The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2394 Walking on the tip of the knife

Chapter 2394 Walking on the tip of the knife

The Bai family is naturally very worried about the missing Chang Le and Lu Ye.

But it is also because of the appearance of the three little angels that the atmosphere in this family is not so gloomy.

Gu Yan sighed inwardly, aren't these three little fellows angels sent from heaven?

That afternoon, Qin Lanzhi and Lu Haiyang also came.

When Qin Lanzhi came in, she originally wanted to see the child directly, but she actually had some complaints about Gu Yan.

But when she saw that Gu Yan had lost a lot of weight, she realized that it was not easy for Gu Yan to go out alone for more than two years.

But Qin Lanzhi never understood why Gu Yan, a good medical student, had to do such a dangerous job?

There is already Ah Ye doing such a dangerous job at home, why does Gu Yan still want to go?
Qin Lanzhi's mood was very contradictory.

But before coming to Bai's house, Lu Haiyang and Mr. Lu had already done psychological work for her, saying that it's not easy for her to be pretty, and if you, a mother-in-law, say something bad, it will make her children feel chilled.

Therefore, although Qin Lanzhi still has opinions on Gu Yan in his heart, seeing that this child has indeed had a hard time in the past two years, and also gave birth to three grandchildren for their Lu family, Qin Lanzhi finally put away all the complaints. They all pressed back.

And after seeing Gu Yan, she said awkwardly, "You girl, people are fat after giving birth, and you are still thin? Let me tell you, although you young people like to be slim, it is impossible to overdo it." Lose weight, that will hurt your body."

The smile on the corner of Gu Yan's mouth paused slightly.

I have to say that Qin Lanzhi is indeed Lu Ye's mother.

Because when Lu Ye first saw Gu Yan before, he also said that people will get fat when they are pregnant and have children, but how could you lose weight?

In the tone, there is a deep sense of concern.

After Qin Lanzhi said this, she hurriedly went upstairs to the nursery to see the baby.

Seeing the expression on Gu Yan's face, Lu Haiyang paused, worried that Gu Yan would think too much, and immediately explained, "Xiao Yan, don't think too much, your mother-in-law has no other intentions, she actually cares about you, But, it’s just a little hard to speak.”

"No, I'm fine, I know my mother-in-law cares about me," Gu Yan paused, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes, "I just miss Ah Ye..."

Qin Lanzhi had already gone upstairs, she couldn't hear what the people downstairs said.

Mentioning the disappearance of his only son, Lu Haiyang also sighed deeply.

He said, "Xiaoyan, as a family member of the Star Warrior, in fact, sometimes, you have to be mentally prepared."

"Aye, nothing will happen! He and my brother will definitely return safely!" Gu Yan raised her head suddenly and said stubbornly.

Seeing Gu Yan like this, Lu Haiyang finally sighed helplessly without saying anything.

None of them wanted anything to happen between Ah Ye and Chang Le.

However, their profession is to walk on the tip of the knife and dance with danger, maybe one day...

Lu Haiyang is also a Star Warrior. When he was young, he also performed some very dangerous missions. He still remembers that dangerous mission, and his companion was about to die right in front of his eyes...

As a father, Lu Haiyang naturally hoped that his son Lu Ye would return safely.

But as a Star Warrior, he knew better that the longer the time dragged on, the worse the result might be!

He didn't give up either.

People from Xuelang's side have already sent out a small team to look for it, while Lu Haiyang and Bai Jianjun's side, commander-level figures, have also sent people to find the whereabouts of Lu Ye and Bai Changle.


So far, no news at all!
(End of this chapter)

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