The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2374 Who Sent You Here

Chapter 2374 Who Sent You Here

After finishing speaking, Lu Ye's chin clicked in the direction Pandora left.

"Good buddy, I owe you once!"

After saying this, the man quickly followed Pandora's footsteps.

A dark light flashed in Lu Ye's eyes, then he turned around and pushed open the door.

He stepped in and closed the door quietly.

Alger didn't raise his head, he closed his eyes slightly, took a puff of cigarette, exhaled a smoke ring, and said, "Pandora, you finished cleaning so quickly?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong, Alger immediately went to touch the gun under the pillow, but a gun had already reached his temple!
Alger slowly raised his head, and saw a man in black wearing sunglasses.

After all, he was a mercenary. Even though he was older and his movements were slower than before, he still had a stronger psychological quality than ordinary people.

Alger asked calmly, "Who are you? Who sent you here?"

"You don't need to know, you just need to... forget some things." Lu Ye smiled slightly, and took out a device about the size of a pen from his pocket. The tip of the pen was jumping with blue electric sparks .

Alger was taken aback for a moment, knowing that he couldn't struggle anymore, he immediately opened his mouth, ready to call for help.

But Lu Ye moved faster, how could he let the other party make any noise?

Lu Ye covered the man's mouth with one hand, and then directly poked the special electric pen on Alger's body.

Like a fish taken out of the sea, Alger struggled hard, but he only struggled three or four times before passing out.

Because of his age, his physical fitness has long been inferior to when he was young.

And I did a strenuous exercise with Pandora just now...

Lu Ye looked at Alger who passed out so quickly, and shook his head.

This physical strength is too poor.

While disgusted, he took out a needle tube very neatly, and injected a tube of transparent liquid into the blood vessel on Alger's arm.

Outside the door, the three men in black had already returned. When they saw that there was no one guarding the door, they immediately changed their expressions and hurried over.

The leading man in black knocked on the door and asked, "Mr. Alger? Are you there?"

He asked for a long time, but no one answered.

The man's face immediately changed.

After exchanging glances with my partners, I immediately decided to break in!

Just when the three of them decided to break in, the door slowly opened.

Lu Ye was holding a tray with some empty plates on it, but there were some oil stains on the plates, indicating that they had been eaten up.

He said cursingly, "This man's temper is really big now, he uses me like he is a slave!"

As Lu Ye spoke, he slowly closed the door.

And the leading man in black saw from the corner of his eye that Alger was already lying on the bed inside, as if he was asleep.

He was a little relieved, and then asked the angry Lu Ye, "Brother, what's the matter?"

"Isn't it this one? I just played with that woman for a while, tsk, obviously he is physically weak, so why did he ask me to make some kind of charcoal-grilled beef loin? I didn't mean him, but he was so old. Even a hundred beef loins won’t make up for it.”

They are all men, and there are some things that can be understood as soon as they are said.

The three men in black also exchanged secretive smiles. Lu Ye saw that they believed it, and added, "This old guy is probably very tired, so he went to bed after eating. But that woman..."

(End of this chapter)

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