chapter 2344

"Love is not a game, not about winners and losers," Lu Ye walked in slowly from behind the curtain, his eyes were bright, he continued, "It's about suitable and inappropriate."

Lucifer stood up and turned around slowly. He and Lu Ye were facing each other, with huge waves brewing in his eyes.

"How do you know that Xiaoyan and I are not suitable?"

"Because Yan Yan is suitable for me." Lu Ye said firmly.

Lucifer suddenly raised his head, and his figure flashed in front of Lu Ye the next moment.

There was a balcony behind Lu Ye. When he turned to the left, he dodged Lucifer's kick. Of course, he was not polite, so he kicked it out the next moment.

Lucifer blocked with both hands, and used his strength to attack Lu Ye's leg. Lu Ye was faster, turned around, and punched Lucifer in the heart with his backhand.

Lucifer had no choice but to give up this attack, but he was not reconciled.

The two of them fought back and forth in an instant.

Hearing the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong from upstairs, Cang Lan immediately rushed up.

The voice came from the room where Gu Yan lived before.

Cang Lan looked at the two men wrestling together, paused, and silently retracted the gun.

If it was anything else, he would help Lucifer.

But in the scene before him... the rival in love met, and he was extremely jealous, so it was better for him to watch.

Lucifer had been in the underground boxing ring back then, and his skills were fierce. As early as the moment he fought with Lu Ye, he was no longer that noble gentleman.

But a handsome devil from hell.

As for Lu Ye, he has been an interstellar warrior for so many years, so he is naturally not covered, not to mention, he is younger than Lucifer, and his skills are more agile.

The two people have their own strengths and weaknesses, and they are comparable.

However, when Lu Ye saw Cang Lan standing at the door from the corner of his eye, he felt bad, one-on-one, he was not afraid of Lucifer, and even liked this opportunity to have a man-to-man duel with the other party .

However, what if the other party bullies the less with more? !

Lucifer was also amazed at the Niall man's skill. After a few rounds, neither of them was injured, but neither of them took advantage.

They were tied.

Lucifer didn't want Lu Ye to leave.

From the corner of his eye, he saw the bastard Cang Lan at the door, standing there very calmly, as if he didn't want to help.

He might as well have let David kill the bastard!


While calling, Lucifer asked, "Why did you suddenly appear here? I don't believe it, Xiaoyan is not with you."

"I said you are really boring, thinking about what other people's wives and children are doing all day long?" Lu Ye approached the window vigilantly and slowly.

Although he really wanted to deal with this Lucifer, he was not a rash person.

That Cang Lan doesn't do anything now, but when Lucifer's life is in danger, he might do it.

Lu Ye can't gamble.

He still has work to do.

Lucifer squinted his eyes with a bad expression, "Xiaoyan got to know you first, that's why I'm with you. If she got to know me first..."

Lucifer knew Xiaoyan's character, she was married and had a child, so she would not do anything against morality, and would not fall in love with other men again.

After all, Nyar people are very traditional.

Lucifer paranoidly believed that only this answer would make his heart feel a little better.

Lu Ye didn't want to fight anymore, he threw a stool next to Lucifer, turned around and jumped out.

(End of this chapter)

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