The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2310 Because of Gu Yan, it is his fate

Chapter 2310 Because of Gu Yan, it is his fate
Wen Sen was surprised that Gu Yan's eyesight was so good. In such a dark place, he could see the little boy's position so clearly.

Even the little boy's dog got hurt and saw it!
Although he was puzzled, Wen Sen also knew that he couldn't waste time, so he ran out very neatly.

Xie Yuge was behind him. He didn't hear clearly about the little boy and the injured puppy, but he knew that Wen Sen had gone out to save people.

She said, "Xiaoyan, you are right, this person has a very good heart."

It must be good to be able to save people in such a dangerous time.

Gu Yan wanted to make Xie Yuge feel more relaxed, not to be too afraid of this natural disaster, she joked, "Then cousin, do you think he is better, or my cousin's husband?"

"Of course it's your cousin-in-law." Xie Yuge replied without thinking.

Gu Yan nodded, it seems that the cousin-in-law's hard work for so many years has not been in vain, and the cousin's affection for him has grown deeper and deeper.

Then Xie Yuge added, "He's not as good-looking as your cousin-in-law, and he's full of tendons. I hate this kind of man the most."

Gu Yan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled helplessly.

However, I have to say that they all have excellent looks thanks to their family members, and they are also extremely picky about the looks of the other half.

In short, it is color control.

Although Gu Yan admits that her cousin-in-law Mu Jiayao is indeed elegant and handsome, but...

She touched her chubby belly, and thought very firmly, no one is as handsome as her family, Aye!

And smart.

And handsome.

And excellent.


Miss him again...

The handsome husband Lu Ye who was missed by Gu Yan looked a bit embarrassed at this moment.

The car he was driving was almost hit by something that suddenly fell from the sky, thanks to Lu Ye's quick reaction.

Driving in such inclement weather is purely desperate.

But Lu Ye will not stop.

Because Gu Yan is his life.

He was thinking quickly in his heart, how is Yanyan doing now, has she found a safe place to hide, maybe she has already evacuated.

If that's the case, it's fine.

Lu Ye would rather travel thousands of miles by himself, even if he arrives in vain when he arrives without sleep.

As long as you look safe.

He would rather bear all the dangers by himself than see Gu Yan in any danger.

Although the two have been together for a long time, they often get together less and leave more.

The relationship between the two did not fade because of the long-term separation, on the contrary, it became more and more enthusiastic.

Lu Ye touched the rainwater on his face, gritted his teeth, and drove the car directly inside!
And Vincent here has found the little boy, and sure enough, the little boy's dog was injured.

The poodle's legs were covered with blood, but it kept licking the little master's hand, as if comforting him that it didn't hurt.

The little boy cried and said, "It's all because of me, otherwise, Henry wouldn't be hurt, it's all my fault, it's all my fault..."

Wen Sen said, "It's dangerous here, go, go with uncle first!"

"What about Henry!" The little boy cried until his face was blurred.

Vincent didn't have time to say anything else, because he had already heard a strange voice, his face changed, and he didn't have time to think about anything, but directly picked up the little boy with one hand, picked up the little poodle with the other, and directly Run towards the basement!

Gu Yan's eyesight is excellent, at the door of the basement, she saw Vincent running wildly, and... a tornado less than ten meters behind him!

(End of this chapter)

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