The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2313 Lu Ye's Tears

Chapter 2313 Lu Ye's Tears

The big brother of the security officer was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head, and saw the blood on the opponent's hand, which was all on his body.

Immediately he said, "Are you hurt?"

"It's okay, Xiaoshang, take me to Miss Charlotte!"

Dude, your palm is about to be broken, and you can see the bones. You said it was a minor injury? !
The elder brother security officer saw the concern in the eyes of the Niall man, and that Miss Charlotte was also from Niall, so he had a faint guess in his heart.

Probably Miss Charlotte's family.

He nodded, and immediately handed over the rescue work at hand to his colleagues.

Afterwards, the big security officer took Lu Ye to the house where Gu Yan lived.

Lu Ye walked ahead quickly, and saw that the houses here were basically collapsed, and even the basement of one family was destroyed, and the people hiding inside were crushed to death.

Lu Ye's heart was about to jump out.

Yanyan, you must not have any accidents! ! !

After seeing this, Big Brother Niall was also silent.

It has been more than five years since he was transferred to this small town. In the past five years, he has been familiar with almost every family in the town.

But looking at these messes, the big security officer felt very uncomfortable.

This disaster almost turned the small town of Whistler into ruins.

This damn tornado!
At this time, Lu Ye was as if stunned. He seemed to be unable to see anyone, but just stared at the ruins in front of him.

In a small two-story house, the roof has been pulled off, all kinds of furniture have been blown into a mess, and broken glass is scattered all over the floor.

Lu Ye felt a sudden pain in his heart!
Especially the pools of blood on the ground are even more shocking!
He staggered a few steps, and suddenly saw a little doll, which was something for children.

Lu Ye squatted down slowly, almost shaking his hands, before picking up the dirty little doll.

This is what Yanyan bought for her child...

Yan Yan...

Lu Ye felt itchy eye circles, his mouth opened, and the deadly pain in his chest instantly swept through his whole body!

His body wobbled a bit, and Lu Ye almost fell down, but it was the elder brother of the security officer who quickly supported him.

In order to come to Gu Yan's side, Lu Ye has not closed his eyes for three days and two nights.

Not to mention, the adventures he experienced in the storm and tornado before were beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

There were deep bone wounds on his hands, and a lot of blood flowed out, which made Lu Ye dizzy.

He doesn't care about these! ! !
However, his appearance...

Tears flowed down his cheeks one by one, and when they flowed through the wound on Lu Ye's face, he didn't even feel the pain.

Because his heart was already overwhelmed by sorrow, numb from the pain...

The big security officer didn't know how to comfort this Niall man, because he was also feeling very uncomfortable.

After all, the Charlotte cousins ​​had left a deep impression on him, and he really couldn't believe that the sisters died in this disaster just like that.

Lu Ye sat there kneeling, with the broken doll in his hand, his tears flowed silently, but the whole person didn't make a sound.

When Gu Yan got out of the basement, she was also a little embarrassed.

The basement was leaked, but fortunately, none of them had anything to do.

Her long hair is full of dust, and she carefully protects her belly.


She saw the man kneeling there with tears all over his face.

Gu Yan was stunned.

The next moment, she suddenly ran forward and shouted, "Aye!"

(End of this chapter)

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