Chapter 1668

However, Gu Yan calmly thought that there was no noise outside just now, so it proves that Guo Rou should not have run into this group of people.

However, this has to be in the vicinity of this room.

Gu Yan breathed lightly, intending to listen to the conversation of these people.

Although it is very dangerous, but wealth and wealth are in danger, maybe she can still hear some important information!

Gu Yan did not guess wrong.

Sure enough, she heard very important news!
Because the person who came in was Shen Xiyan leading her subordinates. After she walked in, she looked at the children who were sleeping together on the ground and asked, "Why are you doing this to two children?"

The man with glasses knew that this woman was gentle and considerate on the surface, but it was actually just her appearance.

Inside, too, was dark.

How can I say otherwise, he is the number two figure among the black angels.

The man with glasses had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he nodded hurriedly on the surface, and then glared at the people on both sides, "Hurry up and put the two children on the bed and lie down!"

The beds in this hotel, of course, have no bedding or anything, but there are old mattresses, which are much better than the cold ground.

Wen Jing hated these people, so naturally she didn't want to be hugged by them. When they approached, Wen Jing pretended to have just woken up, and then backed away in horror. Eric, who was leaning on her, lost his balance , fell to the ground with a bang, and his head hit the floor with a bang.

"Oh, it hurts..." The little boy woke up from the knock, and then covered his head, looking around in aggrieved and bewildered eyes.

Wen Jing also made her face look scared, "You, who are you, when are you going to let us go?!"

Shen Xiyan looked at Wen Jing gently, who was a few years older than her daughter, she said softly, "Don't worry, as long as they agree to our request, we will let you two go home."

"What request?" Wen Jing asked subconsciously.

And it was her subconscious that made Shen Xiyan feel relieved.

Because from Shen Xiyan's point of view, although this girl is the adopted daughter of the chief officer, she is a child after all, and she is not afraid of being wrong at all.

But it's not right to be too scared.

If there are no merits, why would the chief officer adopt her?
So at this moment, Wen Jing's face was full of fear, and she also had just the right amount of strength and calmness, which made Shen Xiyan completely relax her vigilance.

She said, "The request is very simple, just change people, one for another, as simple as one plus one for elementary school students, don't you think?"

Wen Jing was a little confused.

This time, the expression on her face was not fake.

One for another, that is to say, the other party intends to exchange two of them for two? ! ! ! !

Who is the other party replacing?

Wen Jing really wanted to talk, but she knew that she couldn't ask more questions at this time, and if she asked more questions, it wouldn't be good to make the other party suspicious.

Gu Yan, who was hiding behind the curtain, was also shocked.

The replacement is indeed the purpose of some kidnappers, but I haven't heard that any leader of this group of Star Thief members has been arrested, and I learned from the feedback that the other party did make two requests.

But it's not a replacement.

For what reason did they change the conditions?
And who are the two people they want to replace?

(End of this chapter)

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