The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2402 Her smile is full of sweetness

Chapter 2402 Her smile is full of sweetness
However, Guo Rou here will be [-] in two or three years, and Gongsun Yu is already older than Guo Rou, so it looks like she is going to be four.

Gongsun Yu must also like children, but in his eyes, I am afraid that Guo Rou and Guo Rou's ideals are the most important.

Among the three children, the most popular one is naturally Xiaogongju Xiaoyu.

In Xie Luan's words, this little girl's smile is full of sugar.

This is sweet.

And this little girl is very smart.

Originally, Qin Lanzhi was a bit patriarchal, but seeing Xiao Yu's sweet smile, she rushed to hug her every day.

As for the oldest of the triplets, Xiao Mufeng, he is a little warm boy, with fleshy and warm hands, and super well-behaved and sensible, every time he feeds his younger brothers and sisters first, even if he is very hungry, he will not cry Nao, obediently wait for the last to eat.

Bai Jianxun joked next to him. He said, this kid will grow up in the future, it will be terrible, and he will have to be chased by a group of little girls.

However, Xiao Hanze has the coolest personality among the triplets.

This little guy, who usually looks cool and flamboyant to everyone, is just in front of Gu Yan, so he will restrain himself a little.

Other times, when he was looking at people, he was just like a little adult, with his little chin raised, with an expression like you are coming to serve this young master.

And he has a big temper.

Except for this little sister, Xiao Yu, no one else will let her go.

Of course, this also fails in front of Gu Yan.

Looking at these three little people with very different personalities, Guo Rou felt her heart melt into water. She suddenly thought, what kind of personality would she and Gongsun Yu's child have?
Gu Yan tucked up the quilt for Xiao Mufeng, then looked at Guo Rou, and asked, "Guo Rou, what are you thinking?"

"Gu Yan... don't they all say that girls are more like their fathers, and boys are more like their mothers?"

"I'm talking about most of them, and there must be others. These three in my family, in terms of personality, can be regarded as directly mixing the personalities of me and Ah Ye."

Guo Rou nodded, she felt the same way.

Seeing that she was still distracted, Gu Yan said, "If you and Gongsun Yu's child...if it's a girl, like Gongsun Yu, then your son-in-law will be miserable in the future."

Gongsun Yu is as smart as a fox.

Guo Rou couldn't help but think, if they had a daughter in the future who was as black-bellied as Gongsun Yu...

She immediately shook her head and said firmly, "No, no, the father and the daughter are both too smart, wouldn't I be at a loss? So, I must have a son in the future!"

Seeing that Guo Rou's attention was shifted to the child, Gu Yan also breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't want her friends who hadn't seen her for many years to be sad because of her own problems.

But Gu Yan didn't know, Guo Rou didn't mention the disappearance of Lu Ye and the others on the surface, and before leaving, she kept talking about the child.

But when Guo Rou got home, she couldn't wait to call Gongsun Yu.

"You go home immediately, I have something big to discuss with you!"

"What's the big deal?" Gongsun Yu was used to his daughter-in-law's tone, so he knew that nothing would happen in the end.

But this time...

Guo Rou said righteously on the phone, "I'm going to elope with someone!"

Gongsun Yu: ...

motor!This is a big deal!
(End of this chapter)

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