The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2383 Pandora's Request

Chapter 2383 Pandora's Request
And at this time, if Pandora takes another step back, she will fall into the sea!
She took a deep breath, raised her head, and said word by word, "Yes, Alger was killed by me, who made this old man want me to be his slave girl! Who am I, Pandora, I think What kind of man would you want, how can you be the slave of this old man! Moreover, when I was so young, he bullied me a lot!"

Hateful people also have pitiful features.

Poor thing, that's no excuse for all the evil she's done.

Lucifer said calmly, "I don't care about your grievances with him. Now that my map is gone, since you admit that you killed it, then you can go to hell to accompany Alger."

"No! Lucifer, if you still want the treasure you found, you can't kill me!"

Pandora raised her chest and said confidently, "Because, before Alger died, I asked him to draw a map for me."

A man like Alger is also very greedy, otherwise he wouldn't have popped up suddenly at this time.

However, he would not take the initiative to give Pandora such a life-saving thing as a map.

At the very least, I won't take the initiative to give it.

Of course, if Pandora had the ability to steal that map, it would be reasonable.

Especially now that Alger is dead...

Pandora saw the movement between Lucifer's brows, and knew that she had made the right bet.

She knew that anyone and anything, in Lucifer's heart, was certainly not as important as that map!

Fortunately, she had been coaxing that old man before, otherwise...

Lucifer's eyebrows relaxed, and he slowly raised his head, "Tell me your conditions?"

Smart people and straightforward people know what to do, which saves each other the most time.

Pandora couldn't help feeling that Lucifer was the most perfect man she had ever seen, handsome and unrestrained, with outstanding temperament, decisive and ruthless, and unparalleled courage.

It's just a pity that this man will never have her in his eyes, and he can't even look down on her.


This man who is like a god in the world of star robbers actually fell in love with Gu Yan? ! ! ! ! !
The woman that Pandora hates the most in her life is Gu Yan!none of them!

Pandora suddenly raised her head, looked at Bai Changle beside her, and then a sneer flashed across the corner of her mouth.

She turned her head and said to Lucifer, "Now that the map is in my hands, I only want half of what you promised to Alger before, but I have one more request."

As long as it is half of what Alger was before, this is actually a good thing for Lucifer, and it is considered to be a little less than when Alger was alive.

He had no reason to disagree.

However, the woman Pandora is not an ordinary woman, her 'but' may be the most important thing!
Lucifer is the kind of person who can take it calmly no matter what happens.

He looked at Pandora quietly, and said calmly, "What request?"

Pandora suddenly stretched out her hand, pointed at Bai Changle, and said to Lucifer, "My request is to kill him!"

Bai Changle was taken aback.

Lucifer's gaze slowly moved to Bai Changle.

Here Pandora is very proud. Although she can't kill Gu Yan now, she can kill Gu Yan's brother first.

Pandora knew that Lucifer must still hesitate, so she added, "Lucifer, you don't need to worry about Gu Yan. Anyway, if you kill this Bai Changle here, Gu Yan will definitely not know, will you? For you Say, there is no loss. Besides, if Gu Yan really finds out in the future, then I killed her brother, not you Lucifer."

(End of this chapter)

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