Chapter 2346 Cang Lan's Words
Lu Ye looked at the man warily, the gun was already in his hand.

"I have no malice." Cang Lan sat down, raised his empty hands, and said, "Gu Yan is my good friend."

Lu Ye put down his gun, squinted his eyes, and examined Canglan.

"Do you still remember the memory about Shadow?"

"Ying is dead. You can rest assured about this. Whether it is with you or with the existence behind you, I have no hostility. I came here only because Gu Yan is my friend, very good friend."

Lu Ye could feel the kindness released from Cang Lan.

And I heard Yanyan talk about Canglan before.

He nodded, then looked around, and said, "Aren't you afraid of Lucifer when you come to me?"

"I'm also afraid. To be more specific, the last time I let Gu Yan go, he almost killed me. However, Lucifer is not a vicious person. He has his own judgment in doing things." Cang Lan realized what she said recently, A bit much.

Also heartbroken.

Lu Ye raised his eyebrows, "Then what is your purpose for coming?"

"Shut up, I advise you and your companions to stop. Lucifer's strength is unimaginable. In fact, he deliberately released the news that he was about to leave to find the treasure. Apart from you, there have been Powers from many planets have appeared one after another. Of course, if Lucifer's power becomes the No. 1 in the entire world in the end, it may be a scene that none of you want to see."

Cang Lan paused for a moment, and then said in distress, "As Gu Yan's friend, I don't want to see her husband in deep danger."

"Even if Lucifer catches me, he may not kill me. After all, I still remember the map." Lu Ye suddenly changed the subject.

Cang Lan was taken aback, and then said in a muffled voice, "You don't need to test me, but I can also tell you the truth, that is, there is a person who also remembers the map. He gave Lei Qing the map back then."

Lu Ye raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, it was the same as they had speculated before.

Then, Lucifer probably won't spare Lu Ye's life because of that person.

and also……

Lu Ye's eyes sank instantly.

Because of Yan Yan, Lucifer must have hated him very much at this time. The reason why he didn't shoot just now, maybe he knew that shooting directly would make Lu Ye alert and run away.

Only then will the time be delayed and let the subordinates set up an ambush.

I'm afraid... Lucifer already has the intention of killing him.

No, Snow Wolf's other partners might be in danger there!
Lu Ye was silent for a while, then raised his head and said, "Anyway, thank you."

Cang Lan raised her head, "Do you believe what I say?"

"Well, because Yanyan said that you are her good friend."

Cang Lan's eyes flickered after hearing Lu Ye's determined tone.

It was a feeling of being trusted by a friend who cared.

Although Lu Ye knew it was dangerous, he quickly made a decision.

"I still have to go, after all my companions are there."

"Are you going to die?" Cang Lan was surprised, he frowned, "Why don't you know, if you appear in front of Lucifer again, he will not let you go!"

For other people, Lucifer would save his life, and even Cang Lan had contradicted Lucifer before, and Lucifer did not kill him.

But the land in front of me is different.

He is Gu Yan's husband!
Lucifer will not let anyone go, he will not let him go!

(End of this chapter)

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