The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2316 Skin 1 Are you happy

Chapter 2316 Are you happy?
The small town of Whistler cannot stay anymore, and it will take time to rebuild after the disaster.

After receiving simple medical treatment, the rescued people need to be transferred to other surrounding cities that were not affected by the disaster.

And if you have relatives in other places, you can go directly to relatives and friends.

The conditions of the place to settle down are not very good, and there are too many people, especially Gu Yan is about to give birth, and it is not suitable for that kind of chaotic environment.

"Xiaoyan, why don't we go to planet S, I have a good friend there, I can find a quiet and safe place for you to wait for delivery." Xie Yuge said.

Thinking about it, Gu Yan just happened to send Wen Sen back, so she nodded.

When Xie Yuge and Wen Sen went to send the little boy to his family, Gu Yan was still by Lu Ye's side.

Lu Ye had many injuries, but none of them were fatal. When the danger approached, he protected his vitals well.

The reason why I fainted before was because I had to go on the road without sleep for several days and nights, exhausted, and the wound was bleeding profusely.

After resting for a day, Lu Ye's health improved a lot, thanks to his excellent physical foundation, even the doctors were shocked.

The expression on Lu Ye's face was very embarrassing, "If I'm not in good health, can I be the father of the triplets!"

Gu Yan, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help laughing when he saw him beaming and embarrassed.

She likes to see such a lively Aye.

Moreover, as long as she saw the smile on the corner of his mouth, Gu Yan felt that her heart was filled to the brim.

Lu Ye raised his head, just in time to see his beloved, looking at him with a smile in his eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Handsome men and beautiful women meet each other with eyes full of love.

Not to mention, at this time Gu Yan was still pregnant with a soft smile on his face.

The sun shone in from the window next to them, as if covering the smiles at the corners of their mouths with a layer of golden light.

A reporter happened to pass by here. He saw this scene and pressed the shutter directly.

Although the disaster came and the casualties were heavy, the people in this small town cheered up quickly.

In his heart, the reporter was filled with emotion, and quickly found the title of the article he was about to write.

Gu Yan and Lu Ye are both interstellar warriors. Naturally, they heard the sound of taking pictures. When they looked up, they saw people dressed as reporters, holding cameras, taking pictures everywhere, and interviewing people everywhere.

Gu Yan said, "We have to get out of here quickly."

Because the disaster was too severe this time, Gu Yan was worried that Lucifer would know the news.

Lu Ye nodded, "Then we will set off tonight."

"Aye, are you alright?"

"It's okay, your man and I are in good health. It's a pity that you can't try it now."

Gu Yan: ...

Are you happy?


Lucifer was sitting on the sofa, his finger, once and for all, lit the table in front of the sofa.

White gloves, black table.

Black and white.

And in front of Lucifer, there was a line of people, everyone looking down at the toes of their shoes... Well, Moloch didn't see it because he was so fat his stomach blocked his view.

Lucifer took another sip of coffee, and the bitter taste spread in his mouth.

He raised his eyes slightly, those jewel-like pupils exuded air-conditioning at this moment.

"Mephisto, who saved your life back then?"

Mephisto straightened up immediately and said, "It's the boss!"

Lucifer didn't continue talking, but turned his head and looked at David, "David, I remember that you were framed and imprisoned before, who cleared you of the crime, avenged you, and finally took you in ?”

(End of this chapter)

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