The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2320 The man who spoils his wife to the point of selflessness

Chapter 2320 The man who spoils his wife to the point of selflessness

"You believe everything I say. This is my greatest gratitude. Moreover, you did help me a lot when the tornado came." Gu Yan said with a smile, "Next I'm going to a A quiet place to give birth, so let's separate first."

"But I haven't been your bodyguard for three months yet." Vincent felt ashamed.

He is a man of great credibility.

They helped him, gave him some money to live on, brought him to planet S, and pointed him to the way.

Vincent is sincerely grateful to Gu Yan.

Gu Yan smiled slightly and said, "Meeting is fate, maybe one day in the future, we will meet again."

Lu Ye couldn't listen anymore. He held Gu Yan's shoulder possessively, raised his chin, and said to Wen Sen, "I will take care of my wife, so don't worry about it!"

If this person continues to babble and doesn't leave, Lu Ye doesn't mind beating him with injuries!

Vincent smiled suddenly, showing his white teeth, and said, "Lu, next time we meet again, I must compete with you to see which one of us is better at fighting!"

Lu Ye smiled, "Okay, I will definitely accompany you!"

Vincent just left.

Seeing that Wen Sen had finally left, Lu Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing him like this, Gu Yan pursed her lips and smiled.

But at this time, neither of them knew that they would meet Wen Sen again in a certain mission in the future.

Moreover, it was Vincent who had recovered his memory.

Wen Sen didn't get into a fight with Lu Ye, but got into a fight with Gu Yan.

Of course that's something to do later.

Gu Yan and Lu Ye got into the car and waited for Xie Yuge.

Here, after Xie Yuge got out of the bank and got into the car, he even brought a tail.

Mu Jiayao smiled at Gu Yan and Lu Ye, "Xiaoyan, Lu Ye, long time no see."

In fact, Mu Jiayao, whose wife was not around during this time, almost went crazy when he heard that there was a tornado in the small town of Whistler.

He drove here all night.

Immediately after arriving in Whistler, and hearing that Xie Yuge had gone to Planet S, he immediately rushed towards Planet S without stopping.

Mu Jiayao heaved a sigh of relief when he saw his wife standing in front of him pretty and unscathed.

But this time is also the longest time he and his wife have been apart, and they haven't been separated for so long since the two of them settled their suspicions and got married.

Although Mu Jiayao knew that Gu Yan was in trouble, and he also supported his wife's decision, in his heart, he still missed his wife Xie Yuge deeply.

Xie Yuge muttered there, "What did you say you came here? I said we're fine, why are you so inked!"

Mu Jiayao, who was said to be inked by his wife, smiled quietly.

Anyway, what the daughter-in-law said was right, as long as he saw that she was well, it didn't matter.

Being scolded also feels happy.

Another man who spoils his wife to the point of selflessness.

Gu Yan and Lu Ye looked at each other.

Gu Yan said, "Cousin, now that Ah Ye is here to accompany me, you can go back with your cousin-in-law."

"No, no, you're going to have a baby soon!"

"It's okay, Ah Ye can take care of me, and I have to borrow some more money from you first, and then hire an aunt to take care of me. Cousin, believe me, it's really okay."

"Money is a small matter. I will give you as much as you want. There is nothing to borrow or not. It's just..." Xie Yuge was still a little worried, after all, Xiaoyan was about to give birth.

(End of this chapter)

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