actually just want you to get along with Lu Ye. Gu Yan will know later She will definitely go crazy with anger about this matter. At that time, I will be happy. "

Seeing Bai Leyao say it so directly, Song Yaqin dispelled the last trace of doubt in her heart, she nodded directly and said, "Okay, I will follow your arrangement."

"Well, go back and pack your luggage. I'll send someone to pick you up later."

"it is good."

Watching Song Yaqin leave, Bai Leyao put away the smile on her face and snorted sinisterly.

Silly woman, no wonder she was so embarrassed by Gu Yan before!
But, just be stupid if you are stupid, as long as it is easy to use.

Bai Leyao sneered, and said to a man in black beside him, "When the time comes, you and Akang will send her to the border of the star field and directly to Lu Ye. Remember to take more photos, even if Song Yaqin is too stupid, Lu Ye Ye Ye didn't sleep with her, and went to shoot some misleading angles!"

"Yes, Miss Le Yao."

Bai Leyao picked up the wine glass and drank the rest of the red wine in one gulp.

Gu Yan, although I can't kill you for the time being, I still want to piss you off!


The spaceship that Gu Yan took took more than 30 hours to reach the city, and then it took another half a day by car to reach the address that Gongsun Yu gave her.

It was because Lu Ye was injured and it was not easy to travel long distances for the time being, so he chose this small town on the edge of the star field border.

On the way, she read a book quietly, and then took a break to eat, calmly.

During this period, three people called Gu Yan.

Guo Rou was the first.

"Gu Yan, let me tell you, I'm going to die of anger, I want to break up with Gongsun Yu!"


"He always bullies me, I can't beat him, I can't even talk about him!"

Hearing her friend's angry words, Gu Yan felt that she had actually been fed a mouthful of dog food.

She thought for a while and said, "If you really don't feel like getting along, you can temporarily separate the two of you and stay calm."

"This is a good idea!"

With a click, Guo Rou hung up the phone.

But 10 minutes later, Gongsun Yu's call came after him.

"Gu Yan, how can you let Guo Rou break up with me?"

"Oh, did you secretly report to Ah Ye?"


"That's fine. I'll call Guo Rou later and tell you that you bully her all day because you care about her and like her. It's just a love affair between lovers."

Gongsun Yu: ...

(End of this chapter)

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