The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2350 Did you believe it or not?

Chapter 2350 Did you believe it or not?

Bai Changle's body paused.

He turned his head slowly and saw a man in a fine suit.

This man's hair was combed meticulously. Although there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but that smile was perfunctory, but his whole person had an aura of not disturbing strangers.

Bai Changle coughed, and said very reservedly, "It's okay."

Lucifer didn't say much, he walked towards the side with strides, and then said, "Aren't you going to have a drink?"

Bai Changle looked at the man wearing gloves even though he was indoors, he nodded, "Okay."

Bai Changle followed Lucifer into a living room, but this living room was very luxurious, with a wall covered with delicate glasses.

various shapes.

Suitable for drinking all kinds of alcoholic beverages.

At this time, Lucifer took out a bottle of Lafite, and after pouring out two glasses, he pushed one to Bai Changle.

Bai Changle took it directly in his hand, took a sip, and said, "It tastes good."

"Drink more if you like." Lucifer smiled.

Bai Changle nodded, and took another sip. It has to be said that the wine on Lucifer's side is definitely the top in the world.

It's so delicious.

Seeing Bai Changle like this, Lucifer raised the corner of his mouth suddenly, and said, "But I heard that Xiaoyan's brother has some brain problems."


Bai Changle, who was drinking, suddenly spouted alcohol.

Gu Yan went to perform an undercover mission, and the identity information left behind was Gu Dagang's daughter, Gu Yan.

Because once it was modified like this, it was half-truth and half-false, but it was very true. At the beginning, most people didn't find out, and they successfully deceived Miao Xiaoyu and the others.

Bai Changle naturally knew this, and he also knew that Lucifer was talking about Gu Qiang. He paused, raised his head, and saw the other person's still very calm expression.

Bai Changle thought to himself, did he believe it or not?

To say that he hates this kind of black-bellied person the most, talking and doing things on the eighteenth bend of the mountain road, and then he will dig holes for you while smiling at you and wait for the opportunity to kick you.

I heard that this Lucifer likes Xiaoyan, tsk, as a brother-in-law Bai Changle, he doesn't like this kind of brother-in-law!

For a moment, his thoughts went astray, but Bai Changle still pulled it back tenaciously. He raised his head and suddenly smiled, "Do you think I have a problem with my brain?"

"Not like."

"So?" Bai Changle took another sip of wine very heartily, and then said, "Let me tell you, Xiaoyan doesn't like a man like you who is as thoughtful as a briquette."

This time it was Lucifer's turn to pause.

He raised his eyes and looked at the man in front of him quietly.

Indeed, the man in front of him was somewhat similar to Xiaoyan, but his temperament was too different.

However, compared to the brother with the false identity, this noble man in front of him looks more like Xiaoyan's brother.

Seeing the other party's expression, Bai Changle felt confident.

As early as after Xiaoyan completed the undercover mission, I am afraid that Lucifer knew that her previous identity was fake.

So, maybe the other party really thinks that he is Xiaoyan's brother.

Bai Changle was determined, he took several sips of wine leisurely.

Seeing this man's calm state, the corners of Lucifer's mouth twitched, but he still didn't get angry, and said slowly, "Could it be that man has no heart?"

Bai Changle paused for the hand holding the wine glass.

In all fairness, it seems that Lu Ye has a lot of eyes...

However, although Bai Changle and Lu Ye often fought each other before, they were just joking among brothers, and when there were foreign enemies, they naturally agreed to speak out.

And now this Lucifer in front of him is a foreign enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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